General Discussion

General Discussion4 low prio, 1 mute in 2 days of doto

4 low prio, 1 mute in 2 days of doto in General Discussion




      Valve is not gwrgjowirgj

      CAN'T WIN


        CAN'T WIN


          Bad Intentions

            But its hard to get in lpq nowadays, interesting..


              3 games 3 power interrruptions 3 abandoned and i got my first 2 low prio game in dota2 since i started 1 year and 2 months ago. on my first low prio game, my team went all mid taking t1 and t2 tower before enemy team stomped us. on my second low prio game, my team went all bottom and the enemy went all top. we won the base race in 10 minutes because we have viper and yurnero. low prio is cool i got out of it in 1 hour.

              CAN'T WIN

                Yeah, cool when u have to do 2 low prio games, but i have like 10 LP per week.

                CAN'T WIN

                  what i do is just stay alt tabed and go to suicide with jungle creeps

                  CAN'T WIN

                    so funny lose my time in that way just cuz my team didnt wanted to pause and i reconect on the min 5:10 :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                      Did you get reported for whoring out again?


                        I dont mean to insult you, but dont you think that the problem is the way you behave and communicate with other people in game?

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          "4 low prio, 1 mute in 2 days of doto"

                          No wonder. I hope you stay there like..forever. Here, use these too:


                          CAN'T WIN

                            No, i never flame people in 4k, rarely on 3k.

                            I just say:
                            lets go lets go!
                            use that skill plssssss!
                            USE IT!!! ok im dead...
                            pls next time use ulti doom!

                            CAN'T WIN

                              sometimes, after a lot of low prio games i get mad then i flame everybodee, but usually im relaxed...

                              CAN'T WIN

                                can i pay people to boost me out of lp¿


                                  you could try to switch off ur mic and dont use chat for a while. its possible that ppl around you consider offensive what you dont mean to be so, and therefore report you. if you dont say anything, there will be no missunderstandings I guess.


                                    Honestly i found out that its sometimes for the best if you don't talk with your team at all and just use pings cuz people feel insulted for the most stupid reasons

                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                      no, valve wants you to shut the fuck up, about time you realize that.


                                        valve doesnt want us to do shit except buy their hats


                                          I learned how to properly support in low prio.

                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                            valve wants us to all suck gaben's dick about how"open source" they fucking are

                                            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                              yeah sure your open source, proceeds to ban override vpk, proceeds to earn billions of billions of dough through fucking mass copy pasted pixels?

                                              even fight club sweatshops could do better