General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes Dota 2 have a talentless community?

Does Dota 2 have a talentless community? in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    I'm not saying i'm pro, i'm not saying good, i hope you understand that, even though you'll probably still want to down play me. From my observations, People on here (and on Dota 2) seem to get this weird sense of satisfaction in telling people " you're not as good as you think you are, you belong in this bracket for a reason " which most of the time does hold true, but why do people feel a little better inside when they tell others that? Don't say it's not true, you know it's true, i just thought that was interesting.

    Here's another thing, imagine someone having a speech after a big tournament for a video game (that's not Dota 2) and he says " I want to thank the sponsors, i want to thank the teams, i want to thank our TALENTED community for making each year more and more interesting with high level play than the next, and finally the casual fans for showing up today.

    Why do i feel like if i were that guy, i couldn't say the same thing about that talented part? I know i'll get bashed for this, but Dota 2 is a complicated game, but i don't think it's THAT hard, i think the people just make it hard, i also think the community is talent less, am i wrong to think that? Think before you get mad and say something like "you're a low level player, you don't know what you're talking about" or " boy, someone thinks they're good." The community is filled with tons of negativity, nobody helps each other (obviously i use the word "nobody" loosely) most people have Dunning Kruger syndrome, and most people are just stubborn and selfish. I've never met a community so toxic. The whole point of this thread: Is Dota 2 really that hard? Or does everybody suck, and is the community is just talent less in general? Thoughts? I personally think that the game is deep just like any other game (well most games if it's nature), but the people are what make it hard. It's crazy to know that i got reported for going 18-4 with Slark the other day, just cause " i was being a "janitor" and only stealing kills." Well that's what the 1-9 Axe, 2-13 Silencer, and 3-9 sniper said on my team anyways, must be true. (we still lost btw)

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    EZ MID 9k mmr

      You're a very good player, community is just toxic.

      Report system is completely broken also you deserve higher MMR, your team mates are holding you behind.


        ^ +1




            From your normal skill view dota maybe doesn't look so hard.

            But as you'll get in higher skill level games, you will start realising how fucking hard and complicated dota is.

            Livin' Real Good

              @ affinity

              Yawn* you bore me, never mind, exactly why this community never grows.

              I'm fully aware that i have yet to understand the deeper complexity of the game, i just think everyone (even me, so fuck off) including you, sucks. End of discussion, i guess.

              Questo commento è stato modificato
              Jesus Christ, Connoisseur...

                Everyone sucks at dota... even pros. People are toxic in the community but getting through that is a part of becoming a *better* dota player.


                  Your argument is extremely weak.

                  Suppose dota was a tiny community and you suggested this possibility it might have been somewhat possible. This is game with millions of players worldwide... you're telling me every single one of them is talentless? You understand how mathematically close to impossible that is, right? And you do realize to have a proper grasp and a MINIMUM one at that, you would want to play against every hero several times to play the game properly? Thats a learning curve of several hundred hours to understand how to not be stupid at this game.

                  And yes, because you're ''normal skill'' you don't understand how hard this game is. Have you watched 6k streamers give the analogy and thinking processes behind their decisions? They can literally explain for half an hour over just the first 5 minutes of the laning stage. And its not all blabber but coherent and relevant stuff.


                    at the pinnacle of ignorance people are ignorant of their own ignorance

                    such is the way of knowledge and truth

                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                      I'm going to let you in on something OP.

                      I was actually being sarcastic! Ahaha rekt you good!


                        dotabuff always delivers

                        plz do

                          "you're not as good as you think you are, you belong in this bracket for a reason " which most of the time does hold true, but why do people feel a little better inside when they tell others that?"
                          - simple psychology. it is self preserving behaviour, which is normal and due to internet anonymity, it can be aggressive and anti-social without consequences.

                          " I've never met a community so toxic."
                          - have u ever met other communities? examples? sources? due to ur 1000 games and still normal skill, it seems like u just reached the surface of the dota community. if u want to play dota, u need to learn to deal with it in a productive way.
                          - there is very high success-pressure in dota. Maybe because dota2 is all about statistics and numbers. Its easy to say one is better/worse because of a low number.
                          - the in-game chat is in the center of ur screen. its hard to ignore criticsm, flaming, etc.

                          "The whole point of this thread: Is Dota 2 really that hard? Or does everybody suck, and is the community is just talent less in general? Thoughts?"
                          - find urself a 5k mmr acc and play 10 games. You will see talent and genuine players. Before that its mostly copypasta gameplay. Ask urself how much u really know about the game and how much u need to know/learn/play in order to be "talented".
                          - Dota is also hard work not only talent.
                          - what Jiyo said.
                          - Dota has a very talented community and the skill niveau will increase week by week, patch by patch.
                          - being butthurt is good. it helps getting better.


                            "i just think everyone (even me, so fuck off) including you, sucks."

                            I don't suck, fuck off.


                              whats the english word for "годнота"?


                                I woudl've probably known If I went to school/uni in Russia but I didn't :cheeky:

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  Considering how many people play this game its safe to assume, that this community is as talented in terms of "gaming skills" as any other community. The sample is simply big enough, that the statistical average is viable.

                                  Is this community toxic? Yes, welcome to the internet. The question you should ask yoursefl is, whether its MORE toxic than other communities. I think that the outcome is that its more toxic strictly because the game is highly competitive, the pressure is there and its within human nature to relieve the pressure by falming and blaming others.

                                  "I know i'll get bashed for this, but Dota 2 is a complicated game, but i don't think it's THAT hard"

                                  On the contrary, the game is MUCH HARDER than it seems, because even though the vast number of mechanics and information that you need to get used to is already overwhelming, what makes you "good" in this game is game sense, timing, "making it work". The skill curve is really insane.


                                    Why normal skill autists are always the loudest and the smartest, when in reality, they know shit about the game.


                                      Honestly in normal skill level the people around you probably do suck comparitively but those people playing 6k mmr I'd say are pretty good at the game

                                      To say everyone sucks is just stupid. About 10 million players play DOTA 2 and I am sure some of them are good and I don't get how someone who is not really skilled at the game (probably worse compared to probably more then half of DOTA players) can say everyone sucks.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                      bum farto

                                        I have to say about 3 years ago when I got an invite to the beta and the game had like a hand full of heroes and all the skill icons were done in ms Paint the game was a lot better. People had fun which is something they don't do anymore.

                                        People need to stop caring about a number in a game that you will probably stop playing as time goes on, then you will look back at everything and wonder why the hell you cared at all. Its like that girl you broke up with where you thought it was the end of the world but now you're drowning in women and you don't even remember her name.

                                        I am muted

                                          hahahahaha normal skill. Well played. Its like a new golfer telling Tiger Woods that golf is simple. Just hit ball and get it into the hole am I right? kappa


                                            ^^nice comparison, havoc

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              Why i always want to smash my face on the keyboard when i see such threads from players like you Mr.YorKeY.
                                              I would have quited dota at first 100 games if i were you really its really embarassing u are not for this game
                                              and yes i flame you cause u posted a thread that doesnt make a fyyqing sense. who? YOU.

                                              i feel sorry for you i read about 1/4 of ur post and you need medical treatment
                                              i had not flame for like 2 days , well yeah thats a comeback

                                              damn where is megapenis to show u the way of talented player gamestyle

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                Sometimes I wonder how would people on this forum be like if MMR and game skill would be hidden again. :)


                                                  you can still compare your avg. enemies and my enemies gameplay and see the difference^


                                                    Grab a basketball, shoot it in the hoop, you score easy.
                                                    Put 9 players inside with the same objective and everything becomes different.

                                                    Wake up in the morning, go to the office 2 hours earlier, you'll be on time.
                                                    Leave as per normal time together with millions of others, and you'll be honking all over.

                                                    Court a girl, impress her, make her fall in love, you'll have a partner.
                                                    Consider 5 more guys better than you who also likes her, and you'll be looking for another girl instead.

                                                    Play dota 2, add bots you win easy.
                                                    Add 9 more humans? Go figure.

                                                    At its simplest context, anything in life is easy, the convolution of humans is what makes it complicated.


                                                      @TOCA TOCA TOCA: I'm talking about people trash talking and getting their panties in a bunch because of numbers and shit. It's a fucking game, you play it to have some fun not for a 4 digit number.

                                                      The only number I take seriously is that which shows up in my bank account.

                                                      As a side note, I'm curious to see when some dude exploiting this game will finally end up having 9999 MMR (which I believe is the max from some bug steam had a while ago showing me I had 9999 solo and party MMR).


                                                        Apart from toxicness.

                                                        The number of different skill you need to master in order to be good are so vast, that it's pretty easy to find som1 that don't have a clue about some of them that you master (even of the 2nd player is at the exact same level as you)
                                                        You'll be inpotent to actually judge what he master, cause you are too bad to even notice a skill that you don't know about.
                                                        And the 2nd player would be in the exact same case, thus both of you could flame eachother about being noob, while you are both very good at certain skill, but differents one.


                                                          im talking with facts i dont trashtalking without reason^ fun is fun thats why you both play in normal skill
                                                          if u want to be a clown and u play like one , thats your place
                                                          for people beeing actually better at this game there are other brackets and 4 digits that improve you and ur competitive gamestyle and knowledge. its just a game i can schedule my irl and dota and still be cool at both of them , i dont even have 1000 games with all my accounts together lol..

                                                          9999 was events bugg that showed that btw

                                                          u can call me Fyyq



                                                            ^^flamerino, gg wp. go next. forum warrior 5000

                                                            I am muted

                                                              you realize that the people who understands that there are so much elements in dota 2 to understand and master are the ones that are actually good in dota 2. eg matrice. #notdicksuckinghere

                                                              no rank invite - caverncrawl

                                                                1000 games and still in normal bracket... i don't think you should be starting this thread bro. once you get to very high tier then we'll talk(btw checked you matches tab and queried very high skill you have no games there yet).

                                                                but overall, community is very toxic indeed. im saying this just from playing SEA servers :p


                                                                  the less you know and the weaker your opponents, the simplier you consider this game.

                                                                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      Your arguments are invalid and stupid, which you cannot realize since you are bad at this game yourself and therefore have no understanding on how the game should be placed in the first place.

                                                                      I told you already u'd be amazed at how many mistakes you do and how much you actually don't know and suck compared to most people in this forum.


                                                                        So many talents here

                                                                        EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                          How can talent be real when our eyes aren't real?


                                                                            idk i played a lot of games, and everytime when there is competition ppl are toxic. the competition part touches to the ego/pride, and brings the me>u to the picture, so it generates rivality and the need to prove to others that you > them and other negative feelings which lead to toxic behaviour.

                                                                            from my own experience, when i am in a tryhard phase, i care so much for the win that i will tell everyone what to do and check everything they do the entire game, the simpliest mistake someone makes will make me super mad and i'll flame them hard (especially if they are fucktards) whereas when im in a phase like now when i dont give a shit about the game i will be nice and chill and even laugh at mistakes and make them myself. (cuz idc bout wining/competition/ppl's impression of me)

                                                                            ppl want to win for the points in order to be able to 'proove' that they are betters than others. -> which leads to a positive feeling for them cuz it makes em feel superior.

                                                                            so in conclusion the more you care about winning, the more toxic u'll be, cuz when u dont win u accumulate frustration, anger, etc.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              everyone is shit and talentless in this game.


                                                                                im the only exception.

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                    im just a boy losing some games of dota 2


                                                                                      ^ur "brilliant" winrate this month is still 2% higher than my one.


                                                                                        Eh Dota is one of the most I'm depth games out there that is actually popular . Especially decision making/ teamwork wise.