Lesh is getting buffed over and over, might see core lesh with fast bloodstone this meta.
Brood even more relevant late game.
Centaur the new axe with aghs for ez pickoff.
More invoker mid, maybe even DK mid since pushing will be easier and he can reduce dmg with breath.
WK aghs.
the heroes im alrdy playing were buffed both directly and indirectly, i am expecting to pick same shit but suck less once this patch is released.
timbersaw nyx wr bb
Dragon knight. Silencer. Heroes that can go new silver blade thing. Playing tiny depends on having an alch around otherwise he's the same. Wk aghs might be fun sometimes, but still, support wk. Maybe new sven with more armor.
Lol on the title sorry this what happens when your using your phone that does odd things and not re-reading
Why dont u pick Mirana? She is more fun then WR.
I am REALLY excited for the druid aghs. I love the hero, but i felt he was insanely op literally because of the leash mechanic. maybe i can prove myself right.
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Even prior patch notes I've been playing a lot of dark seer but more then anything I'm excited to sneak in some kotl.