General Discussion

General DiscussionBLUNT IS 6K

BLUNT IS 6K in General Discussion
plz do

    I can vouch for Krebs, cuz he is a nice guy. haha, i love his gyro octarine core build xD

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Oh god, this forum is just something else.

      kvasius # KSVM

        " gyro octarine core build xD"

        Cuz its OP as shit. U just spam Q and win games.

        CAN'T WIN

          "I swear, Wave and X6 are probably the most entertaining people on this forum. You are srsly wondering if they actually have mental issues or are really good trolls."
          Yeah i though u had mental issues but u were writing here to have fun like me. But u are just ill.

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            about the point of krebs being alternative acc of blunk:
            it should be rather difficult cz at one point i was on ts with both of them at a time, probably when we were playing cs
            but i like this theory kappa

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            Giff me Wingman

              It's normal for wave to have massive paranoia. He claimed left and right that random accounts belong to me. He also claims random shit like me buying a 6k account for 500USD and that i'm living in 'odense' an the list goes on. (I'm sure he posted his weird ass pastebin somwhere)

              He has some srs mental issues going on and he needs to stimulate it by making shit up all the way, otherwise he will probably end up going to kill himself. So please be nice to the poor kid.

              I wouldn't be suprised if he will call you my smurf account :D

              Thank you in advance!

              Here it is. I can give you a proper version of it:


              1.) Shitpost on Dotabuff is accurate, i'm not using reddit however, i think i made only 2 or 3 topics ever. (you can check my reddit account)
              2.) I bought multiple 6k accounts for the price of 150-200USD to resell them more expensive or simply buy mid 5k accounts and grind them to 6k, then sell em. (easy provable by some transactions i have from pp, also even havoc and benao admitted, that if i spam slark & meepo they believe i can get 6k, they made a thread about it which got deleted later on by mods, reaons unknown to me)
              3.) rL pic is accurate, i was 17 years old at that time.
              4.) I never had an IP which started with 8x. something. Easy provable by many people including triple who have been on my teamspeak which runs on my laptop. IP is
              5.) -> has 5.450k which has been proven a lot of times. It also was 6k a couple of times, depending on my tilting.
              -> No iea what this account is
              -> This one has 4.3k now
              -> I bought it for 150EUR, no idea about the owner, but it's safe to assume that the information is true, since havoc state similair i believe.
              6.) Banned myself for exacly 1 day because my Bot did run on my laptop and counted as multiple instance. Accounts is ofc not in shadowpool or anything, which is again, easy provable.
              7.) He also likes to claim that for some reason mods work in my favor and give me free dotabuff plus. I never had dotabuff plus on any account, which is also very easy to prove i assume. YNIT posted me logs about when i got banned a couple of times and i suppose that dotabuff has logs for db+.

              So yeah, Wave is nothing but a little raging kid making shit up along the way and keeps trying to do something about it. I don't even know why he shows his face here. I talked with a couple of people which had contact with wave and everyone is aware of the fact that Wave is an attention wh0re and that he likes to shittalk without ryhme or reason. If he's trolling or actually has a mental disorer is yet to be discovered. I didn't bother explaining this earlier because most people know that you never should take wave srsly, but since people like triple weren't aware of it, i thought i might actually just show what wave really is, a raging little kid making shit up because he felt sad about the fact that a person he didn't like achieved something in a game he never could.

              To sum it all up:
              Either wave is a troll or a person that suffers from ADHD, Paranoia and delusions.

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                Look at me, Hector.

                  why do u copy paste everything that people directs toward u. "paranoia" "adhd" "mental breakdown" "autistic" etc

                  ur actually a human parrot and ur probably screaming at ur monitor as u typed all that nonsense, ur too nauseous for me ugh

                  ecksdee it just keeps coming

                  Giff me Wingman

                    Sry, i had to laugh.

                    I said, that that account is not my smurf, apparently the guy on that account said the same and that automaticly means that it is me, because as well all know - and - = +.


                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                    Look at me, Hector.

                      this pic is the best shit ive ever seen here

                      Giff me Wingman

                        Ok, you also seem to be dense on top of the other mental disorders.

                        Look at me, Hector.

                          "2.) I bought multiple 6k accounts for the price of 150-200USD to resell them more expensive"


                          "s-sorry but i meant 3 6k accounts, not 3.6k"

                          Look at me, Hector.

                            "b-but i don't pay dotabuff staff at all! they love my nauseous shitposting and harassment on users and if they suddenly stop posting, it's not like i paid for it"

                            Look at me, Hector.

                              "Yeah man that Bulgarian guy sold it to me for $100, why would you believe him if he tells a different price? haha! haha.."

                              Look at me, Hector.

                                what are the chances that your "CPU" suddenly died when in reality, you needed money to purchase a high mmr account?


                                i'd say 100%

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Convienient cuts, let's now show the posts where havoc and benao stated that they believe i can achieve 6k with slark & meepo spam. To prove my point even further.

                                  Why are you even trying? I just posted facts that can be proven, you however keep posting posts from people without any evidence whatsoever.

                                  You are literally ridiculing yourself.

                                  I still have the burned CPU. What will you do once i post a picture of it? Oh right, you will to claim that i burned it on purpose to ridicule yourself even further.

                                  I'm done with you. I posted facts that can be proven by a lot of people (and probably will if they care enough). You can go an make some more screenshots about threads like the mentally challegened child you are. I can't imagine what trauma you have to go through in order to make screenshots of posts just to try and shove your lies up peoples throat just to try and make a random guy on the internet look bad.

                                  You truly are one poor kid. I have good reasons to believe that you actually have a lot of mental disorders and have a very sad life. I srsly can't imagine what has to happen to a person to end up like you.

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                                    Blunt was

                                    long time ago, no dreams only tears.

                                    Look at me, Hector.

                                      guys i can travel to space, this fact can be proven. but im afraid the burden of proof is on you.

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        That's not how reason and science works. You are the guy claiming shit left and right, not me.

                                          Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                          Look at me, Hector.

                                            messi arrived in my city just to see me in person and said "you will be professional if you practice every day for 30 days"

                                            im afraid the burden of proof is on YOU to prove me wrong. Haha!

                                            CAN'T WIN

                                              R E K T by the mad boi


                                                1v1 mid sf Wave vs Blunt unvouch from Dotabuff gogo

                                                Look at me, Hector.

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    I support JUSSI THE G's suggestion


                                                      I don't even have a fucking clue who is who in this thread this shit is too deep for me

                                                      Look at me, Hector.

                                                        I want to send out a somewhat urgent alert to yet another well executed SCAM.
                                                        I witnessed a thread on Dotabuff this morning purportedly from Dotacoach saying my MMR can be tenfold by thousands if I purchase a coaching session from them and it provided a link to their site with each and every coach's profile including their MMR visible with an icon confirming it's "verified".

                                                        I immediately assumed it was a scam and, of course, didn't purchase a coaching session from them…. why do I have this assumption you ask? The two profiles that were linked to me belonged to Blunt and Chris coaching profiles.
                                                        The first one is notorious for purchasing high mmr accounts and trying to pass them off as his "own".
                                                        The second one is also famous for using sandboxie clients in South Africa which he got permanently banned for and can't find a match.

                                                        After contacting Dotacoach about this awful scam, I wanted to see if they knew about it and they did but deliberately lied to me and said "these two have been verified by us and is indeed not banned or whatever".

                                                        I'll be contacting Europol and German/Danish firms about this awful cyber crime which focuses on scamming bad and/or inexperienced players in the video game called Dota 2.
                                                        Dotacoach will also be held trial for allowing these scums to further enhance their agenda.

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                        Look at me, Hector.

                                                          do drug crimes and cyber crimes look good on a resume chris boy

                                                          Look at me, Hector.
                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                              Certain people care way too much about those 4 shiny numbers.


                                                                Fuck this I can't handle reading any more blunt shit.


                                                                  "Didn't he sold it?

                                                                  Also, dude, learn English."

                                                                  that's a bit ironic

                                                                  Look at me, Hector.

                                                                    who said that

                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      wave, what do you get out of flaming blunt?
                                                                      because it seems like you made it your full time job.


                                                                        Holy fuckin shit, you people really have WAY too much time.

                                                                        Btw - Blunt is 2k, cause i have to carry him in all games Keppo

                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                        Mortimer Smith

                                                                          Mb blunt and his madness kill himself.

                                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                                            Going on judge court for a fucking game... seriously now, get a life...

                                                                            I'm not judging you, but stop making this drama. Maybe Blunt isnt 6k, maybe he is, what the fuck do you care? If one day Blunt come and say that he lied all the time and he is 5k then what? You will be satisfied for the rest of your life? What if he really is 6k? Congrats to him, it doesnt affect your game nor your life.

                                                                            Really now, Blunt is right when he said you are one of the most hilarious people on this forum. You are full of rage, you are simply ridiculous for caring so much about Blunt's MMR/ he lying about his MMR.
                                                                            If you do this IRL, i bet you have like 0 friends. Seriously now, stop caring for unknown people and watch for yourself. Now i understand Havoc, this game isnt fun anymore, when i see what kind of people play this game... ugh

                                                                            THIS POST IS FOR WAVE

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                              the way ppl talk does not effect how ppl play.

                                                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                                                @Baxter, if its for me, i have friends in real life. But... well thats a weird story that u dont need to know xD

                                                                                One of the most hilarious... thanks i work hard on it.

                                                                                I dont want him telling u he is not 6k, i want him killing himself.

                                                                                The game will be alive for 5-6 years dont worry mah frend. It will die like COD is doing.

                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                  It was for Wave... he said he will go to Europol for that site where Blunt offers his coaching services

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                                                    Mortimer Smith


                                                                                      Mortimer Smith

                                                                                        Btw, wave the post about blunt paying for 6k acc with info was deleted by Havoc cuz i told him Blunt has mental issues and mb he kill himself or could did any stupidity.

                                                                                        Now i regret...

                                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                          And Havoc is not mod, idk y u ppl think that....

                                                                                          Mortimer Smith
                                                                                            Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                                                                            Mortimer Smith

                                                                                              That post is gold

                                                                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                                                                wave is hard right now

                                                                                                Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                                  well yeah, havoc said the same.. i believe blunt didn't show up at all for 3 weeks when people discovered he purchased an account. talk about mental breakdown.

                                                                                                  i have a hard time deciphering your stupidity, can you explain in simple words why blunt is an angel to you? good god the fucking hypocrisy from people on this forum