General Discussion

General Discussionleaked 6.84 patch notes

leaked 6.84 patch notes in General Discussion
All Might

    here are the patch notes for 6.84, leaked.

    -ursa cosmetic update, ursa will now wear a dress (color is changeable)
    -juggernaut, sniper and troll nerf, whenever one of the previous is picked, player is forced to put 1 hand in his behind for the duration of the game.
    -puck voice-over update, puck now has a low-pitched male voice.
    -puck cosmetic update, puck now has a female reproduction organ
    -juggernaut base damage decreased by 45 (previously 50-53)
    -troll can now switch between lunatic mode or coward mode (previously ranged and melee mode) in lunatic mode trolls movement is no longer under control of the player, attacks will happen at random. In coward mode , troll can only attack when the clock hits multiples of 10s
    -sniper atack range decreased by 400 (now slightly more then melee range)
    -earth spirit boulder smash, range increased by 1000 (now pushes block approximately halfway acros the map)
    -storm spirit now has 2 nuts in stead of 1
    - legion commander va-jeey-jeey has been removed and replaced by a male one.
    -meepo now gets 2 clones with every level of his ultimate, now going to a max of 10 meepos with aghaim, with the 10th one being gay
    -added a randomly distributed chance of lina giving a b-j
    -crystal maiden improved breast size
    -clockwork now tells you the time every 10 secs
    -if you alt-click on your portret your hero immediately poops and apologizes
    -bane now puts the hero as well as the player behind it to sleep.
    -tinker now has the added ability of fixinng your computer.

    some changes might be prone to change before the update comes out






          cz blaze it thats why

          King of Low Prio


            the realm's delight





                  I chuckled

                  Village Whore

                    Well Played!


                      Apparently my sense of humour is vastly different that OP's, because i find this as unfunny as it can get. But well, im an old, sad man.



                        plz do


                          3 booty cheeks


                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                              Joke came too early and I stopped reading the rest.




                                  here are the patch notes for 6.84, leaked.

                                  -ursa cosmetic update теперь урса носит платье
                                  -juggernaut, sniper and troll nerf, теперь для игры за них потребуются 2 руки
                                  -puck voice-over update, пак теперь имеет низкий мужской голос
                                  -puck cosmetic update, пак теперь имеет женский репродуктивный орган
                                  -juggernaut базовый урон уменьшен до 45
                                  -sniper дальность атаки уменьшена до 400, теперь это мили герой
                                  -earth spirit boulder smash, дальность увеличена на 1000 (теперь камень может лететь через всю карту)
                                  -storm spirit теперь имеет 2 яйца вместо одного
                                  -meepo теперь имеет по 2 клона накаждый уровень ульты, с аганимом 10, причем десятый будет геем
                                  -добавлен случайный шанс получения минета от лины
                                  -crystal maiden увеличена грудь
                                  -clockwork теперь говорить сколько время каждые 10 секунд
                                  -если ты альт-кликаешь на портрет своего героя - он незамедлительно какает и извиняется
                                  -bane теперь усыпляет героя, а также человека играющего за него
                                  -tinker добавлена способность починки вашего ПК


                                    So legion now has a male vagina?


                                      I would take anything. This patch needs to fucking die, its soooo boring to watch and shite to play.


                                        this was fun, merits a watch 100% hoohohoho

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          Guessing you were glad sniper was on your team for high ground defense?


                                            "-added a randomly distributed chance of lina giving a b-j"

                                            How does this work?


                                              The Lina part was funny I chickled

                                              Das Claw

                                                New Clockwerk patch in 6.84:

                                                - Battery assault reworked to Chrono Hexagon. Same effects as battery assault, but the effect is now a small hexagonal Chronosphere.
                                                - Power Cogs reworked, replaced with a global sound effect on each :00 and :30 timer. Automatically cogs the nearest neutral or enemy creep on the minimap.
                                                - Rocket Flare now has a 2 second cast point, but casts Assassinate on one random (including creeps) target hit by rocket flare.
                                                - Hookshot renamed to Timewalkshot, Functionally the same; but plays the timewalk spell effect when moving.

                                                New Troll warlord changes:
                                                - Starts with -5 armor
                                                - Berserkers Rage now has an internal bash cooldown of 3 seconds whenever a unit is bashed.
                                                - Whirling axes (Ranged) and (Melee) are functionally swapped. Ranged axes now cause a blind, and melee axes cause a slow.
                                                - Battle Trance is now a global debuff on the enemy team (excluding buildings); which functionally causes every unit to be affected by Fervor at 4 stacks (attack speed applies to any friendly unit attacking). Stacks with troll warlord's fervor.

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