General Discussion

General DiscussionWhole evening only shit games...

Whole evening only shit games... in General Discussion

    Well i could cry now that this one game no one could gank dusa (despite i dominated the lane with undy), or the other game our PL dived fountine while enemy has all rax, or the last game shit pick with disco by offlane after 3 min.

    Anyway post some funny stuff or stuff you do/say to yourselfe when you have/had a fkshit dota day and only thing you want is to uninstall.

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      Do people actually try more in captains mode?


        A few month ago it needed > 10 min to find a cap game, atm it is around 5 min i enjoy that alot - also i like ppl choosing for me what to play ;)

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