General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Climb (2.3k-3.7k)

My Climb (2.3k-3.7k) in General Discussion

    Since I've recently hit Very High Skill matchmaking in solo queue, I've decided to make a blog post telling the story of my journey.

    I started playing Dota 2 at the age of 13 when a friend gave me a key to the game. It was my second PC game after Portal 2. My friends taught me all the basics to the game and I fell in love with it. Eventually I was the one giving them tips to the game. They quickly lost interest in playing the game and I was the only one left. I started playing pub matches afterwards and I got stomped immediately. I realized I didn't know as much as I thought I did so I started searching up guides on YouTube. I quickly found Purge who gave insightful information for a beginner.

    When ranked matchmaking came out, I immediately played my ten calibration games and ended up at 2.3k. I wasn't made, I didn't know what was considered good or bad at the time. But I wanted to win more and get to 3k atleast. I didn't know how to climb higher though. I went back to the google searches and came across Dotabuff. I asked questions to the people on the sight and they gave me answers (Melody, Sano, Havoc, Wink, Benao) who gave me suggestions. I was suggested Invoker since Quas Wex was very strong at the time (yes I was one of those people) and I loved it.

    Wink suggested that I simply play heroes that match my play style. I started to love split push dota (I still do) and Tinker/Furion slowly rose to my most played heroes. Using my favorite playstyle most, I broke the 3k barrier. After slowly getting better at the game itself and watching more pro games I played support from 3k to 3.3k. I must say that 3.3-3.5k was the worst time of my life.

    You can see in this picture that 50 pages ago, I was still at 3.4k-3.5k. It wasn't necessarily the games that were difficult. It was mainly the people. Everyone criticized everyone, believing that what they said must go. Whenever something went wrong, the team flamed each other. I got tired of this eventually and started playing what I wanted to and unbound my chat key so I was forced to only use voice when extremely necessarily or the chatwheel for basic Missing, Get Back, Current Time, and Careful calls. I slowly started to win more and more and now I'm at 3.7k and the people are actually very nice and encouraging here. Only talking when necessary or otherwise giving encouragement.

    I'm not very good at writing blogs so my apologies.

    TL;DR The climb from Normal Skill to VHS is possible


      I have also climbs MMR. I calibrated at 3k MMR and am at 3.2K. My strategy? Have a 66.67% win rate in ranked, but only play ranked with party so your solo MMR doesn't change. The reason to not play solo MMR is that I plat USW and the people at 3k think they are at least 5k MMR and are the most toxic people I have ever played with. Stay away from ranked = the real climb


        ^ I'm disappointed you didn't mention my cancerous invoker

        edit: then again I did carry you with it so you have no reason to complain nevermind

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        Bad Intentions

          Yo Salsa, good job man! Like what iv told u, its a very impressive and tough climb. Getting out of normal and high skill is no joke, but u did it, props to u man. Now, continue to update ur blog of your next climb.. to that 4k :)


            U guys are ok but number 12 is da best

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              Yea, I always get stuck at the 3.2-3.5K range also, Have yet to make it above 3.7 though. People in that range are just so aggro and like you said think they are amazing despite all the contradicting evidence. Very painful

              I'm prob high

                I started playing dota 2 in august my first moba and calibrated at 1k both solo and party and my mmr now is 2800 solo 3k party but it seems my teamates are always doing terribly in their lanes while i win mid which keeps me to winning one game and losing the next which gets frustrating :/


                  damn 2.3k-3.7k . Now im motivated that i can escape from 2k lol

                  plz do

                    good job! u dendi 2.0 !
                    wait til u reach the salt of 4-4.5k bracket :( hope u make it through that, too!!!

                    Livin' Real Good

                      @blend i went from 2.1 to 3.3, and i plan to hit 4K the end of this summer, it definitely is possible. :)


                        I've never played ranked but always felt I was around 2k. Suprise for me when the other day I went on Dotabuff and discovered all my non-party games are high or very high skill!


                          Damn , maybe i should put more effort on mmr rather than wasting time on pub


                            tfw played over 2000 matches
                            tfw still playing in hs bracket


                              when i was motivated and actually wanted to win i climbed from 2.4k to 4.9k in about 6-8 months.
                              players are really not that good in 4k, so idk maybe ill start trying to climb again


                                this forum is all about the elo hell, feeding teammates nonsense
                                you are doing it wrong


                                  i forgot to add - and now im stuck in 4k.
                                  this is elo hell, fucking retards in my tema.


                                    Ehh I am kinda stuck in 3.1k to 3.3k range atm , I calibrated at 2.1 k like 10 months ago. I started about 11 months ago. I climbed to 3k for a good bit after only playing 3 months but I guess I didn't deserve it Cuz I dropped down to 2k for a good bit. Didn't get back into 3k until3 months ago.


                                      Any thing more than 1k MMR climb is great. Congrats