General Discussion

General DiscussionHero that can manfight void in lategame?

Hero that can manfight void in lategame? in General Discussion

    ^^ title

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Troll, Ursa, any hero with basher that has enough attack speed.


        spectre, on top of said above

        before hex nerf, i used to get it as void against spec in the very late, now void's life is even harder (you might purchase silver edge, but I guess spec > void even then)


          ah, and tiny

          plz do

            ^silver edge counters spec really hard. she just melts!
            6 slotted void under chrono kills most. but if the other carry is 6 slotted as well.. mb just tiny, because of passive. Question is how far ahead void is and which item choices were made.


              This is like this: I usually beat Void with Troll because of axes and right before chrono but recently I've played several games against void and it seems like most heroes that can beat him late game are kind of shitty in lane (especially vs an aggro dual-lane) and will just end up trading farm with void.

              I'd say the sort of late-game-ish void would have Power Treads, MoM, Mjollnir, Butterfly, MKB, BKB and consumed Shard.


                void is really squishy, especially with mom, so many carries can manfight him
                problem is when you are inside a chrono

                saving private RTZ

                  You have to get to someone who can surveys ve chrono. So tiny, spectre, or who can avoid it, maybe Slark, e en AM, but then Void meltsyour team. Maybe slark can even bait his chrono and just ulti. Outside chrono almost every decent carr y manfighthim

                  oh I forgot about naga, you can stay back, and when he finally chrono you can use song to waste his chrono. And then its pretty easy


                    WK maybe? he has 2nd life


                      ^ A fully slotted Spectre can survive a fully slotted Void Chrono. The only question is what can happen after the chrono.
                      Based on my experience, a well timed Blade-Mail before the Chrono and a reduced Void BKB duration are the keys.

                      Other than that, it's Tiny's passive or Wraith Kings ult.

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        A lot of carries can manfight him,the problem is surviving through his chronosphere. Which is kittyfighting (p word is offensive?), not manfighting.


                          The big issue as most above have mentioned is surviving the chrono.
                          I think even a PA outside chrono can kill void without trouble considering she gets a crit atleast once.


                            I agree that Spectre can waste void's chrono a 6 slotted Spectre wont die in the chrono and will deal DPS while he hits her. But after the chrono is over......I guess Void will be able to kill her. At the same time, if Spectre has a blademail and is able to turn it on before the chrono [Void most probably will be having a MOM] so the dmg reflected from the blademail + Spectre's passive will reduce Void's health considerably.....and then she can kill Void


                              Correct me if I am wrong


                                Heaps can manfight him late game.

                                Chaos Knight
                                Silver Edge

                                plz do

                                  well ur talkin about items and countering w items, so technically void can get a silver edge and counter spectres passive, which makes her super squishy and void can get a bkb to counter blademail, then spectre dies very fast - depending on who is ahead on farm/items. like for example slark gives spec such a hard game in pubs because of silveredge and snowballing.

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                                    Silver Edge XD

                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                      @fury Most voids build bkb too though, which blocks blademail.


                                        Same goes for tiny then. Silver Edge will disable his passive as well.
                                        But imo silver edge on a void is hardly built.
                                        If it all, it's the 3rd-4th item after he gets mom/bkb and maybe a damage item.

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          Why did noone mention medusa?


                                            One question regarding the stone gaze-chronosphere interaction:

                                            If Medusa activates gaze and void chrono's her immediately, will it prematurely end stone gaze?

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              Mostly gotta survive chrono and bkb duration . A lot of posters seem to be forgetting a decent void should have a bkb

                                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                  My main issue with void is he's too good in the early/mid game with just treads + mom and a mythrill hammer. His solo killing potential is quite big compared to other carries.

                                                  I really believe the MoM nerf wasn't hard enough. The 100 IAS is so big for just 1800g. I think that should be reduced since it is so strong on this bashlord. And another really annoying thing about him is his backtrack, how the freakin' hell can you make a passive block reaper's scythe/laguna blade/ finger of death.....?


                                                    Hahahahahah I totally get you. I've personally have had my void backtrack the finger of death and assassinate in the same game XD
                                                    I don't think the AS on MoM should be nerfed. That would nerf all early dps carries heavily. Jugger/Sven would become useless more or less and solely become ultimate dependant.


                                                      I don't have problems with void now days at all actaully just kill him while he is squishy . He kinda seems like one of the weaker hard carries now days. I'd rather make space for a medusa or spectre farm than a void .


                                                        1 vs 1 ?

                                                        no one

                                                        team fight ?

                                                        every one

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                        Miku Plays

                                                          legion commander.. first one to ult wins the game


                                                            Sven can destroy him.


                                                              Any hero who is OK with building for 1v1s can manfight Void. The fight itself just becomes a question of who initiated first.


                                                                spec, dusa, wk, troll, tiny, ck

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  doom and blink doom him and pray he doesn't backtrack it


                                                                    ck will rmeove half hp with a lucky w with illusions


                                                                      Spectre isn't a man for sure and dusa is female
                                                                      therefore, neither of them can manfight void

                                                                      im so funny

                                                                      CAN'T WIN

                                                                        Rikimaru fucking retards


                                                                          ^^ listen to this guy


                                                                            Doom, Heaven's Halberd and Silver Edge come to mind.

                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                              Well riki blowns uo void if he has no BKB. But he usually have bkb and mkb In that scenario so ya. Tho riki could have abbysal

                                                                              I found that there is no real best hard carry. Every one is situational and depends on who they are facing

                                                                              And 1-1 6 slotted its pretty much who initiate first. I melted voids before as AM , just blink> abbysal> manta and if he is nkt death , unless he got aghs he has no mana for chrono. Or jugg is really good, just ulti and if he isnt retardly lucky with backtrack he is dead. Slark can fuck him up, silver edge into abbysal and if you got the time right you can use ultk after abbysal so he wastes chrono/ you hit him free for the duration of your ult. CK as well can stun him and burst him down

                                                                              but this is for all the carries. Many counters each other, but in the lategame I find that rarely you are gonna literally trade hits with the enwmy carry. Either he gets stunned/RP/black hole whatever and you punch him, either you get stunned and dead.
                                                                              its not like at 60 min time you'll meet void or whatever In the jungle and start punching him


                                                                                Slark can seriously destroy him without Chrono...

                                                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                  I remember someone made a video showcasing faceless void chronoing one by one the strongest late carries in the game, but can't find it. He managed to kill all of them using only chrono except one (i think was medusa) who he could only finish off in chrono if an ally had AC aura (-5 armour).

                                                                                  His chrono is too good in a 1v1 situation, but when it's down he is actually not that strong compared to other carries. BKB is also needed in most 5v5 situations, since you will rarely get those dream 5man chronospheres unless enemy team is on tilt.

                                                                                  edit: that video was from before moon shard though. The extra 60 innate attack speed might make a difference.

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    O ya I forgot about ck I would think a 6 slotted ck would def win .


                                                                                      6 slotted ck insta gib anyone if hes lucky and has ult up.


                                                                                        6 slotted omni. Not even trolling.

                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          blademail wk w/ abyssal and some ias