General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat about Bounty Hunter?

What about Bounty Hunter? in General Discussion

    Bounty Hunter Intelligence growth increased from 1.4 to 2.0
    Shuriken Toss damage from 100/200/250/325 to 150/225/300/375
    Shuriken Toss cast range reduced from 650 to 400
    Shuriken Toss mana cost from 90/115/135/155 to 120/130/140/150
    Track's Shuriken Toss bounce range from 900 to 1200
    Track now shows how much gold the enemy is carrying in the debuff tooltip

    Aren't those quite good buffs?

    Giff me Wingman

      yeah but it's not gamebreaking like ursa, wk or oracle.


        Yes, but they're probably not enough.


          whats game breaking about oracle ? or ursa / wk ?

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            Seems great for really coordinated teams.


              Still not worth picking imo.

              Dire Wolf

                why does it matter if you know how much gold they have? you can tell what they're building usually anyway and if they have buyback or not