General Discussion

General Discussionwhy dont more people do troll/jugg jungle and tempo cnotroller safelane

why dont more people do troll/jugg jungle and tempo cnotroller safelane in General Discussion

    shit seems broken

    works with storm and some others also

    Welt aus Eis

      It's probably good but at least in south america if you do that people will keep whining and play with their ass so it's not worth it honestly


        if i pick troll or jugg woods, someone will pick spectre or medusa or antimage safelane and get rekt.
        srsly what happens most games


          I prefere to play Troll mid or jungle
          Waste to put him on safe lane. Better to let him go aggro on hard lane in that case.


            Which heroes are temp controllers?

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                i think it worked 1 game for me, where i had safelane axe and venge+slardar offlane or smth like that.
                but not many pubtards agree to play around you, so they think if you are woods that means they need 1 more core safelane.

                Dire Wolf

                  love troll jungle. but yup, you pick a jungle hero, that means your team is definitely picking a solo offlaner like tide, bounty hunter etc and another super hard safe lane like medusa, spectre, etc and one 5 spot solo support. Still it seems to work better for me than safe lane for getting rosh down sooner.

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