General Discussion

General DiscussionGot to 4K now...

Got to 4K now... in General Discussion

    What are the new challenges? What's different from 3k?

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      yo sista


        Slightly less idiots in terms of skill. People in general have basic knowleadge & make much less mistakes (but still a lot). This is also the most toxic bracket - everyone think he is the next Dendi. This is the bracket were I was first time sent to LP, because of reports. People sometimes will report u if u do even one minor mistake(extreme case, but it happens). This is also the bracket where many smurfs/booster play, before 4k it's very very rare. Also important thing - don't ever think that 4k is sth good & all people u meet can play the game well, it's pretty unskilled bracket. Don't expect miracles from it.


          nono, 4k is realy bad.
          i mean you can't expect 4k to play good or bad, one game he can go 20 - 3 other game 5 - 13.
          very inconsistent and limited hero pool.
          but most of 4k can hit creeps (not miss mos creeps in a FREE lane).


            Pretty much the same as 3k but a bit harder xD


              dango - that's the exact problem I have. I can stomp one game & play like 5k+ player. Then next game I play like 3k player, miss all last hits, feed like crazy etc. 4k is very inconsistent, I agree. Also there is a problem with Troll/Jugger/Sniper pickers, who got 4k & are 3k players.


                The challenge is that you have to overcome walls of caustic text and shouting on the microphone.
                You can cheat by muting everyone though.


                  ^if that's the challange then I should have an easy road to 5k xd, your 5k your self right?, do you know any significant mistakes an average 4k player makes?


                    havoc filthy sniper picker half year ago......


                      This game must be very old, I don't consider aghs a viable item for razor any more :(

                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                        As I inch closer to 4k. 200 off I've actually hard far easier wins but probably just fortunate.

                        My take away is people will be very oponionated on charecter select screen. When I fell to 3400 good luck getting any communication. Hit 3800 everyone tells you what to play and not constantly.

                        casual gamer

                          being put with 5k players and feeding