General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 is here

6.84 is here in General Discussion

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      H Y P E B O Y S


        Love it.

        Aba: Nice buff to an hero i like but is underwelming.

        Axe: Looks good but did they change the tick dmg/proc instance? because it would deal alot more dmg.

        Bounty: Nice buff, he might be worth picking.

        Jugg: Slow as fuck now, Bladefury getting buffed over and over. Might see old jugg first blood with fissure+bladefury now. I dont think he should carry as hard as he did anyway, just like troll. Why pick an end game hero like medusa/spectre when you can get the best carries that are beast in lane/mid/end phase like jugg/troll.

        Lich: Nice buff yet 500mana is huge, no more mek for him.

        Lina: Small nerf to a strong hero, seems fine.

        Phoenix: Does that mean that if he spirits you you can cast a single target spell on the egg to make it count as a autoattack?

        QOP: ??

        Slark: Fuck that hero, even i feel dirty playing him.

        Sniper: YESSS!!! Big nerf to zoning at the laning phase, still good late.

        Tide: Awwww yeahhhhhh, was missing him.

        Treant: I rarely see treant and even more with aghs, guess its a nerf even with the bigger vision.

        Troll: One of my fav carry yet his 2sec bash was ridiculous. The whirling axes nerf is good too since hes too good in lane. The intel gain however, why make that hero even dumbier? xD Will I have to make a bloodstone to supplie his pitiful mana regen now?

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          really lich cant even use his ult at lvl 6? Axe got Buffed? no buff for enchantress? I will now spend my free time doing meth in a trailer park, come get me when 6.85 comes out.


            ^ Yeah honestly I was expecting more heroes AND items tweaks, LD, enchantress etc, theyll stay dead.

            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

              This isn't real

              Slark's pounce already does 50/100/150/200


                Might be an incomplete patch note or a mistake. Can't find it on the site itself so it must have been taken down.


                  Might be fake, it seems too incomplete.

                  5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                    Like why would they buff Axe when axe is still broken? 3.2 second RP with 10 second CD, any melee carry can't contest you in lane, etc.?

                    common sense...

                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                      I mean I think Icefrog is fucking retarded but he's can't be THAT fucking stupid

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        Those troll nerfs are too ridiculous to be real and it's very rare that icefrog reverts buffs and nerfs after only one patch (tide, juggernaut, lina). He usually tries other things first.

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          .cn? Really?

                          the realm's delight

                            arent they nerfing pounce damage every patch lmao


                              0.2 int gain troll LMFAO

                              plz do

                                what a troll


                                  troll is dead, sniper and lina still alive.

                                  casual gamer

                                    just remove lina from dota


                                      So fake


                                        how do you even believe this, nerf to jugger is even worse than to tb

                                        CAN'T WIN

                                          troll warlord int :D

                                          CAN'T WIN

                                            NO MORE TROLL I GUESS

                                            CAN'T WIN

                                              SNIPER STILL STRONG ASS

                                              CAN'T WIN

                                                buh its fake


                                                  Lich would never cast his ult lol


                                                    i call bullshit

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      No way in hell that that is real. 0.2 intgain is just 2 ridicolous.


                                                        dumbasses, OFCOURSE it is fake, patch wont look like this

                                                        for even dumber, here is one simple prove
                                                        "6.83b Reduced Pounce damage from 55/110/165/220 to 50/100/150/200."


                                                          This thread is legitimate and was verified by IceFrog himself.


                                                            525 for lvl 1 lich ult? ROFL soo legit

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              Holy move speed nerf to jugg... Why wouldn't they just nerf it slowly like down 300 or 295. Seems excessive.

                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                Slark: Fuck that hero, even i feel dirty playing him.

                                                                That's how I feel about this hero guy is a Swiss Army knife of killing and survival. Only two heroes in game I've never played is drow and slark.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  lol nice one

                                                                  comon guys, int to .01 per level? Nice "Troll" post


                                                                    This post might as well have

                                                                    Phantom Assassin
                                                                    Stifling Dagger damage rescaled to 300/600/900/1200
                                                                    Phantom Strike mana cost reduced to 1 and cooldown reduced to 0
                                                                    Blur rescaled to 100%/200%/300%/400%
                                                                    Coup De Grace critical chance increased to 99.99%

                                                                    Str gain increased to 4.0
                                                                    Coup De Grace works on buildings
                                                                    Base movespeed increased to 522
                                                                    Phantom Strike is now global
                                                                    Stifling Dagger is now global
                                                                    Blur now fades your entire team from the minimap

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      Well the changes OP posted are fake, but a lot of us wish some of them were real (like the change's to Troll's bash).


                                                                        Well, the REAL patchnotes are there, so... eot?