General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes with high skill ceiling and worth it to master

Heroes with high skill ceiling and worth it to master in General Discussion
Royalon ZZ

    1. Basically, what are heroes with high skill ceiling and will be effective even in higher mmrs? Now that its summer break, I have time to start mastering heroes, and I want at least a hero pool of 4-5 heroes to always choose from. Please take some time to explain your choice as well.

    2. On a side note, what are heroes with "false" winrates, where their winrate is lower than its supposed to be due to the average player picking them for whatever reason and failing, while players who have practiced those heroes will have a significantly higher winrate?

    Bad Intentions

      A really good invoker is a nightmare matchup.


        I've found Ancient Apparition to be highly rewarding despite having an unreliable stun and an ultimate that takes some practice to aim. But either way, that frostbite is effective no matter where you are in the game. Being unable to heal and having 10/11/12% of your health virtually removed is not something you can ignore if that Ice Blast lands.


          Magnus players are God Tier Unstoppable Badasses.


            Techies has a high skill ceiling despite what people think (look at my win rate for him before I figured out the best way to play with him) I would suggest looking up siractionslacks guide to techies as it would say some of the same things I would but remember your q does damage to buildings

            It's also nice to be able to prolong a game..... Like if you have a super late game carry like a medusa or something

            I feel like tusk has a high skill ceiling as well...... Not had much success with tusk so far so I can't help much there

            Out world devourer, tusk, Chen, shadow demon all have lower win rates then they deserve imo

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            Natsuki Subaru

              You know every hero is pretty easy once you play 8 games with it. I probably wont recommend meepo since it requires too much effort, but try playing beastmaster. Anyway most heroes require high skill to own anyway so try owning. (high KDA)

              mmr scientist

                Storm has a very high skill ceiling, it's gonna be really hard to play against a skilled storm player. Mana management & decision making is key on this hero

                Naga is also another scary hero cause once the naga farms up her rad, and the player knows how to execute post-rad naga (despite having 1-2 raxes down) it's gonna be really hard to siege HG and even win the game.

                PL is a hero with a high skill ceiling because you'd need to master how to play against aoe lineups, as in my experience of playing PL in 5,6k~ mmr pool, I usually fp PL so that I could practice, then they'd pick all possible counters to PL, although I don't find shaker as one of them. It's usually Undying + 1 offlane, Ember/Storm/QoP, then some safelaner like slark or troll, which of course I can easily deal with.

                Anyway, this thread is pretty subjective imo, because every hero has a high skill ceiling & if you master any hero, it could get you places. Take !Attacker & Snith for example, Attacker grinded Kunkka to 6k if i'm not mistaken, and Snith plays Chen exclusively and is like >5k mmr I think.


                  I like heroes with high skill ceiling. IMO the most rewarding are Tinker, TA, Invoker, and Morphling. I don't recommend meepo since I think it's not worth it to learn him
                  Playing Tinker in particular is so satisfying when you become good at the hero

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                      Pretty much every hero with micro - Meepo, Brood, Visage, Brew, Naga

                      plz do

                        1. depends which role ur lookin for: wisp, visage, shadow demon, aa, chen as support. clock, batrider, ebola, morph, timber as offlaner. brew, tinker, invo mid. meepo as carry.

                        2. thats like almost every hero. a practiced player will have higher chances to win w any of the low wr heros (like sd's 42% wr this week - yet picked in pro games. other examples: visage 45%, chen 44%, batrider 43%)
                        check for urself -


                          meepo is the most broken shit in the game if u have past experience with games like sc or wc3 then it should be no problem


                            Earthshaker, simply because of Fissure.


                              sf kappa


                                Tusk win rate seems to be lower than what it should be. He is actually quite versatile and can fit into position 3 to 5. He may even be a decent position 2 with enough farm due to his good stat growth and attack animation.

                                Skills in Dota essentially refer to "game sense" and "action per minute". "Game sense" include decision making, positioning, in-game knowledge, ability to focus etc, which comes with experience. You can also call this common sense. "Action per minute" basically refer to how fast you can tap your keyboard buttons, move your mouse, and switch between screens etc. This is basically your reaction time, which is much harder to train.

                                Heroes like bounty hunter and troll basically requires minimal "game sense and minimal "actions per minute".
                                Heroes like sniper and wraith king requires a lot of "game sense" but minimal "actions per minute".
                                Heroes like lone druid and warlock requires minimal "game sense" but a certain degree of "actions per minute".
                                Heroes like invoker, meepo and chen requires a lot of "game sense" and a certain degree of "actions per minute".

                                So does sniper and storm really have a high skill cap? I guess you should have a better idea by now.


                                  skilled nagas and magnuses, also while it might not seem like it at first, playing against a riki who knows his shit is nightmare inducing

                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    How have no one said Earth Spirit?

                                    Royalon ZZ

                                      Wow, thanks for all the answers.
                                      For number 1, I just wanted a nice hero pool to work with. From this post, it seems I should be practicing storm spirit, magnus, beast master, clock, and morphling? Excluding supports, does this seem like a good hero pool to start practicing? How difficult is it to learn Invoker?

                                      I believe people are misunderstanding question 2. Basically, i'll vaguely split the skill levels: bad, average, good, and very good/specialty hero. What are heroes that people handle very bad if they're average at them (say, they pick the hero only for counterpicking), while players that are good and have practiced the heroes will be... well much better at handling the heroes? Note that I'm not talking about players that specialize in certain heroes and can use the hero very well in nearly all lineups (like Wagagaming with TA).


                                        @Pomi because no one wants more ebola players


                                          Shadow Fiend.


                                            only a normal skill player would watch(learn?!) from that reddit retard "siractionslacks"

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                                              isnt siractionslacks 3 or 4 k scrub himself btw?

                                              Low Expectations

                                                ^he is 4,2 solo I like his stream you watch it for fun

                                                On topic I would say Kunkka but maybe thats just me because I cant play that hero for shit.


                                                  Tinker, Meepo, Storm, Ebola, Beastmaster, Chen, Visage, Invoker, TA


                                                    he's fun to watch, but his advice sometimes are... suboptimal and highly questionable. at least i see it this way.

                                                    kunkka is not that hard to learn tbh, neither you stomp gaemz with him once u know how to play him. afair Attacker! has not very spectacular winrate despite being the actual creator of current kunkka's playstyle.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I'd just say meepo, visage, invoker and morph. Invoker is the most versatile hero in the game, he can go any lane and build to do whatever your team needs. The other are all micro heroes who are super powerful when done right but hard to do right.


                                                        VISAGE its a mo..tucker
                                                        for agi and supp lineups


                                                          Most people think of void as a somewhat "easy" hero, but really good chrono placement can make a fight, while sub-par chrono placement can lose your team the fight.

                                                          I'm not saying void has a super high skill ceiling, but mastering chrono placement is very important.

                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                            Earth spirit.


                                                              earth spirit got nerfed to shit


                                                                ^nah he is still able to spread good amounts of cancer if played right


                                                                  no he shit


                                                                    Two ES. Both can crush dreams and crush teamfights.


                                                                      ^excuse you, idk if anyone told you yet but ur avatar is awful, i hate it.

                                                                      waku waku

                                                                        da butcher
                                                                        in this age of renewed comebacks only flesh heap is constant (and int steal, but that sucks)

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                                                                            Earth spirit, meepo, ember, invoker, wr.

                                                                            Mortimer Smith



                                                                                Ancient Apparition by far.


                                                                                  dont bother using wisp if youre below 4k
                                                                                  retarded carries never realize whats going on even after the 20th time you relocate them somewhere
                                                                                  hate stacking into that range cuz wisp is the only support i can play lol

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                                                                                    Windranger and SF, getting those shackles is teamfight decisive and SF with the early game razes win games, when you master the razes the pub stomp begins (76% winrate so far)


                                                                                      storm/qop/ta/meepo. slark too maybe

                                                                                      those are the best heroes imo


                                                                                        antimage morphling


                                                                                          Haha takodora that is funny that you put sniper and wk in same category Cuz those two heros I hqve best kda with in ranked games, I guess my game sense is better than my apm but I have always knew this , my big hands holding me back lol.


                                                                                            For all the shit people get for playing sniper I actaully learned a shit load about positioning playing him , translates to better play with a lot of the heros that rely on it.