General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper lowest damage of the team

Sniper lowest damage of the team in General Discussion

    helo dis is redard polis, you are arrest

    the realm's delight
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          Yeah guys i know what you means. I adapted myself to a group matchmaking in v. high skill and now it's hard.
          Why this game have to be this much hard ? Why can't i find people like my friends in solo matchmaking ?

          casual gamer

            sorry bruh but if you had "adapted urself" to vhs you could mentally afk and win 90% of the time, even playing unranked its obvious how much worse people are at ~3800 (low vhs, my unranked mmr) than mid 4k, so the difference between 3.8k and normal skill must be fuckign huge

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            CAN'T WIN

              ST FU
              Normal skill much harder than VHS


                Umm...Witch Doctor had the lowest damage on the team.


                  Excuse JDF8 my friends are 4k and the best one has 4.6k
                  Skorbutix, wd for deal damage has to wait till level 6, while sniper can just rightclick his way.


                    Since you have less then 300 games played in HS/VHS Combined and you have over 2k games and have a horrid winrate in both, im gonna go out on a limb and say get used to it, you are home friend

                    Low Expectations

                      Played on a friends accoiúnt at about 2,4k mmr I went on a 16 win spree lost like 5 games in total. I played like 3 games support, the games I lost were mostly at start (went 2-2 first 4 games) because I expected my team actually contributing to the game. Unless you accept that literallly EVERYONE is a complete and utter moron, stop complaining and play your own game you wont leave the ubertrench.
                      Also got reported by my team because I would not gank as mid naga :)) Got reported when i had 12:09 min radiance. We still lost because team potato too strong


                        Look my aba games, i'm doing all alone and i'm winning.
                        But it's hard, with my friends i play support.

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                        King of Low Prio

                          you play support when you are with your friends because you know deep down you are much worse then that MMR range and you would hinder the team going on a core


                            Nah, i just don't like to play carry. I try to play solo with support but carrys are just the n00best shit ever seen.
                            Realy, look at my games.

                            Lifestealer lost bot vs a rikimaru
                            Blood chase to death everyone
                            Shaman gift literaly 7 gems, first item blink for gank and then he goes alone everytime... with the gem. Mad at me for some reason, he won't give to me.

                            Literaly afk sniper 3/2 LMAOOOOOOO
                            Wr don't know how to arrow
                            Nix can't gank kotlo

                            This game it's okay, PL and Mirana were amazing.

                            Everyone good except sandking jungling with boots. No bought courier.

                            But yeah, when you have a lot of games as support you hardly get a carry mentality.

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                              Why would u pick support in Normal Skill games if ur better than ur bracket ? Climb to 4k+ & then start playing support.


                                dude you are abbadon, might aswell buy courier yourself
                                and how do u even lane with that "carry" build, do you try to contest for cs with some other dude in lane?


                                  and yeah hate to break it to you but abbadon with phase boots and vladimirs no courier and no wards csing in lane is not what most people would call a support


                                    I will explain it.

                                    Why i play aba this way ? Beacouse it works.
                                    I know it's bad, but i'm 2.9k solo, so who cares ? You can't belive (Or maybe yes ?) how many people can't just go away from passive + venom orb. Ez first a lot of time with harass, leech a little of exp and with shield i can take lasthits.
                                    Harass enemy carry and kill his support it's the easyest thing EVER.

                                    This build and this playstile just works. Play it in higher mm ? I don't reccomend.

                                    Phase + Sange + Passive = 522 speed
                                    Vlad = It's usefull for myself to not auto-active my ulti and gain hp before a fight
                                    Skadii = From orb of venom.. it adds just everything and with a basher you reach 300 dmg.
                                    S&Y it's just a usefull item beacouse aba need hp, another slow and speed attack.

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                                    Low Expectations

                                      How do you know this playstyle donest work in higher mmr? Implying people are less retarded? They are not

                                      Low Expectations

                                        Its like Matrice whining that Shadowblade on slark was "retarded" like 1 or 2 patches ago. Still its the best build for the hero for pubstomping


                                          i just mean you said you play support, but this is not support, so don't fool yourself.
                                          i know everything about 2k-3k-4k cause i lose all my games with my stack at that mmr range lmao

                                          "But yeah, when you have a lot of games as support you hardly get a carry mentality." - you actually have a carry mentality.
                                          pick support > try to get carry items, try to get cs.

                                          instead of this just go full carry abbadon at that mmr, results will be way better.

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                                            Ikr, but i expect people in 4k are a little smarter.. otherwise why they would be in 4k ?

                                            It's pretty different. I play carry in solo beacouse i HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. Look at my Omni and lich, above the 55%. But in solo you just can't win at this much low bracket. Everyone want win but nobody want support, Abbadon it's a nice idea.
                                            You can just heal, shield, buy wards and up courier/Build supportive items/Initiate a teamfight/Carry the game. And all with one hero!
                                            It's like you play PA, TideHunter, Omni and a 5th position.

                                            I can carry only in this shit 3k mmr, if i go up i will find people who know how to play and will beat me hard just beacouse i don't have the right mentality and i'm not enough skilled to focus only on lh without helping no one. It's just static and boring.
                                            I preffer go smoke and gank, do stacks, pull, harass, fight for runes and give them to my middler, tp to kill who dives. All these things make the game more exciting and funny for me.
                                            And anyway i can't play as a pro player for 2 main factors:
                                            -I'm not good
                                            -I'm not in a good mmr

                                            Srsly, when Xboct made Lifestealer with maddness do you know how many times i got reported even i finished with positiva KDA and did my job as ganker ? Too much.

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                                                Go back to reddit, kiddo


                                                  this thread is worse than reddit fraggot

                                                  P.S get cancer trash


                                                    Go to be an edgy boy joking about cancer away, thanks.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      If you dont think you deserve your current MMR then it means that the whole MMR system does not work so why care about getting to 4k. If 4k players are trapped in normal skill then 4k becomes meaningless.


                                                        Beacouse some good people who realy care about mmr will not notice me if i go there as a 3k mmr sayng "I want improve"
                                                        But if i go there with a 4k.. maybe they will notice so i can improve playng with them. That's all.

                                                        I don't care about numbers, i care about improve.


                                                          "i care about improve."

                                                          so focus on your own play, not your teammates. if you care about improving, don't focus on winnig or losing. you will naturally win more if you improve anyway. if you improve from a game that you lose in, think of it this way. you lost that one game but in the long run you'll win 2 more games because of that 1 loss if you actually learned something from it.


                                                            i'm just grinding. Not having even fun beacouse i don't play the role i want but i have to do it or i will not rank.


                                                              lol Frankie...

                                                              You occasionally win VHS/HS games with your friends because they carry you. I look at your VHS games and all I see is feed in every one. The occasional outlier where you get a positive KDA is because your team is snowballing out of control. It's a bit hard to go negative when its 40-5 don't you think?

                                                              You have to remember, that the "bad sniper" is just as bad as you. He might miss some critical last hits or spell casts. He might have some bad movement, but then at the same time he can easily blame you for missing a spell or not being at the right place at the right time.

                                                              Besides, you have 2300 games and you're still in normal skill. If you want to "get good" I suggest another game.

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                                                                wow man u are so cul m8 can u koach me plz ? i buy smurf accounts plz add me xdxdxdxdxd

                                                                No srsly, did you even replay once when i play with my friends or you are just sayng this beacouse of my low kda ? Beacouse it's like you pretending to be an idiot.


                                                                  OP IS 2K


                                                                    Do you really think I'm going to investigate you and watch your replays? No.


                                                                    This is 5k team stack. Notice how every single game one of my supports is positive KDA, and the other is near even? Just because you are support doesn't mean you have to go 0-10 every game.

                                                                    SURE, going 0-10 doesn't necessarily mean you are doing poorly. Perhaps you are clockwerk and suiciding to force good teamfights. Or perhaps, you are shaman, and dying to maintain the shackle got your team a carry kill.

                                                                    But when you go massively negative every. single. game. there is something to note there.

                                                                    Not to mention, dota2 rates you at normal skill over 2000 games and you are playing with vhs friends. It's not hard to assume they are carrying you, which is true.

                                                                    I'll coach u for $15/hr

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                    Low Expectations

                                                                      You should listen to Dark, he has expirience losing at all MMRs Kappa

                                                                      Low Expectations

                                                                        Btw Frankie you are contradicting yourself on so many responces its ridiculous :D

                                                                        casual gamer


                                                                          [URL=""]queuing random draft at 4 am puts me in normal skill games[/URL]


                                                                            Actualy i don't see where am i contradicting myself. My mindset it's.

                                                                            I don't care about numbers, but with an high number i have more chance to play with and versus more skilled people so i will just rank up.
                                                                            To rank up i have to do boring games who are free mmr giving, i will change my gamestyle around the 4k mmr, since i was 3.6k and then i drop spamming omni i could easly go back there.
                                                                            In the meanwhile i alternate the boring solo games with the funny party games.

                                                                            I'm not 5k, nor my friends are. I just say i can support very well in the 4k games since we are around there.
                                                                            Some good matchs

                                                                            "They are carryng you"
                                                                            I'm doing what i have to do, i'm not waiting in fountain 40 min to win the game. I'm active all the game, and i do all what is needed.
                                                                            Bad and Good games happens.
                                                                            Boring to link, but you can see last game with dazzle with my friends, it was a disaster.
                                                                            I accept the fact that i'm not enough good for 5k, i'm not even pretending to say that, i just say i do my part when i play with my friends.
                                                                            Massively negative ? Phahahaha.. it doesn't happen so often.


                                                                              1st match - negative w/ 34-23 game.
                                                                              2nd match - 8-2 w/ 36-9 game. -- Like I said, it's not hard to go positive when your team wins for you. Not to mention you bought a dagon. I don't have to watch replay to know you were just kill stealing for KDA.
                                                                              3rd match - negative w/ 43-41 game.
                                                                              4th match - 4-3 (marginally positive) w/ 45-19 game. Oh wow, you went positive in another snowball game.
                                                                              5th match - 2-2 (even) w/ 31-10 game.

                                                                              You've literally proven my point. You hand picked matches to show me, and you are either negative, or only marginally positive or even. And in even these games, you are getting hugely carried by your team.

                                                                              And for your last paragraph -- Simply playing the game and being active doesn't mean you are making much of an impact. I'd rather have nobody on my team than an easy bot. Because like an easy bot (and you) you feed their team kills. And often, I make misplays when I queue with bad people because I expect follow-up stuns to secure kills, then they don't happen. I'd rather not have a bad player. (Though now I just expect them to not help so I don't die like that anymore)

                                                                              PS: In the linked matches you are always playing survivable or strong fighting supports and yet you still go negative. If you went say: 0-5-20 as shadow shaman and won, then that's no so bad. But 0-10 as dazzle? You can freaking grave yourself if you have to. Feed as tree? You are super tanky and high damage early, you have slows, regen and damage block.


                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                Stealing kills now it's okay when you play support. LMAO.
                                                                                No srsly.

                                                                                1) game your supports just took some kills but fucking hell look at the heroes they took. Sandking who can easly kill with Ulti+Stun+Sand and AA who can snipe or kill anyway with his ulti if they flee low hp.
                                                                                2) Same for AA and dat itembuild for terrasque on venge.
                                                                                3) Jakiro just did good, nothing to say and Shadow Deamon it's the most underpowered shit ever. So okay.
                                                                                4) Lion can ulti and kill and undy it's literaly free kills in early, best controll in mid game.
                                                                                5) Undy again and Shaman was okay.

                                                                                So what's the point ? Do more kills ?
                                                                                "You can shallowgrave youself"
                                                                                "You can heal youself"
                                                                                Literaly means nothing, the fact that i have to use on ally first in teamfight instead to save myself expecialy on heroes like Huskar who just jump and need support if he initiate a teamfight... Belive me, scores means nothing. On undy too.
                                                                                It's like to say "You are a better mid with Zeus just beacouse you get a tons of assits and kills", that how matchmaking think and how people actualy abuse about that getting V.H.S.
                                                                                I starting to get realy bored about this stupid shit.

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  oh hey

                                                                                  you are blaming ur allies

                                                                                  enjoy being complete garbage forever you fucking idiot


                                                                                    Thanks see ya

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                                                                                        Second game more hd than doom, lmao.
                                                                                        Last game ?


                                                                                          If i perform decently in high 3k games, then am I 3k playa, too?


                                                                                            Doom wasn't part of my stack
                                                                                            Last game I accidentally deleted the last number, it's corrected now.



                                                                                              So basically you just said my supports are good... ? Yeah, that's the point.

                                                                                              As for dazzle. You realize, unless you are trash (you are) if they try to kill you, you shallow grave, poison, heal and run. If they chase you, they are getting 4 manned the entire time.

                                                                                              If you shallow grave an ally, that means that unless you're bad, he was being targetted and the majority of their DPS on going on him. If you are positioned well you won't die. Your spells are all long range.


                                                                                                Legion duels, Zeus ulties, Windrangers autoattacks.
                                                                                                Not every move goes perfect and if i have to choose between me and my ally, i will save my ally.
                                                                                                But hey buddy, think whatever you want.

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  Or you could position yourself better and not feed



                                                                                                    I've been trying to improve my dazzle recently and I've got it to the point that I'm slightly above MMR for him (53.4% winrate on 71 games). But I continue to fail to survive saving people much more often than I should. I think it is a lack of maneuverability. I should be getting a positioning item, blink, fstaff, or glimmer cape - as long as dazzles casting range is (grave is 1000 range) this still makes him quite easy to kill whenever he tries to save a focused target. Teams simply refocus on dazzle who is now vulnerable. So my KDA averages 1.87 which is slightly above the 1.81 average for all players for the hero. But I think it could be a lot better if I made positioning items a higher priority. Currently I prioritize additional heals (urn, mech).

                                                                                                    You are at 1.52 KDA and 43.8% winrate. This is significantly below average so you probably could improve your positioning/decision making and avoid some deaths. If you stay alive for 15 sec in a fight you can grave again and that might win the fight and the game.

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                                                                                             if you can sit down for 17 minutes and watch this video by Blitz it would help you a lot