General Discussion

General DiscussionBeing Low mmr keeps me low mmr?

Being Low mmr keeps me low mmr? in General Discussion

    I honestly think this is the case

    I reckon if I had 10 games at a really high mmr, I would be 10 x the player I am now
    Like I learn so much from dota when ever I play games with really skilled players but at the moment its kinda hard
    I win quite a bit but I feel like I am going backwards :/

    I would rather play in 5k mmr games, lose with 0-60-0 for a hundred games in a row and challenge myself to get better and learn from my mistakes then try to get there over years through the +25/-25 system, learning extremely slowly as I go.

    It's like playing FIFA or any game against the AI. You can set it to easy and whip the AI every time but the only way you are going to beat the hardest AI is by playing against it , losing a few times and improving yourself.


      I think a lot of people would want to do what you mention, sadly it will ruin games for real "X" mmr players, which makes it impossible.

      You might wanna try to find a stack to play with. You could try to catch up Havoc, although his stacks average mmr is usually not very high. He's a nice guy which I bet you can learn from.


        You can create a smurf and practice, if you play your best heroes you will play at a higher bracket
        I agree with you tho, you can't get good at dota by playing in 2k bracket, so the option are 2: either climbing mmr or smurfing imo.

        CAN'T WIN



            I just lost 7 mmr games in a row... was calibrated long time ago on 3.1k, after that i managed to climb a bit and then a constant downwards spiral... Some of the games my fault, not entirely but i guess i "helped" loose... others just nothing i could do vs 1or2 players on my team... solid start, and then he/she dies and abandons, or start feeding because no one came to save them while diving towers for some low hp enemy... or 2 teammates chasing a low hp enemy while they are also not so healthy and running into enemy team rotating towards them... or sometimes one decides to sell everything to buy a devine and go feed it to enemy carry on purpose because someone else call him/her a noob... and of course i've been called a noob because i decide to disengage when we loose a core and we have no more nukes and no dps dealer... also called a noob and reported for pushing towers while enemy 5mans us since minute 10...
            my party mmr is still above 3k, but i havent played for a while now... no one of my friends interested in mmr...
            fun thing is my solo unranked games are much more of a success - better communication with teammates, they understand splitpushing strats and we can agree that vs some hero setups on enemy side it is a better option...
            thing i hate the most, and it happens often in both unranked and ranked, is that we kill 2 enemy heroes push t2 go for t3 and then my team chases 3 alive enemies while i solo attack tower...then they die and i have to back off without taking the tower... fcking objectives... also first pick carry hero players who has 13 lh after 10 minutes while auto attacking whole time and then complains how someone fed other teams carry...

            i love this game, love to play it... and i hate myself when i overcommit/missplay or basically do something stupid... but when i do, i do it once and most of the times i recover... and there are some people who will just go and ruin our game just because they had a bad start and i hate them more...

            Low Expectations

              The problem is that you cant skip the middle step.
              For example:
              A 2k player will reck 2k players by playing riki (noone on enemy team has sentries, or they got it too late riki already too big gg)
              -> riki picker climbs to 3k mmr where people have sentries he dies alot (gg loss, riki back in 2k)
              -> riki picker does 2k shit again and wins (Wee 3k again)
              ->riki picker avoids sentries and carries hes potato team (gg riki 4k now woaw)
              ->riki now knows how to avoid sentries but still goes for same stupid s&y build and he dies while being dusted (gg riki back to the trench)
              ->riki snowballs in 3k and gets back to 4k, learns that diffusal purges dust, and mom is a good item on riki and he keep climbing


                1. Pick carry/mid.
                2. Learn to farm, last hit until u can get 50-60lh in 10min, 120-140lh in 20min.
                3. Win nearly every game in low mmr by just outfarming everyone.
                4. Continue this way until 3.5k-4k (you can get that high by just farming well enough).

                You should notice first problems if u "mastered" farming in 3.5k+. The best safe lane hero to win games in ur mmr imo is Juggernaught, coz even if his lane goes badly, he can catch up very fast in the jungle.

                King of Low Prio

                  real men farm heroes

                  Royalon ZZ

                    @ imprecis, is there any good guides to learn how to farm at that rate in solo mmr?


                      ^ I would actually want a guide like that

                      60 last hits seems a bit hard in 10 minutes, but it is something I will try

                      casual gamer

                        if you absolutely want to win, you can either go mid or pick someone that will guaranteed win your shitty 2v2 lanes

                        any mid you can rape as if you know how the hero works + learn basic laning from videos

                        for sidelanes just focus on EVERY cs while playing a hero like viper/clinkz, orbing the shit out of them whenever you can without missing a cs

                        shadow blade is prob the best item, considering not only does it give you guaranteed pickoff potential, but can actually be used to disengage in shit tier


                          Down in the low tier no one Carey's detection so shadow blade /glimmer cape is amazing


                            I mean, I learned Halo the through a similar ranking system, to the point where I was "6K" in terms of Halo skill. I do think there is some benefit to playing against/with players of higher skill than you, at least in terms of learning the game quicker, but it is most definitely not a hard task to learn through playing opponents of similar skill. You just have to put more effort into learning from your games, rather than just playing.


                              ^ 6K in halo skill..

                              lol how do you figure that.

                              you're playing 10 yr olds most of the time.


                                Well volvo does give you worst players then you and asks you to carry them in return. This is their idea of a balance. But like you said i would really like to get to be matched with better players then me and be forced to lose them. That would be fun. But when they try to enforce my lose by just giving me retards then its not good, its sad. If %50 enforce was like what i wanted it to be i would love this game even more.

                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                  it doesn't matter how they want to balance the game, it's better than them not balancing at all

                                  but anyways dota 2 needs something liike elo rws rankings


                                    Making this post to help you out, read it if you want. Ignore it if you want. I have stopped playing as much Dota2 recently so have time on my hands to do this. Enjoy!

                                    Things I have noticed:

                                    You are much like I was in solo queue about a year ago where you have more success as a support then a carry. That's nothing to be ashamed of, good supports are few and far between and mastering supports is one of the hardest things to do right. From looking at some of your games after you played them it's very apparent you sit too much in a support mindset when switching to carries, in the same way most core players suck ass as supports cause they are always looking for places to farm because again, they haven't moved into the mindset.

                                    The support games I watched were decent enough for me to pick on things but not a lot, so there is encouragement there that you're doing the right thing. However, part of improving is identifying weaknesses and this comes from looking at the other roles you suffer in. At a glance I can see...

                                    - Inefficient farming.
                                    - Poor Item selection.
                                    - (On carries) Trying to do too much too soon.

                                    If you want solid advice then STOP theory crafting, its not about farm = win game or, pick OP heroes = win game. Games are won by good players and good players will usually play their best on heroes within their comfort level, and your seems to be supports. I will however give you some advice on Wraith King as that is a Carry hero I can play extremely well.


                                    Stop getting Armlet on Wraith King.
                                    Stop Jungle Wraith King it's far too slow.
                                    Stop going Desolator the item is dog shit.

                                    Start getting Blink Dagger as one of your first core items so you can catch ranged.
                                    Start playing him with confidence as a core.
                                    Start going, Maelstrom, MKB, Basher, Assault Cuirass, Radiance (where viable), Blademail


                                    Lets answer some of your questions from the post you made:

                                    "I reckon if I had 10 games at a really high mmr, I would be 10 x the player I am now"

                                    I would be happy to give you an account that I give to people I coach that helps them to get a taste of higher ranked gaming.

                                    "I would rather play in 5k mmr games, lose with 0-60-0 for a hundred games in a row and challenge myself to get better and learn from my mistakes then try to get there over years through the +25/-25 system, learning extremely slowly as I go."

                                    That's good, at least you're motivated to learn but if you were doing that you would ruin it for all the 5K+ players who would have to suffer you skill. The reason you're winning is because you've not achieved full potential you should honestly have quite a lot of success till you hit near to your true skill level. At which point you learn and climb, or you don't and you remain at your skill level +/- 200 rating.

                                    Here are my closing notes to you:

                                    1. Take everything I have told you just now and the things everyone else says on this forum with a grain of salt. All information is informative, but not all of it is relevant or valuable. Pick and choose what you want, and what works for you don't just take it all in.

                                    2. Don't put emphasis on your last hitting, work on your efficiency with your farm. Farm creeps, farm jungle, farm heroes, farm towers. Buy the right items so that you scale through the correct stages of the game.

                                    Examples of this is Spectre saving for 25 mins for nothing but a naked radiance and brown boots. A spectre who goes for Urn or even Drums/Vanguard and fights early will usually get a Radiance + all the additional items he built before that helped him get kills, farm, and towers. Get the point?

                                    3. If someone in your bracket stomps your team or the team you're against, watch that game from his perspective. Find out what made it successful. Due to it being in your bracket you would be more able to glean from the bite sized information you get. I do this for myself, like if a ES or SK gets an extremely fast dagger or a series of items and I am genuinely baffled due to killing him multiple times, I want to see how he did that.

                                    You can always stand to learn from your piers. Learn to identify your strengths and you opponents weaknesses.

                                    I don't really post here much anymore but if you would like to talk further I am open to you adding me and I may even find the time to coach you a little bit here and there or just discuss games as you would like.



                                      havoc is a troll don't listen to him.

                                      you're already a 5k player. just buy a 5k account. unleash your true form


                                        hey havoc. think i could use that account of yours to try some higher ranked? im 3-3,5k with some amateur tournaments experience.

                                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                          havoc is a troll"

                                          lmfao implying your some kind of innocent soul

                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                            look at your damn profile pic, some ragy stoned bald anime mud golem guy


                                              well you have anime grills as your profile pic, theres that



                                                Wow thank you! That is an extremely helpful post. And a lot of the things you said is true, or seems true to me looking back

                                                For instance the blink dagger, My main problem with wk was the fact heroes got away cuz too slow etc (and also disable/stuns/general slowness keeping me from hitting heroes in teamfights - considering I went for damage items it sucked)
                                                Also the way I really don't farm well when I play a carry is very true and something I need to improve so much.

                                                I am going to make a custom build based on what you have told me and try him again.
                                                The reason I've been playing wk by the way is it is my compendium challenge... which wasn't a great idea considering I've lost 100+ mmr now xD

                                                But I honestly am taking all your advice, 3 especially is something I want to do now as it seems like a really good way to learn.
                                                I really really thank you for your post!


                                                  Well you can go and read my thread about free VHS smurfs for anyone. This is your chance to play on the skill level you want so you can learn more.


                                                    ^except they're not free, u want items in return, and ur gonna "choose" ppl.

                                                    @Havoc, I'd like to get a taste of very high skill too, i've played in stacks of high skill and I honestly didn't note much difference from my own normal skill bracket. Also, regarding ur point about spectre, imo if u know how to get kills in clutch play haunt-reality's without dying, I think u can rush naked radiance. The most effective build in my experience has been

                                                    QB+SS->Poor Man's Shield->Complete Power Treads->Radiance->Diffusal 1->heart->Diffusal 2->Skadi OR Butterfly->BoT

                                                    If game is rli hard I get diffusal 1 before radiance and then I think abt completing it or skipping it all together


                                                      I guess, Havoc having hard times. =)

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        9 friends?


                                                          There is no point in being 5.5k if you're going to get a team mates below 4.5 who do nothing but cry, flame, and throw. I don't even have issues with them being sub par players it's honestly just their shitty attitudes.

                                                          Anyways you're welcome and like I said if you want to try your luck at a couple games add me and I will pass over the account.



                                                            It is a matter of definition of the word "free".
                                                            Ofc I choose since I dont want to help everyone. Why would I?


                                                              @Havoc did u read my earlier post? Can I try the account?


                                                                if you add me then sure...

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  how can you trust that random ppl?

                                                                  elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                                    FOR SKELETON KING I GET BLADEMAIL INTO RADIANCE EVERYGAME

                                                                    RADIANCE IS EVEN BETTER NOW


                                                                      ^ Preach it Gurl!

                                                                      Look at me, Hector.

                                                                        havoc cum play civ5


                                                                          desolator is like 600 gold less now its not really dogshit.