General Discussion

General Discussion1V5 Heroes

1V5 Heroes in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Hi, I need some input as to what heroes can 1v5 (for the 50% of matches when your team feeds) because one of my irl friends started playing dota, and he has no idea what anything in dota does or what their names are because he "doesn't believe in tutorials", and we are matchmaked with people similar/ between his and my skill level.

    Keep in mind that I am a normal skill scrub.

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      playinginursockdrawer mm soc

        I've only played ember twice with polarizing results, so I'll try to learn him.


          Once you know how to play phoenix, no other hero is worthy for the name "1v5"

          Miku Plays

            ^ but when he turns to egg its easy kill


              if all 5 of you pick 1v5 heroes, ur gonna lose get shat ect ect and blame everyone else, ive found that playing actual team heroes/initators has won me more games than say picking ta. So stuff like panda, axe, clock are usually much better if u wanna win, also phoenix is retarded if you can play him


                Right now, there's only furion, split them to the death, and if your ahead, you can 1v1 fight anyone.

                Slark doesn't 1v5 and that's same for ember, but those two can snowball pretty hard -ember is a bit better for this, since he can middle-, wk is really a big shit at 1v5

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  If you are at utterly low level where people don't even look at their minimap, you could go Lycan and win by splitpushing.

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                    What is this minimap thing you are talking about ?

                    If I would have to choose any hero a kunkka might be able to 1v5 but he with just a little support can be a huge threat. In general no hero is really able to 1v5

                    On The Grind

                      Ember Spirit (BF x 2 and Daedalus), Phantom Ass (BKB, BF or Butterfly), Medusa (Rapier and Linkens) and Gyrocopter (Rapier and Flak)

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        I've seen most 1v5ing from Svens.


                          Gyrocopter can 1v5.


                            naga i guess?

                            if you'll play her you won't even need to 1v5 i suppose

                            Look at me, Hector.

                              pl, naga, slark, sven, gyro, storm

                              thats for this meta


                                i would recommend qop/ta.

                                a last pick ta where they cant destroy your refraction fast is 100% win. min 11-12 deso + manta and its a 25 min game.

                                try to dodge hard carries, as they need space for farm which is rare from randoms.

                                NextStep ®

                                  Go dps Undying since you're at normal skill. Easily 1v5


                                    naga gaming