General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports~!

Supports~! in General Discussion

    How long does it take to get your core item?
    Also do you like being a ward bitch?r

    game is bad

      Sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes. Sometimes never. Depends on how much gank potential the team has.

      No, but someone has to do it. If I pick carry, too many times we end up with no vision, leading to me not being able to farm comfortably, leading to teams bitching about lack of farm.


        I like being ward bitch as I put wards in decent places. Too often see people buying wards, or me giving them a ward at the start and they still have it 10 minutes later or they put it within range of another ward. At least if I'm ward bitch I can manage stock/vision.

        plz do

          Question u should ask instead as support:
          How long does it take your carry to get his core items?
          Also do you like being the map control bitch? (if 1 support rotates 9 other players will go bananas)


            I'd like to think that I generally place wards in better places when compared to those in my bracket, so yeah, I like buying and using the wards.

            Farming patterns as a support is good because you need to know how/where/when to take the scraps that are left for you, but as hushhush said, it's also about securing a good enough advantage for your carry in the early-mid game so he can carry you mid-late.

            Items as a support depends on who you are (because some might not have farming capabilities) and, as the guy above said, gank potential and how much impact you make in the early-mid.


              there's no such thing as core items, pls learn the meaning of support if you're gonna be "supporting"