General Discussion

General Discussionthis patch is a joke

this patch is a joke in General Discussion

    Icefrog should be replaced, simple as that, why this guy can't make a balance beetween all the heroes. There is 10 heroes in every game hence your hero pick has small impact(10%) , when a hero has almost 60% wr it clearly show that he is overpowered. Same as hereos with 40% winrate.

    Let's just talk about alchemist and wraith king:
    Alchemist is just a free loss in almost every game and 6.84 won't change anything :

    Alchemist has very weak lane presence :
    -slow movement speed
    -unreliable stun
    -no base armor
    -no nuke

    But he need to farm to get gold advantage in a meta moved towards early ganks and he has no farming tools.

    "Unstable Concoction countdown can now be seen by enemies" as if it wasn't already hard enough to land his spells , he now allow ennemies to dodge his stun even more easily. And give him some kind of a joke aghanim upgrade.

    And now looking wraith king, an hero already strong with 57% wr,his aghanim is just game breaking:
    go to high ground just wait the glyph and destroy everything, if they kill someone in your team he will just suicide on racks and tower or anny heroes geting close.

    The only way I see him being played is mid or offlane with a support making stack in woods and rushing aganim for tiny or wraith king.

    PS/ When pudge will get a real buff he's never picked in competitive.

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        Meepo is the highest skill level and hardest hero to learn in the game

        "LMFAo wHo CAREas Xd let's make him useless"


          First of all ur retarded

          Ur first point is wrong next meta is not about euls or blink , actually u will see waaay less euls , he can be played in position 5 now or 3 to just farm aghs and get all the sup items


            "heroes with %60 winrate in pubs should be nerfed, heroes not played in pro games should be buffed"..... these often contradict each other...


              And about wk , a carry wk cant delay items for scepter or even have a slot for it , a support wk wont get it before his midas blink maybe blademail which the game will most likely be over by, or if its ulta late game he might get it


                I agree with the euls stuff, forgot to edit the topic after seeing the new items.

                But how can alchemist farm items when he has almost zero team fight presence and bad farming tools and he need experience to have strong use of devil greed or acid spray to be able to farm. Meanwhile you have a ta with blink bottle desolator when your alchemist position 5 or 3 has the lvl to start to farm an agh effectively.

                Wk is already strong as he is he only need blink and power threads, but I see the aghanim more in a push/death ball strategy in this case his aghanim is half the cost of the blink and he may skip the blink. Farming aghanim may be as fast as farming midas +blink.

                Dire Wolf

                  do you guys remember when aghs came out for disruptor and skywrath and everyone screamed how op they would be? Well reality set in that they weren't that practical. Even aghs sven or abbadon which are arguably as powerful as the wk one, how often do people actually get them?


                    Because the hero is already strong enough without aghanim my points is you have a hero who almost garantee you a loss if you take him that get nerfed and a hero that garantee you 57% wr that get improved.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      You cannot compare an aghs upgrade which gives supports or other casters 100% more damage with an upgrade that literally makes it impossible to stop an omni or silencer to cast their ult provided they stay close to WK.


                        Tbh a support wk will have extremly hard time farming the aghs , and wk skipping midas blink is retarded , wk without blink is useless and without midas he wont reach 16 , and imo i predict am being a beast in this patch making him able to kill wk first incase he have aghs , anyway incase wk successfully got aghs , it means he want fights , play against that easy as that, @ hello friends , i cant see a good tram with omni and wk in it , and u already cant stop silencer from casting his ulti cuz its global , dont give it more then it deserve , its strong but abadon scepter, aa scepter , ogre scepter , omni scepter are already op and way stronger then his scepter

                        Alchamist pos 3 - 5 cant compare to mid ta , while a mid alchamist with max greedy strat , can get 2 scepters before ta get her deso , and he can get 2 scepters and ac before she get blink deso (stacking included ofc) he offers - armour huge stuns and now he can truly be aura holder since auras r buffed , im sure he will be picked especially with the stun buff

                        kvasius # KSVM

                          I will say this patch gives us some good and broken stuff, but Its ok while heroes I play are buffed.

                          Also, Luna with aghs is kinda sick too.She can farm and cast her ulti from forest now. Makes her more viable in midgame. Why no one is speaking about it?

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            icefrog mostly looks at competitive games rather than overall pubs. Wraith King is rarely played anymore competitively and has exactly 50% winrate (34-34) in pro games this patch .

                            There have been a few pub heroes nerfed in the past, but they're usually the most top-tier in high ranked pub games. Like slark, meepo, tinker. Wraith King's general pub winrate is mostly based on normal skill games, since they are 75% of the matches. In higher levels his winrate actually goes down if you sort by skill level at [url=h]dotamax[/url]. It's still 53% in vhs ranked, which is ~3800 mmr, but even higher it's likely even less. He's a very underused hero too. I can't remember last I saw a wraith king.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              Pomi that's bullcrap, you can't make statistics with so few matches, if icefraud looked only at competitive games than pudge would have been buffed 10 times as he's never played and his wr must be abyssimal.
                              Troll had 50% wr or less in starlader and still get nerfed.

                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                How many of those troll losses were against teams with sniper?


                                  not a lot sniper banned most of the time.


                                    legion commander is pretty funny now.
                                    Step 1 : Get LOL-inspired "Silver Edge" item
                                    Step 2 : Go into enemy jungle/lane invisible
                                    Step 3: Duel enemy support
                                    Step 4: Keep dueling, till u kill them
                                    Step 5 : Tp back to base

                                    yung griphook

                                      TP response?


                                        Why make duel end because of range? Start the duel, have a friendly Chen Test of Faith Legion Commander back to the fountain, duel rival is forced to dive the base and gets killed.


                                          "when a hero has almost 60% wr it clearly show that he is overpowered. Same as hereos with 40% winrate."

                                          I dont agree.

                                          Hereoes with low win rate might be hard to play good for people with normal skill as solo players. But they might be fun at the same time and therefore picked. The same heroes might be very powerfull in TIX. And the opposite is true for the 60% win heores.
                                          Not saying that this is true for all heroes. Just that this is a reasonable explanation for why the above statment is false.

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