General Discussion

General DiscussionHavoc and Blunt agreeing on soemthing????

Havoc and Blunt agreeing on soemthing???? in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    18:56 - x6: and havoc got mad
    18:56 - x6: so i deleted him from friends
    18:58 - Jungle = -25 mmr: lol
    18:59 - x6: he said
    18:59 - x6: im 2k
    18:59 - Jungle = -25 mmr: yeah
    18:59 - Jungle = -25 mmr: he's right

    19:01 - x6: u just say im 2k
    19:01 - x6: cuz i did smurf to get out
    19:01 - x6: idk why all dotabuff hate smurfs

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Mortimer Smith

      Where i can get past conversations with u telling:

      Havoc is such a bad player bla bla bla

      Vroksnack has a inflated mmr cuz play allways stacked vs russians

      Wave created hiden pool to dodge the fact he is 4k

      Why fyyq is so sexy i want him hard inside me

      Etc Etc Etc


        Even Havoc has a limit. Dayum

        Mortimer Smith

          Havoc≠Mahatma Gandhi

          Mortimer Smith

            he lost with axe so he got mad

            bum farto

              Wait what? You removed me?

              I wasn't upset in the slightest about that game, i was disappointed that you went Mekanism on a carry WR but I wasn't even upset in the slightest. I have stopped caring about all the upset, stupidity, and ego in this game so I play it casually from time to time but as far as I am concerned it's a dead game which is a sad realization to have come to after so long of playing it.

              bum farto

                To reinstate, what I said wasn't anger it was to help you. You play like a 2k, trust me I have both seen you play and played with 2ks personally. The solution lies in recognizing personal weaknesses and building on them, not creating smurfs.


                  i wish i had nice people like you to play with....or people to play with for that matter


                    Sorry for the off topic post

                    @ Havoc
                    Why do you think this is a dead game?


                      ^ because the game fucking sucks shit, like the community.


                        i mean, what matters for like 90% of ppl who play this shit is cosmetics

                        whiskey waters

                          @lesh picker
                          awww :3 u can add me if u want


                            haha na we play on diff regions and are 2 skill brackets apart, thanks for the offer though! :3

                            bum farto

                              Stop and think about it. Before this game was all about improving, winning, enjoyment, going as a stack. Now all people care about is a number that genuinely has no purpose.

                              Like people don't care if the game was fun, if people worked together, if they had a good score, contributed etc. all people care about is did I get a little more of a number added onto my already insignificant number.

                              Lets take Bogi, that poor fucking guy. It's not even saying he's bad but that kid turned himself into a lunatic for two years to basically get back what he originally had.

                              Dota2 is over-saturated with smurfs, players overall, cosmetics etc. its like call of duty, its at the end of its shelf life and is just a massively bloated game.

                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore


                                  its just about having enough friends to play with

                                  i have a group of friends of about 8+ years who have played together since wc3 dota days (5-6 people), then we made friends with a few other stacks in our country and now we have a regular group of about ~15 people averaging 4.5k with the highest around 6.2k and lowest 3kish

                                  when we pub we just play to have fun, yolo randoms and flame the enemy together over skype (not in all chat) for being tryhard when they pick bloodseeker undying into our five randoms and try to beat them

                                  when we win we win when we lose we lose although we do win more often than we lose

                                  its so much more relaxing than solo or w/e, i dont see why people would willingly subject themselves to that cesspool of shit

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    ^^ you're reading badly into it havoc, ofcourse some(many) people give waay too much of a shit about their mmr, dota really, reeeally isnt oversaturated with smurfs, those mostly occur at the absolute top level(most of the time) and that can compose maybe 5% of the player pool. People like bogi are gonna exist who give waay too much of a shit about mmr, stack with differnet people and you're gonna have different experiences, the cosmetic issue is nowhere near as bad as CS;GO, league or TF2 has, cosmetics look good but honestly, no one gives a shit whether your storm has the immortal or not.

                                    As for the fun factor. again, completely dependant upon the kind of people you stack with. I've played with 5 stacks with the most cancer tryhard idiots I've met and also played with people who're drinking over skype and drafting mid wisp to a person who's literally never played wisp ever. Also, might be time for you to take a break from dota and delve into other stuff instead, the summer sale has a ton of good stuff to check out if you want to!

                                    bum farto

                                      Its not even about garbage games...its about the degeneration of what was once a really good game.

                                      Lord Mushroom

                                        I am thinking huw stupid i was when i did a new account to get into 3K instead of just climbing MMR on old account. I wish i would remember its password... :(

                                        EDIT: @lesh picker, i got flamed in 3k because i played Storm without cosmetic.

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          SMURF SMURF SMURF SMURF, cause i can't get to the MMR i think i deserve the normal way, DK is real, but don't hate the players, hate the game for changing them, and those shiny four numbers.

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            "over-saturated with players overall"
                                            "at the end of its shelf life"

                                            Just think about those two things for a minute


                                              ^^ lmao


                                                yo yoyo this game sucks, in fact everygame sucks, what does not sucks in this life? even fucking sucks in this shit. You should all k*ll yourself or i don know, go american mode and start a shooting. I'll be on the news in a few weeks, dont worry.


                                                  Havoc has some truth in his words.
                                                  Game used to be fun and exciting. Game used to be about staying and raping on top of page1 with your stack, that's how you could get any promotion or fame apart from actual pro tournaments. What happened after ranked got introduced? Stacking died. No, it got rolled over with a fucking bulldozer 10 times to make sure it died.
                                                  I'm pretty sure mmr made some people suicide. It sure did drive me and many others to some issues that weren't prior rankeds.


                                                    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                      it's not fun because your mentalities are wrong

                                                      i never had a page 1 stack, though i did have plenty of friends who calibrated over 5k when ranked came out and duo queuing with them was fun

                                                      while i certainly dislike valve's ranked matchmaking for many reasons, making numbers visible isn't one of them. two reasons:

                                                      1) i had plenty of delusional retards on my friend's list (3k/4k shits) who claimed they were better than i was/am, and setting facts straight is always a good thing, now i notice none of them are claiming superiority
                                                      2) solo ranked provides an environment where high tier solo players can play without running into 3-5 stacks, which happened frequently before december 2013. i would run into ppd/chink stacks and other players who are well over 6k mmr now

                                                      as someone who solo queued unranked often before, i had a dilemma: tick the solo q option and get mouthbreathers, or don't tick it and run into stackers

                                                      the fact of the matter is, you did not have to stop party queuing/'playing for fun" or whatever it is you're claiming to want. even now, when i solo queue unranked late at night or play in stacks with 5k-7k people, i run into plenty of decent players. there is a significant population of dota players who never touched solo ranked or play it once in a blue moon.

                                                      take zenoth for instance, he would be 6k if he grinded solo (his mechanics are certainly good enough for it), but he chooses not to play. and he made that choice. there's nothing stopping you from finding a decent group you want to play with and playing whenever they're available

                                                      valve didn't kill stacking, people who were extremely vain/put too much weight on solo mmr = skill did

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        I hope you realise that stacking isn't the same because 99% of good stacks stopped stacking so you don't get matched against them anymore so there's no point if you're stacking yourself?

                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                          a lot of page 1 us east stackers had something like 70-80% win rate, which suggests that in most games, they didn't play against equally/similarly skilled opponents at all. if they did, their win rates would be much lower.

                                                          how's that an ocean and a mountain different from now, where if you're remotely decent, you can win a similar percentage of games in 3-5 stacks? the only difference is you won't get into page 1 games except once in a blue moon, but just like before, you'll get a lot of games against low tier opponents

                                                          furthermore a lot of those stacks did cheesy shit like wisp + tiny every game, that's hardly enjoyable for the enemy team unless the players agree to some kind of gentleman's arrangement not to do broken shit

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                          Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                            Its just a game... :/

                                                            bum farto

                                                              @Kylextazy is possible the only one who managed to get the gist of what I was saying.

                                                              For the majority of people Dota2 has gone beyond just a game, and that's why it's dead to me. It's dead as a game you play for fun and has grown into something that I am no longer convinced I like.


                                                                Havoc Badger Lmao wait, Can you describe why I m poor and why I m kid in your definition?

                                                                I really don`t care about mmr or game very long time already and I m having fun, yes before I used to make trash cry posts but that`s more because I was bored than that I was unmature or care about game but probably you won`t understand that because you don`t know me in real life so its okey.


                                                                  Oh sh*t up about how this game used to be better.

                                                                  I'm freaking sick of people saying things were better before. Its your brain messing with you. When I think of my life from 2 years before it looks like heaven compared to this, but it's actually the same when I think about it. It's always like this in life because people mostly remember good things, if it were otherwise we'd all be depressed.

                                                                  And people who say MMR is just a number are usually bad.

                                                                  On the other hand, if you want to play dota for fun QUEUE NORMAL GAMES, if you want to compete, play tryhard, QUEUE RANKED and you get mostly toxic people you're all talking about.

                                                                  I personally prefer normal games over ranked, but I'm currently trying to raise solo MMR.

                                                                  I love doing shit like, first pick wisp and go mid with it if I never played that hero before whilst being drunk, in case you don't go 0 10, those games are the most fun.

                                                                  EDIT: Oh what's this, suddenly its JUST A GAME, and nobody CARES ABOUT MMR? Ok... bullshit

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                  Mortimer Smith


                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                    Mortimer Smith

                                                                      NO ONE FLAME U FOR PLAY WITHOUT COSMETICS WHAT IS THAT BULLSHIET?

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        @BogI: When someone is saying 'poor kid', they don't mean that you are literally a kid without money, but it means that you are a sad person. Don't take it literal.

                                                                        Mortimer Smith

                                                                          There are a loooot of ppl who never bought cosmetics. But, if u are playing 1500 hours to one game i think its not bad to give them some support.

                                                                          My brothar wasted 60€ on call of duty and he didnt played more than 30h.

                                                                          I think the game will last for 5-7 more years. But im tired of seeing allways the same pro players, i think there are pub players better than a lot of pro playas.

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                            fuck off

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                              Why u mad? I didn't even offend anyone O.o


                                                                                Who says the game is all about cosmetics, this is complete bullshit. I spent like 20 euros to support Valve for letting me play this game for thousands of hours for free.

                                                                                People love hats, I love having items, and I hate the recent trade restrictions, but luckily I have items for almost any hero...

                                                                                You're speaking without respect towards Bogi.

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                  i never stated that yet u told me to fuck off LoL

                                                                                  EDIT: Are you fokken serious? I only explained what havoc meant by saying 'poor kid', since bogi thought that havoc literally meant, poor kid.

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    Yeah, Dota is and should be just a game which you have fun playing. I should remember that more often when i see retarded monkeys with same mmr as me ruining my experience and fun. But why care, lets just all fuckin suck and ruin other people enjoyment right?


                                                                                      We Lost Reborn I m very far away from some sad person, I m actually very happy and I enjoy my life so that`s inccorect as well. Random people on the internet are quite funny sometimes even if u thought they are normal they suddenly say some random shit without sense.

                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        I never stated u are a sad person. Just said that havoc didn't mean poor kid literal.

                                                                                        xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa Magnus RP's nothing or is scared to use it, WR refuses to powershot 150 HP invoker and afk's whole game, Muted cuz of monkeys.

                                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                                          Bogi he didnt mean " poor " or " kid " or " sad person ". Poor kid is just a expresion, its like saying poor guy.

                                                                                          bum farto

                                                                                            It was out of genuine concern for how Dota2 affected you, can you genuinely say it didn't stress you out, or cause you to get moody at people.

                                                                                            I referred to you by name but there are others for which this game has taken far more priority than it ever should have. I played it a lot but I played purely for fun but then gradually I found I was playing the game the same amount as before but I wasn't having fun anymore I was just playing it because I always have but it has reached a level of futility for me.

                                                                                            I guess a lot of you are young and its not easy to see this shit but anyone who's taken a break long enough usually finds themselves not wanting to come back to Dota or at least nowhere near in the same quantity as before.


                                                                                              But custom games and hero mmr will make game good right guys?....guys?


                                                                                                didnt read the whole thread but

                                                                                                you guys think dota is a dead game?
                                                                                                go play 10 minutes of league of legends, then realize that piece of crap has like 3 billion players

                                                                                                yeah not a dead game at all


                                                                                                  LoL aram is actually pretty fun, that's the one thing they did well


                                                                                                    yeah but thats not what the vast majority of players play


                                                                                                      They play it for the tits

                                                                                                      whiskey waters

                                                                                                        dota was actually super annoying at some point before ranking came.
                                                                                                        i remember i almost stopped pubs because there was no point at all ~
                                                                                                        at least now you have the illusion of doing it for something.