General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to escape the 3k mmr bracket?

How to escape the 3k mmr bracket? in General Discussion
Wanye Kest

    Any tips from players who did escape the 3k mmr bracket and how to maintain your 4k mmr.

    The heroes used
    The role you played

    King of Low Prio

      stop feeding


        literally this ^

        just pick a fighter hero and make sure you never die unless its a fantastic trade. never stop farming.


          get 2k

          Wanye Kest

   this is my profile. see if i need to improve on somethings


              if you are not 8k, you can always improve on "something", that is usually called "positioning, map awareness, and decision making"; but it comes with experience.

              besides that, i would advice you to watch several guides for the heroes you pick most often, keep an eye on some streams (high mmr pubs would work best), improve ur microgaming skills (bottle abuse without wasting time = using hotkeys, pt switch, etc.), learn the creep spawn boxes in order not to fail with warding, etc.

              furthermore, your attitude is important. you should never give up and try to win every game untill the end even if it seems impossible, cause it gives you knowledge and experience. at the same time, try to stay calm (which is the hardest thing in solo RMM tbh).


                3k vs 5k

                3k players turn off their brain midway through game

                "oh 5 heroes missing, I shouldn't attempt to farm jungle... nah fuck it let's go farm jungle"

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                Wanye Kest

                  ty @TripleSteal


                    u have 54% wr on ranked mm, u will get out of 3k eventually


                      i recently played on a friends low 3k account and won 18 games in a row doing the exact same thing.

                      pick sf. build treads, drum, sange and yasha, skadi, anything else.

                      while this might not work for you, one of the best ways to climb is to find a hero youre very good at and play only that hero.

                      Protato BBnoZAR

                        If you play support
                        pick one that can smoke gank mid at an early lvl
                        be creative with warding and hide sentries in trees so they dont get found
                        keep an eye on opponents supports to deward
                        always carry tp to save other lane if possible(you need to tp in fast)


                          I played at 3k at my friend acc and played 4 heroes each one 3 times 12 win streak using ta storm sf and lina , its actually extremly easy,

                          And just stop looking at ur teammates and improve urself , i went from 3.6k to 5.8k , and its a big ego boost to me when i play at 3k now to see how much i improved that i bearly could win at this mmr now i can win playing with 1 hand


                            Improve on your mistakes, always be open to playing all roles if needed.

                            I climbed from 2.2k to 3.7k playing random shit, going on big win and loss streaks, Finally started playing only a couple of heroes (I have a couple for each role) and I've climbed from 3.2k - 4.8k in just over two months.

                            Lately I've only really been playing bloodseeker, kinda nice to see him get buffed too.

                            While spamming or abusing MMR whatever you wanna call it can help... alot of my improvements come from watching high ranking pub replays, I'd say for the past 6 month I've watched atleast 2 replays daily.

                            Von Darkmoor

                              Just pick Overpowerd/unbalanced/Flavour of month Shaddow fäg for instance or Queen of gäy and then take the gäylane (yes thats mid) make sure you practice solo mid matches and vs bots to get lasthitting down to perfection with the hero prior to starting the advance.

                              Also experiment with builds to see what fits your playstyle best how you can improve the economy of it (this means making it as cheap as possible so you can get it even in a horrible fail game) and make sure to take into consideration how fast you get those kind of items, make sure you decide if you gonna go rune whöring a lot or just try get those 100 cs> 20 min i would say for Queen of gäy proberly aim 6-7 go rune, also make this clear to your team they can really help with stealing the runes from the enemy tema, bottlecrowing could also be a vital thing to learn, then play that hero for lets say 50 games in a row only as solo mid and profit

                              (1 last thing google a good autoconfig and refit the binds to fit you it really helps for solo mid and lasthits. Envy/Rtz pretty good ones.)

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Thanks for the tips, i'm 3.2, just shy of the high skill bracket, and threads like these make me feel better, just knowing someone's going what i'm going through. I guess the only option is to get so good, that it doesn't matter who your team is, you can just win games alone, that's pretty much what my summer is dedicated to, and being recognized as a top player in California for Street Fighter. Trying get to 4K MMR by the end of summer, seems do-able.

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                                  You will never escape 3k. I've thought I've escaped, but u suddenly won't delete ur 3k friends from friendlist, so in party MMR nightmare of 3k is still real ;p

                                  Need to talk,remove your ...

                                    ^ HAHAHAHAHA FOR REAL!

                                    I just got to 4k solo and my party mmr is just 5 games away from hitting 2k! xD

                                    Anyway OP, play your best heroes. Always remember, 1v9.

                                    Wanye Kest

                                      My summers goal was to become 4k but at the most i got like 3725 mmr. I hope these tips will help.


                                        get gud

                                        in general


                                          The Struggle of getting out of 3k is harder than you think.

                                          A lot of 5k players will say "Just pick a fighter and don't die huehue."

                                          Truth be told, just pick a hero that best helps your team. Help your team out as much as you can. Be friendly. And try not to die.

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            Do not forget unless playing a 1-2 position hero I'd be really weary of playing on weekend solo que. I've almost been over 4k playing on the week only to go into a huge slump weekend.

                                            Recently be weary of Lesh pickers is a huge rush of people picking Lesh going mid and a lot of bad ones. Good support if you have a bad one might be key to your success omni, abba, tree.

                                            Big Dick Player

                                              I think its pretty dependant on the player, different things work for different people, personally im currently playing through 3k bracket with an 80% winrate since i started boosting, I think a good way to rise out of the 3k bracket is to play aggressively as 3k players are not that experienced and find it difficult to deal with strong unexpected aggressive plays. pick mid game dominators and heroes that can fight earlier on but still scale well.


                                                Soul Eater defenetly has expierence on climbing out of 3k :D

                                                On a more serious note: If you can't climb out of 3k, it's because this is the skill where you belong. If you want to climb => practice and improve. Watch replays, watch pro games, be nice to your teammates, etc...


                                                  so basically is picking autistic heroes like lesh qop lina sf farm and win?


                                                    ^picking meta heroes gives you an edge, nothing more. if you suck at playing u will still loose.

                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      ^---the point still stands easier ceiling you going Lesh mid as opposed to you attempting to play something where you have to be super on top of your game.

                                                      Or think of it this way how much easier is it for you to succeed on say slark or specter as opposed to setting a goal to be alchemist?

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        ^that's true though


                                                          Stop been fan of Alliance, they suck now :D


                                                            I in same boat I just got to high skill three days ago sitting at 3268 right now , i usually try to pick goals of like 200 mmr per goal , to be attainable fariy quickly then focusing on next 200 mmr . I have rose from 2.1k so far like this , if I plY with friends in 2k I stomp the yard with any hero even heros I never use now crazy that at one point in time games were hard to win in 2k.


                                                              @Nexon, I did get out of 3k once. I just fell back down cause I went on a MASSIVE losing streak that I couldn't get out of for a long time.

                                                              But yeah. Pick a hero that you're best with, and you'll get out eventually.

                                                              Wanye Kest

                                                                but its a team game

                                                                plz do

                                                                  1st: accept that u make mistakes.
                                                                  2nd: accept that u have teammates, who make mistakes.
                                                                  3rd: do ur thing.
                                                                  Find out what ur top mistakes are, which have high game impact. (feeding, farming, the usual suspects?)
                                                                  Im sure u will get out of 3k like I did. It's a point where u have to say goodbye to casual clicks.

                                                                  Some more practical tips:
                                                                  - pick heros who deal a lot of hero damage with little farm and little skill needed - no matter which position or lane!
                                                                  - buy ur own utilities to give urself an advantage like wards, dust, gem and SMOKE - if ur supports suck and are soooo close to their dagger
                                                                  - let ur teammates die, if in hopeless situation - because u dont want to die. only if u can snatch a godlike spree from an enemy mb.

                                                                  Peace Pipe Paradise

                                                                    I went down pretty deep into 3k territory one weekend when I was highly inebriated. If I were a better and more confident storm player I probably would have just picked that and gotten myself out faster. As my preferred roles are ganker and offlaner, I found offlaning was the most effective way to win and get out of 3k. The thing about 3k is that all carries are trash, but so are the supports. Lets imagine you're a decent player. You might see your terrible carry and decide "I should safelane carry instead." This might be a mistake as you will have to support yourself. I find picking a core offlaner to be better because you can completely crush the enemy's safelane carry, gank mid to control that lane, and create space for your dumpy safelaner to farm, get big, and carry later on. Or, you know, he'll still suck, but you'll be big and be able to carry.

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                                                                      play storm sprit


                                                                        Spam the OP heroes

                                                                        waku waku

                                                                          only die if you don't have a kill streak to feed to the enemy team