General Discussion

General DiscussionAre you afraid to clash / hero deaths?

Are you afraid to clash / hero deaths? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    How do u value staying alive over deaths / sacrifices? or does it depend on your moods and hero picks?


      Value whichever outcome that maximizes the likelyhood of taking the enemy ancient the greatest.

      Bad Intentions

        But isnt that hard sometimes, since major clashes only last a few seconds?

        waku waku

          i love dying


            KDA is love


              I reason that it cheaper to just die with furion instead of buying SB

              As long as I am creating space for free farm and pushing down the towers

              plz do

                ^this is exceptional good trolling. at first glance i thought it was serious.


                  rambo doto best doto


                    1. pick troll
                    2. go all Silvestre Stallone on enemy team


                      I'd change troll by disruptor to surprise both your and enemy teams.

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                        ^^^^ :)


                          Depends on my role.
                          But usually, I either don't move from my lane for 20 minutes (then teamfight comes and i die like a fly anyway, eheh) or I'm too aggressive and just feed unintentionally.


                            There are several situations in which I think you are better off going hard until you die.

                            (1) You are likely to finish off the rax or the throne before you go down and you have buyback/ or its early enough/ the other team is mostly dead/ whatever other reason they can't counter-push until you are up again. Die for the rax, certainly die for the throne. Dying for a tower is rarely a good risk, although early in the game you might come out ahead on gold.

                            (2) You are a support hero whose primary function is keeping your carry alive. The carry got out of position and is almost certain to die but you can save him if you make yourself an easier target and him a harder target. I play lot of vengeful spirit and win a lot of games by preventing the carries critical late game feed which would have lost the game. When I see he is about to be ganked, or picked off from the edge...rather than spamming pings and hoping he will notice his impending death, I just go save him.

                            (3) Your team is retreating from a fight and likely to be picked off in sequence. Run the opposite direction of your team even if that means going toward the enemy. Cast any slows and stuns, juke as best you can... but make them kill you too far away from your team to follow it up with anything else. This is the true "tactical feed".

                            (4) Aegis steals - questionable, but probably a good idea if you have buyback. Stealing the Aegis usually kills you even if you get it. But its such a valuable target that if you have a good shot at it I think you should go for it, provided there is some back up plan for when you fail.

                            (5) Dying and buyback to save the rax. Playing 10 v 5 is expensive, but losing the rax is often even worse. Don't give up rax if there is even a slight chance of holding them. That doesn't mean go in 1 v 5, one at a time and fail. But if you can do some serious damage and then buyback its a powerful tactic. Think about whether they have much in the way of heals. If they can just mech up and keep fighting, dieing to save the rax doesn't work very well - in that situation you have to ensure at least 1 hero kill for your death.

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                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              Afriad to Clash? Go look up 2 hour League game.