General Discussion

General DiscussionPost the heroes you've used to climb solo ranked (60%+ Winrates)

Post the heroes you've used to climb solo ranked (60%+ Winrates) in General Discussion

    Saw something similar to this on reddit a while back and was just interested to see what heroes here on dotabuff people have had the most success with.

    Ideally I'd find it interesting to see some unusual heroes or skill/item builds used for climbing but if you've climbed 1k with troll feel free. All i'll ask is please post climbs from the past few months that have been legit. (No lone druid game crash bug climbs etc)

    It'll be interesting to see if anyone joins in with this but I guess il go first. (use as much or little of the layout below)

    Hero: Bloodseeker

    MMR climbed: 3.4k to 4.2k (In total somewhere around 1200 MMR in total for using BS to climb lost mmr)


    Dotabuff Leaderboard: Currently 512th.

    Position: Mix of mid and Jungle, Although I've done it on the off and safe.

    Role: Tend to be the player creating space for other cores to farm, constantly attempting to shut down other scarier heroes on the enemy team setting them back as much as possible. I buy wards and such if supports are poor and generally try to play the role of both a core and support.

    Anyways it'd be nice to see other peoples MMR farming heroes as I enjoy watching replays and trying to constantly improve, so hopefully you guys will post something.


      slark safelane, about at least 500 mmr (most of my slark games are solo).
      just afk farm some time (~10-12 min) and after shadowblade snowball, works extremely well below 4500 mmr.

      es offlane, about 500+ mmr.
      get 6 asap, kill the carry. sometimes gank mid even pre 6 and win mid for your mate.
      most games that went as planned i got really early dagger and some dagon and creating tons of space.
      trying es support lately, not nearly as much success, cuz lack of levels and i suck at support apparently. lel

      faceless void, 10 games winning streak in solo.
      farm safelane like a baws, get mom, get pt and outplay the enemy with ultra skilled chronoes.
      helped me get some mmr after a 600 mmr drop.

      sorry for bein too lazy to use your layout

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        Hero: Treant protector

        MMR climbed: 3.7-4.5k

        Dotabuff Loeaderboard: inactive

        Position: Support and offlane

        Role: Mostly hard supporting and preventing scrubs and towers from dying

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          Treant is very dependant on what the opponents pick.

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              slark safe
              storm mid/safe
              ember mid


                About the role i main mid if i cant i try to get the offlane or safe mostly offlane since more ppl know how to play carry then offlane and im good offlaner , if ppl fight together for the mid i ask if one of them want offlane and ill support , i go support or jungle if the other support agreed to solo support or i go solo support if the 4th player want to jungle and i ask him to pick axe


                  For me it's Cent and Bara. Fuckin love space making heroes :)


                    Timbersaw for solo hard, Necrophos for dual off


                      Earth Spirit-Undying

                      4 Role


                      Welt aus Eis


                          can't wait for him to get buffed again so I can keep climbing with my best friend furion

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                          casual gamer

                            i play the ember safelane though, ember mid fails catastrophically about half the time

                            probably because i cant play mid for shit tbh

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                            KGBlue Lives Matter

                              I used Nyx Mid to climb to around 1.5k from 1k

                              yung griphook

                                damn that Chen w/r

                                I climbed like a few hundred mmr instalocking sniper. It works well but it does get boring


                                  qop/ ursa (not the max E build) work pretty good. climbed 2,8-> 3,2k maybe? idk

                                  ta/storm mid also do really good. especially ta. if there is nothing that can mess your refraction, game is 99% win.

                                  slark/troll as carry.

                                  those are the heroes with a big impact, that can play 1v9.

                                  other heroes with lane impact:

                                  timber: this dude is the best offlaner imo. only spells like maledict or something like that can beat him

                                  nyx: another kind of offlaner. just lvl and gang

                                  clock: same as nyx

                                  pudge: mid/solo off, also great potential.

                                  bristle: tank tank tank tank

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                                    juicy p


                                      4.8-5686 (one win from Americas leaderboards)


                                      370th dotabuff rank


                                      Shrapnel is insanely strong. I always bring myself a tp when I hit 6 and react if my other lanes are being dove, this usually results me in getting at least 1-3 kills everytime.

                                      With good map awareness, and understanding mid match-ups, you can almost always avoid deaths or turn 1v1/2 skirmishes around.

                                      HO HO HA HA

                                      rip sniper 6.84




                                          Nice, Surprised as many people posted. I'll be sure to have a look into a few :D.


                                            Safelane Meepo super-rat.
                                            Basi+Tangos at the open (finish Basi in sideshop)
                                            then Brown Boots
                                            then farm jungle and safe till you have Aghs+BoTs
                                            then farm all lanes and jungle for vlads+smoke for a solo rosh.
                                            then stack diffusals, avoid all fights
                                            then melt towers.

                                            go suicide rat with your clones when you have aegis and keep prime in the fountain. comedy moment when they kill you once and you respawn in safety.

                                            disclaimer: probably doesn't work outside normal mmr but free win if you can get aghs+bots whilst you still have all rax left.

                                            edit: went 13-4 with the build before moving on to other heroes.

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                                              Mid zeus dagger-YOLO Bulid.

                                              Hero : zeus laning mid

                                              MMR raised from 3800 to 4100 mmr

                                              Start of the game buy 2 clarity , spam 1st skill onto creeps , get bottle ASAP, get runes and spam more skills, then soul ring,
                                              when u get dagger, ( assuming u have good positioning skills ) , dagger and position your self well , use your skill It would be usually sucessful clashes, repeat , farm , repeat ( ALWAYS STAY AT THE BACK , YOU RARELY INIATE THE FIGHT UNLESS U SURELY HAVE BACKUPS)
                                              Buy agha then veil after that if the game ain't done go refresher.

                                              example game :

                                              euls , bkb are very optional i rarely buy those.
                                              if their storm goes for orchid , i just position myself well. EZ.


                                                4.6-5.4 playing only supports with the occasional off lane. 60%+ in solo ranked this patch.



                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I don't play enough to make huge climbs. But troll was my guy from ~3300 to ~3800.

                                                    I have also done pretty well with lycan but haven't played him in forever.

                                                    However my OG hero from way back when before ranked was introduced was lifestealer. If I had to estimate I'd say I went from 2500 to like 3000 on him. I won something nuts like 17-3 my first 20 games on him. But he doesn't work as well at higher mmr and since newer patches since he's shitty vs troll and sniper and all the meta heroes.


                                                      My ranked win rate with troll is 80%, he will increase your MMR, no skill required.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Holy shit, I haven't checked the dotabuff heroes tab in a while. Troll is 3rd in win rate at 57% while maintaining 3rd in pick rate. That's nuts! Just play him over and over.

                                                        And of course, gotta give a nod to sniper as well, 54.43% win rate while maintaining a 42% pick rate! Jesus christ, if total retards can pick him that much and maintain that you know he's a pub god.