General Discussion

General DiscussionHow should spectre be built in this patch?

How should spectre be built in this patch? in General Discussion

    Should you build more early game due to early game deciding team fights / high vaulue on ganks?


      yup, rushing radiance is very risky now, while going for pb-pt/urn/diffusal (and mb vg) became more viable
      i dont mention weird builds like MoM one cz they were and still are very situational


        high risk high reward


          buy a lot of early game items, she can actually do some decent damage early game with right items.
          treads/phase, pms, aquila, urn.


            ^^agreed, radiance is better now, 17% evasion makes a huge difference

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            THICC BABY SHUM

              phase urn bladmail difuzal manta AND THEN RADIANCE THE GAME KILLER REPORT FARMER.


                no need to upgrade yasha to manta before radiance

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  ok, yasha basher then radiance


                    Gank with ult at lvl 6 with pms urn phase, and start the snowball ganing urn charges. Then the usual diffu manta terraske/butter/skadi.

                    Radiance is great at any point but getting ganked while afk farming can set you back a lot, and if the enemy team is somewhat decent they will realize you are going for it.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I like vanguard early and maxing dispersion, you get so tanky, you will do a lot of dmg in fights just by living so long. Treads/phase, ring of hp, diffusal if you have free farm, finish vanguard, then diffusal if you didn't have free farm, then whatever you want, skadi is fine at that point or radiance or yasha into manta or whatever.


                        Phase boot, vanguard radiance, but I have seen blademail spectre then radiance which was interesting. I like yasha too

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