General Discussion

General DiscussionTiny, to blink or not to blink, that is the question

Tiny, to blink or not to blink, that is the question in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I only really play safe lane carry tiny. I usually get bottle, power treads, drums. Then I have to decide whether to go aghs or blink. Blink seems like the choice but idk, fast aghs, skip blink altogether, then build ac and manta, that's end game shit right there. I'm pretty bad at ganking so maybe I should skip blink and focus on farm.

    What do you do?


      for safelane tiny you usually skip dagger
      blink is important in early ganks due to high burst damage from skills, and you need lvls to do it <=> its a good option for solomid tiny

      Dire Wolf

        I hate solo mid tiny, is it any good any more? Don't storm, qop, lina shit all over him?


          you need to ask Ynit


            mid tiny is rather unusual atm, havent seen one for a long while. also its more common for low skill bracket btw.


              In my opinion you should always build blink on tiny, even on the safe lane. Without it you have no way no iniciate and to catch enemies.

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                Why buy bottle for safelane tiny? I've yet to understand this. Your goal is to farm your not running to the rune so why bottle?


                  Soul ring > Tranquil boots -> spam ur spells for pushing lane and farming jungle, get agha in 15 minutes, start pushing, won the game without teamfight.

                  This is how i play tiny in my shitty rank


                    ^And Tranquils do nothing for you now as tiny

                    casual gamer

                      treads + soul ring/bottle = infinite mana for tony


                        When I played some games a couple of months ago with tiny i rushed agha and carried my team from min 0


                          Ganking with runes. Getting MoM etc.
                          Win every 1v1 fight with ez if Tiny was mid

                          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                            tiny is useless without blink.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Bottle seems to help me farm better. If you stack any camps or want to push a lane quickly his nuke toss combo is nice for that, then just run by the rune back to jungle. I'm not usually contesting the runes before like min 10, not really in lane, it's more for farming. Plus he has very low base armor so if you do any jungle you take a lot of dmg. And considering you can sell it later, it's only 350g, way better than buying consumables or spending money on mana regen/lifesteal items that aren't that good on tiny.

                              What about bassy though? Legit?

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              casual gamer

                                basi is core if your trilane is contested, it gives supports 2 armor

                                basi regen by itself is not enough to sustain your mana though, and you run out of slots fast with basi bottle stout qblade treads


                                  I opened a thread about him before, check it out:
                                  Some good comments there, the one I incorporated to my build is the "MOM" advice from Zenoth. It's really powerful.

                                  For Safe Lane Hard Carry Tiny:
                                  I go Treads --> Soul Ring --> Drums
                                  Just with this, he already can unleash lots of damage during mid game.
                                  Special Mention is the Soul Ring - This is really helpful in pro-longed and unexpected clashes/ganks.
                                  There were countless times when I could have killed a lot more but there was no more mana.

                                  I then go Aghanim's Scepter --> MOM --> Manta --> Assault Cuirass

                                  For Mid "Ganker" Tiny where you have a viable hard carry ally:
                                  Bottle --> Drums --> Arcane Boots --> Blink
                                  Drums can be optional depending on how good your laning phase is.
                                  Then, Dagon 5 --> Hex --> Assault Cuirass

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    i think solo mid tiny is still viable against the less mobile mids like zeus for example. he can just straight blow them up at level 6/7 with boots and one misplay from them...

                                    I think the decision to get a blink on him relies on if you think it will basically pay for it self after a few minutes if you dont think you can immediatly win fights with it because your team needs you, id just pass, i think a faster aghs accelerates your actual farm etc etc...

                                    Also, ive never struggled to LH with tinys Damage, more of his attack speed, please dont buy a QB on tiny.

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                      I tried mom on tiny a few times thought of trying it out of the blue. Worked good i need to experiment with it more.


                                        if early game a blink with a null talisman should do the work on almost every enemy hero otherwise go aga assault etc and rape dem biches


                                          otherwise tinker is the key

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            You don't need QB in lane but once you start rotating QB is great for cutting down trees and jungling. And when you consider you sell it off, 125g is nothing for what it provides.


                                              Tiny is useless without io on mid lane

                                              the realm's delight

                                                no, the question is go fuck urself

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  That's not really a question. It would more be like, to fuck or not fuck one's self?