General Discussion

General DiscussionC9 vs TT

C9 vs TT in General Discussion
casual gamer

    why did pa go mkb vs only beastmaster evasion and not daedalus? she had enough money to swap for mkb later if sniper got bfly and the extra burst would go a long way for making the bkb and satanic charges better


      Build crit on pa realllly?


        ^ WHATS THE PROBLEM????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

        casual gamer

          the crit works independent of CdG; the only negative synergy is that CdG procs prevent daedalus from proccing, in all other ways they stack.

          and yes, the +damage amps her ult and daedalus really improves the damage from phantom strike with 1-2 normal crits pretty much guaranteed if you don't proc ult

          i really just don't think MKB was the item for that game, I guess you could argue for skadi or something but her damage was really underwhelming. at one point she blink struck phoenix and hit him for 2-3 seconds without killing him, he pops egg gg ez


            Mkb is like one of the best damage items tho honestly its like mkb or abyssal blade going critical on pa when her ult is a passive crit is redundant....


              Abyssal is almost always better than mkb.

              casual gamer

                she already had abyssal, the game lasted 90 minutes

                crit before abyssal is p much never a good idea yeah

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  Why not refresher as 6 item to refresh abyssal bkb etc. havent watched the game yet.


                    yeah, crit is legit on PA. even when she does have cup of grace, there will be attacks where it doesn't proc and daedelus will, which gives more dps than MKB does.

                    the chance of a daedelus proc being wasted as a cdg proc happened at the same time (using random distribution rather than PRD) is 0.15 x 0.25 = 0.0375 or a 3.75% chance. so every 100 attacks, instead of getting 15 cdg crits and 25 daedelus crits, you get 15 cdg crits and 21.25 daedelus crits.

                    or if you think of it this way, out of 100 attacks, 15 of them are going to be cdg crits, so that leaves you with 85 that can possibly be daedelus crits. with a 25% chance to proc, 25% of that 85 (which is 21.25 out of 100) will be daedelus crits, effectively giving you a 21.25% chance to crit with daed if you are a PA.

                    normally a daed gives 35% damage increase to heroes without critical strike(0.25x chance for +1.4x damage), with PA it's still a good ~30% increase (0.2125x chance for +1.4x damage), which is still better than the +7 damage, 15 attack speed and the 35 average magic damage of the minibash that the MKB has over the daedelus.

                    vs phoenix, 15 attack speed is only like an extra half an attack over the course of 6s (duration of supernova), so it's not because of that.

                    anyways i was hoping TT would do what EE did back in MLG columbus. chen sendback into blink and start hitting towers.


                      mkb is not a good damage item lol, it's suboptimal unless you are against evasion. why do u think pa is so fucking annoying to play against? because carries don't want to go mkb when there are better damage items like abbysal or daedelus.


                        pa already had refresher