General Discussion

General Discussionember spirit builds

ember spirit builds in General Discussion

    i know most people are familiar with the drums bfury/crit build

    however i think theres a buildthats a LOT better on ember that works in the current meta and makes him realllly strong and useful and stuff.

    its basically just aquila-drums-manta-skadi and then you can keep building utility or build damage (AC/butterfly for utility, bfury/crit/mkb/divine for damgae)

    theres a ton of good stuff with this build, mainly that hes unkillable (2.5k hp and like 20 armor with skadi/manta) and still is super effective in teamfights, he gets off his shit multiple times basically guaranteed

    ive basically seen yawar (best ember i know) go this build every time he plays it along with other na pros (tralf etc)

    thoughts etc?

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        Where does ze dmg come from if u get skadi manta?

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              dagger / euls is core
              +idk who came up with the skadi idea on ember, i think it was singsing, but it just doesnt fit the hero at any possible situation.

              skadi might be the worst item on him ever.

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                  dagger is always good on assassins, but i guess it depends of ur ability to control the map alone in early stages.

                  if ur having a good start, going dagger will make you impossible to lose a prey or get caught in the future, which will accentuate ur snowball curve.
                  but u gotta know what ur doing to buy dagger on him

                  and idk why u talk about "this meta", no one plays xin in this meta cuz hes simply terrible. so no point arguing about how to build him in this meta

                  its like asking how to build tb or luna

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                  casual gamer

                    Ember has a ton of damage from his skills, that's why even when he's behind he gets huge hero damage totals

                    Manta is pretty standard, but the one problem I see with going all in on these tanky stat items is that it exacerbates your inability to kill enemy cores.

                    Normally ember has a lot of trouble with killing BKB carries in fights, but it's made up for with huge AoE burst. Even with all this HP you can't really manmode carries

                    I guess you get fantastic kiting, a dispel, decent damage and are essentially immortal to anything but fog hex/abyssal. If you don't want to go 1v5 glass cannon build that requires flawless positioning this is probably a good alternative


                      moonmeander was talking about this build that time he coached the guy pretending to be a thickly accented russian


                        blink euls is actually really good on ember. euls solves basically most of ur mana problems and u will never die unless u play like retart. its good too since most mids rush an orchid ( storm qop etc..) blink is just op item

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