General Discussion

General DiscussionDumbest thing I heard today....

Dumbest thing I heard today.... in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    Domo says "Bane counters Troll"

    Are people honestly this stupid?

    Call me where in a game of people that can breath out of their mouth and click their mouse you win cause of this....

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      he is right

      Bane -3.83%

      but u can't understand cuz 3k


        anything that pierces bkb counters troll

        and bane has one of the best bkb piercing ultimate ingame

        he also got damage removal which does alot at all stages of the the game

        and ofc sleep is da shiet against everything

        Last picking is 4 pussies

          efextoide perfect I was just explaining to someone how south American servers in VHS is the equivalent of NA servers on normal.

          Last picking is 4 pussies

            BTW yes it could be considered a counter but find me a game where your able to pull this off and it probably has 2 things.

            -a lopsided game in general

            -a really bad team that has troll on it which basically is the first bullet point.


              er yeah he does , troll is just so good at the mo that he can over come his direct counters in pubs. what would you create a post calling the guy stupid when he isnt wrong?

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                Could it counter him yes but how many times does it happen that it would work? It still a 2v1 effort Bane/teammate to kill one troll if this even remotely possible.

                Any 5v5 engagement I think we know how this works out.

                So yes in theory its right in reality its about the smallest % chance of thing to happen possible. Zip to the pro game you wont even be able to get your q ability on troll while he safelane farms.

                Reality and theory are not at the same location.