General Discussion

General Discussionnoob support questions

noob support questions in General Discussion

    1. What is the best option if a retarded carry does not know creep equilibrium and is pushing the lane and at the same time getting rekt by the offlaner. pull or zone? (solo support scenario)
    2. nah thats just about it


      It's almost impossible to zone (unless you have a nuke) without getting harassed by both the creeps and enemy hero/es.

      Just try and do a double pull or stack and rotate mid if the carry keeps pushing the lane. (I would try and double pull if I'm a solo support with no ganking potential so I can at least get some xp and gold out of the laning stage to help me in the mid game)


        @Pilot thanks man never thought of rotating mid though cause of carry doing poorly


          your job in that case is NOT to pull or anything like that but hide and keep him safe OR keep him safe by harrasing if your lane is favorable.