General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy KDA > win rate on profile history in DBuff?

Why KDA > win rate on profile history in DBuff? in General Discussion

    Why KDA > win rate on profile history in DBuff?

    I dont know how to insert a picture so I did a copy paste instead

    Hero Matches Played Win Rate KDA Ratio

    Riki 23 60.87% 3.44

    Nature's Prophet 7 57.14% 0.89

    Faceless Void 4 25.00% 1.46

    Phantom Assassin 4 75.00% 1.38

    Sniper 4 75.00% 1.14


      IIRC there is a player that has 1.16 KDA on Oracle and 80% winrate.


        What are you talking about?

        casual gamer

          having low kda on a pos 1-2 is usually a sign of terrible play


            reduction of your mmr

            Why do you write when you only have mean things to say anyway? I dont understand.
            I mean, you dont even stay on topic and still the only thing you say is something mean.


            And I didnt play pos 1-2. I didnt play any pos at all. Pos dont even exist in normal game AP solo matchmaking.

            Pom Pom 🍕

              They should add average TD, HD and HH on the heroes tab for profiles too. For some heroes at least one of those are more important than how little you've died compared to killed and assisted.


                Ofc. A high win rate with high TD is always better then low win rate with high KDA.

                I mean, why spend almost 3k on a SB with NP when it is cheaper to just die (including the gold the enemies get from the kill)? When I play NP I focus on split push and creating space for carries to free farm. If I succeed it doesnt matter what KDA I get. Ofc, trash players will report me because they dont udnerstand that I am winning the game for them, but that is a nother discussion.


                  Like this game

                  2-15 troll and I still won the game for my team


                  BTW does hitting rax and other buildings that are not tower give TD in DBuff?

                  Edit: yes, as I suspected, my trash team reported me so now I have 5 games in ARLP. Now I start play on one of me new accounts. See you later.

                  Basically I didnt nothing wrong. I had good GPM compared to the rest of my team. Good TD.
                  However bad KDA since took the role as tank with my blade mail and since my team never helped me ONCE. Storm always waited until I was dead before he went into the battles. Etcetera.

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