General Discussion

General DiscussionGrinding MMR as offlane.

Grinding MMR as offlane. in General Discussion

    Do you think solid and legit 6k player would be able to have at least 80% winrate as offlane position in 4k bracket?

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      I would have to say no.


        If they go offlane with Troll/Sniper/Axe, probably.


          Yeah if they pick brood centaur ES

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              How do you offlane as Morph? Can you explain it?

              Do you think you'd be able to do it with Windrunner or Puck?

              Low Expectations

                Max stun, get soulring stun stuff.


                  I'm finding offlane Zeus very strong lately. It's comparable to str morph how strong it is honestly.


                    dont do it if enemy has aba though
                    when i play 4k bracket and pick es i usually win so i guess 6k es player can do 80% winrate there

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                        yes, but not with every hero. QoP, earthspirit, zeus, bristleback, timbersaw,broodmother probably gonna work.
                        also i guess winrate gonna be a bit lower - 65-70%.

                        morph not gonna work since str morph is real position 3 and has to rely too much on his teammates.

                        Execute Order 322

                          Surprisingly, I've found solo offlane like quite a good way for solo climbing. Whether I was picking mid or safe lane farmer, offlaners (in 95% of the games it was dual offlane) were performing extremely badly. It feels like people don't get the idea of this role correctly. In the major part of my games they were afk-farming and constantly asking mid for gank even in absolutely unsuitable situation or feeding intensively while spamming "wp" by the wheel chat. Imo, the main idea of position 3 is staying solo, carefully leeching xp to get lvl 6 and then getting immediately started with ganking mid/enemy offlane in order to create some space for your cores. When I get solo offlane, I am usually quite sure that I will be able to put a solid contribution into the game.

                          plz do

                            nobody feels the charm of being offlaner. Also, I get too impatient often, because I cannot leech xp well enough and reach lvl 6 >10 min. but i guess i dont play that pos enough - my fav offlaner is phoenix and current meta just shits on him - so he stays a situational pick.

                            In 4k noob trench i made the experience that u can find good supps and good carries and good mids. but rarly good offlaners. a good offlaner has huge impact and wins games - because suddenly game is ez for the rest of the team. thanks to map and crowd control.

                            So i would suggest offlane to anyone who feels like climbin out of 4k cancer and has the skillz and ballz.

                            Hide The Pain - Herald

                              Time to go full retard. Gonna experiment playing only timbersaw whatever the picks are on each side.

                              This will be goood.....

                              Execute Order 322

                                First-picked timbersaw will be immediately countered by heroes with silences/typical orchid builders and especially storm spirit. Timber is totally useless vs him. Spamming timbersaw is a bad idea, dude.


                                  ^^i wanted to try that, but thought that it woukd be bad even i succeed and become some1 like attacker when he played kunkka only. its way better to learn other heroes playing in the skill bracket you really belong to, and if one abuses his signature hero, he gets to the mmr level where everyone plays roughly as good as this guy pkays his best hero.

                                  ^timbersaw is not rly bad against storm, ss cant burst him down, and timber burns his mana and once he has hex, ss starts to fear him. there are tons of greater counters to timbersaw - jugger, skywrath, witchdoctor, zeus, necrophos, etc.

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                                  Hide The Pain - Herald

                                    Don worry folks I'm just doing it for fun, no pressure dota and its an experiment. I pick last 100% of the time anyway unless someone is afk, no way in hell I'm first picking it.

                                    jugger is fine to play against, fastest fingers first can make him fall out of ulti with a timely chain. the silence heroes are always a pain in the ass. Regardless i shall face my counters head on fearlessly and pray that i someday reach a skill level where a counter just isn't that much of a counter anymore, thats what items are for anyway can build accordingly.


                                      ^arent u over 4k or smthng? cz we play in rather close skill brackets then, and its weird that u dont consider jugger to be ur counter. actually, its worst possible carry to lane against by far, jugger just shits on timbersaw. in late game as well btw.

                                      Hide The Pain - Herald

                                        he is not the best match-up for sure, but haven't really had too much trouble with him. Maybe just been lucky and dodging the dudes that play him well.


                                          idk, i feel like jugg should be pain in the ass even if hes not rly good
                                          mb ur playstyle is better against this hero than my one

                                          theorically, you cant do shit because
                                          1) you cant lock hin down fast cz spin has no casting time (unlike am's blink, for example, that takes less than a second to be used, but yet long enough to let you damage him with chakram, chain, and whirling death before he gets away)
                                          2) reactive armor doesnt help much cz his crits are too strong, you cant afford taking that much damage, so you are afraid to contest his farm even if hes solo laning
                                          3) you cant harras him succesfully cz once he summons healing ward it becomes useless. neither you can kill this ward cz you are melee.
                                          4) omnislash cancels your timberchain if casted in proper time (thats pretty easy: once you throw ur chain, you can no longer cancel it, and if jugg ults you, you cant get away for 4 more seconds)
                                          5) you cant run away from him once he gets mom-yasha except by cliff-chaining cz hes too damn fast. even abusing timberchain every 4 seconds wont help, the animation is not fast enough.

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                                          Not My Circus, Not My Mon...

                                            Your Absolutely right. I don't really know actually, maybe in most of my cases i get a team dota perspective so haven't thought too much about it and you know me, I'm abit of a ghost scepter wh*re.

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                                                Dunno but morph offlane seems hard for me..

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                                           ez lyfe even tho i fucked up skil build


                                                      sky was retarded, but had some good combos with gyro and bs silence

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