General Discussion

General DiscussionTons of people using techies to smurf.

Tons of people using techies to smurf. in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith

    they dont need mid they just go afk plan mines and ez mmr

    Mortimer Smith

      fuck techies


        atm techies is one of the most difficult heroes to play against imo, but games with techies are b-o-r-i-n-g. boring af.


          Im pitted with and against alot of techies this week and i must say these are the longest games ever, ive beaten my longest game twice just this week up to 1h25m game lol. Glad i won it.

          But yeah techie is the new cancer imo, its hard to play against even more with the new aghs upgrade now.

          Best space creator this patch imo.

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