General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR fluctuation or not?

MMR fluctuation or not? in General Discussion

    Recently I have calibrated at 3k5, and then I don't know why I come so fast to 3k7 (I'm not in the position of carrying the team, but there is always someone in my team do. May be I'm lucky.). Is this mmr fluctuation? Should I expect a losing streak next games?


      Everyone in 3.5k goes for carries. Odd's are, if you pick support, you're gonna most likely win.

      Cept it get's borning after you do it 6 times


        It's actually not boring much. I always keep myself busy when playing support. I just run like chicken around the map all the time :D. The most boring games I play is when I play carry (as jugg and spectre). I just farm when my team is busy dominating enemies...


          Btw players in 3.5k not so into carries. Except for 1 or 2 games, every games I played in rank both teams have at least 1 support :D


            I myself at 4.5k bracket can tell you now that after a streak of wins, a streak of loses will come YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST