General Discussion

General DiscussionEasiest game of my life. Must see!

Easiest game of my life. Must see! in General Discussion

    I just played this game that lasted 25 minutes with us absolutely slaughtering the other team. I have never seen this happen before... The other team had legitimately 0 kills the entire game. ZERO. Like wtf? Has this happened to anyone else?

      Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

        Check, how long your enemies play dota.
        I had <50 hours enemies in CM on my trash MMR after playing 1k+ hours.


          Im 3.5k mmr and I have over 2000 hours played and that was the first time I have ever seen a team legitimately get 0 kills. Sure I have seen like under 10 kills sometimes but never 0! Im nothing special and 3k isnt good or anything so I am not surprised but I just found this strange.

          ED WUNCLER

            this dog seem out of attention. plz someone adopt him