General Discussion

General DiscussionImpact on Earth Spirit with the patch?

Impact on Earth Spirit with the patch? in General Discussion

    Roaming ES is going to be useless?

    Any thoughs?


      Nerfs his early game but retains his mid game potential. Previously I could output max dmg at lvl 7, now gotta wait till lvl 10 to be as effective. Still not added to CM tho :(

      Edit: Also going for a 3-1-1-1 build by lvl 6 is legit as the dmg of the stun also scales.

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        They nerfed ES even harder than Sniper/juggernaut and still not added to CM, well played fucking shit frog.


          I think that should rework his ags upgrade to just give him more rocks. Being Batrider 2.0 is what is keeping him out of cm

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          plz do

            his skillset is still very strong in all game phases and strongest now at lvl 10 i guess. So its a little nerf but actually not that big of a nerf imo. problem is that magnetize can be ezly dispelled now. So ebola scales even lower in late game.

            Last picking is 4 pussies

              ES officially 3-4 slot hero.

              milk that tastes like rea...

                Roam way to weak can't kill anything without levels. Stun over grip. Imo he is pretty balanced now except for his aghs which is too strong in organized team play

                I am muted

                  well usually I depend hugely on my early dmg for early kills and snowballing. Now with the dmg nerfs, Im not even sure if i can snowball hard enough to be able to get items like aghs lol.

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    Isn't the point of the patch to boost team fighting in general and the reward from it?

                    To me I think this says you can still roam it just makes it a little key to have coordination for the pickoff.

                    When ES first came out and his grip was a stun and that changed people thought that ruined him too and it didn't.