General Discussion

General DiscussionMost hated heroes to spam in any game

Most hated heroes to spam in any game in General Discussion

    So it seems like the community word is "spam" when someone pick a hero very much.

    Spamming heroes for any reason is something I find very interesting.

    Therefore I have these two questions:

    1. Which heroes make the opponents or forum readers most angry when people spam them?
    2. Which heroes make the opponents or forum readers most happy when people spam them?


      in proffesional dota people focus to play 3-4 heroes realy good this is there are core heroes so there is no spam as term in dota


        1. Meta heroes & slark
        2. Alchemist & TB cuz so strong Kappa


          Spamming is fine imo, as someone who's spammed multiple different heroes i personally think its fine... solong as obviously you can play more than one specific position if needed. Like me for example i think to play with GOOD players the easiest option imo is to spam my way from 3k to 5k.... then branch out and improve on my weaker heroes.... you still learn things along the way but obviously you can become weak at some roles and heroes.

          Anyways on topic

          Angry: Meepo, Earth spirit, Storm, Undying, Ta (maybe), Troll, Jug.
          Happy: Bloodseeker (pre thirst buff...maybe slightly OP now), Leshrac, Bara, Brood, Any support like a lion, CM, AA is fine to spam i guess.

          I dunno i think people should just play what they wanna play and fuck what others think. For example If someone wants to argue that you got 6k by spamming storm while they're 4.8k but play most heroes or something then thats up to them. :).

          plz do

            makes me angry: ebola, meepo, undy
            makes me happy: io, phoenix, shadow demon


              fucking pudge

              Giff me Wingman

                Forum readers are mostly angry on little shitheads with a 2k rating who keeps making threads about his very high skill bracket while sucking cock at playing in said bracket.


                  This forum is mad at everyone

                  Techies makes everyone mad


                    slark pickers can go fuck themselves with a dildo, make life so fucking bad for a solo support fuck that trash hero


                      for 2, I admire anyone who can naga well, not even mad if i lose the game


                        I hate Storm spirit, qop and Bara
                        I like seeing sand king and shadow demon

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Literally any teamfight hero is annoying as fuck because pubs have no idea on how to split up or position well. I especially hate Warlock and Omni after this game