General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats the state of lone druid atm?

Whats the state of lone druid atm? in General Discussion

    Pretty much my favorite hero yet been useless for awhile and now rat is back, his new bearform skill is pretty much a ulti, radiance buff and aghs buff. Are we gonna see this hero more in pro games?

    I want to play this hero but at 4k i still have to spam the push wheel button after we win a team fight.


      Its okish but far from OP, also it doesnt actually fit the meta as well as you apparently think - he cant contribute anything to early 5v5 teamfights and needs space, which he doesnt get in most of the matches.


        Yeah this meta is not good for farmers. You really need space creators in order to pick up carries.

        EZ MID 9k mmr

          Everybody is wanting to kill the bear now, way more than usual.


            I will take my shot at this hero this week. I think actually that this meta suits him quiet well, however when I try to pick it I try my team to get 1 or 2 picks to make you a bigger threat such as magnus/ogre/lich. In general however he should be played on safelane or mid. Offlane is just too greedy for him at the moment and jungle is just way too slow