General Discussion

General Discussioncompendium hero challenge in a nutshell

compendium hero challenge in a nutshell in General Discussion

    get 8 most hated heroes in your doto life
    pick one of them in normals
    get counterpicked as shit
    your team don't know about bkb existance = scrubs
    qq on forums what compendium is shit

    also, did i mention about that stupid lich challenge?


      Compendium Hero Challenge is ez. Play Meepo with aghs in 20 mintues.
      Fucking hell

        Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

          Win a game with Pudge with 5 Blind Hooks!
          Win a game with Mirana landing 5 5 seconds stuns!
          Win a game with Sven with 5 Rampages!

          I wonder if these challenges exist lol.

          Giff me Wingman

            They don't, pudge has 10 flesh heaps after 20min, potm has land 2 arrows max stun.


              I completed my tidehunter challenge just fine :D