General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark.

Slark. in General Discussion

    Is legit getting sange and yasha after Silver Edge?

    Or just rush skadi/manta? Need opinions.



      i actually find myself having v little mana problems if i get bottle
      lesser and greater maim stacks btw


        I prefer getting aquila over bottle.

        So 2x sange stacks?


          The proc chance of Lesser Maim from multiple Sange work fully independent from each other.
          Fully stacks with the Lesser Maim from Heaven's Halberd icon.png Heaven's Halberd and the Greater Maim from Sange and Yasha icon.png Sange and Yasha, including the slow.


            So, you think getting sec. sange is legit?

            Or getting Manta/Skadi is better after Silver Edge?

            I'm not rly sure. Need more opinions.

            bum farto

              I don't play him much but the assumption that BKB is better than Manta on Slark isn't far off.


                That cape that gives magic res sounds cool on him.


                  Havoc, yeah, but getting BKB isn't always the best option. Sometimes you won't need bkb.


                    Well, I'd say that manta is more situational than bkb on slark, isn't it?


                      Yes. But going 2x sange isn't just something I do. But this patch isn't Dota we used to play, so..


                        yasha -->glimmercape -->sy

                        wait late game for disassembling everything, there you go silveredge
                        (btw sange + silveredge maim are stacking, cause they are lesser and greater (aka not the same)

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          I haven't tried Glimmer yet, but will do. Still playin' very carefully, cuz I'm not rly sure what's best items in this patch.

                          Matrice, will try out your build.


                            why glimmercape and not shadowblade?



                              it is legit if you're going to play against Zeus or Lina, I'd say. And It's also cheaper.


                                glimmercape is cheaper, give resist magic instead of the "useless" damage, lower cd, and 5 sec potm ult, which is way better than single invis on slark


                                  ^if you say that its good im gonna go slark marathon with this build and see if i gain mmr.
                                  if i dont you get reported

                                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                    it's early game item that's that

                                    i prefer not selling shit until your 6 slotted or deperately needs whatever your replacing with

                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                      in thisi case silver edge for the disable passive

                                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                        why not both sb and glimmer cape?

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          F Slark


                                            In 6.84 yall think slark better safe lane or offlane if both sides running dual lanes.


                                              so i literally randomed him 2 games in a row

                                              he doesn't feel much different tbh, just slightly stronger imo


                                                I was getting blink on slark before silver edge. Now i prefer silver edge. You can get a bottle to sustain your regens and chase runes to keep your mana pool fresh. That thing is cheap and good. Also forces your opponents to carry sentries, dusts and makes their supports even more money needing :D. I tried it a couple of times, liked it. Still there will be some games where you will still prefer the good oi blink dagger eh.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  i personally would rather go skadi after SE than sny