General Discussion

General DiscussionYou are this rocking awesome 3.5k - 4.2k player and your 1.9k best fr...

You are this rocking awesome 3.5k - 4.2k player and your 1.9k best friend asks you to boost his MMR up to at least 3k flat. What heroes would you usually play? in General Discussion
lm ao

    I've seen people spam Tinker, Storm Spirit, Troll Warlord mid, even NP/ursa jungling, and some had moderate to really good success. But I feel most of them are kinda out of the meta (?), so it kinda makes you reluctant to play them, versus other heroes that have better winrates (i.e Omniknight, Necrophos, even Leshrac and oh my God, Barathrum) and heroes that have efficacy in all stages of the game (Windrunner, Shadow Fiend, etc). In the lower brackets, games tend to end later than most advanced games because other teammates poorly understand the importance of map control and enemy intel, which you can only dominate and achieve by team-pushing and warding strategic spots throughout the map.

    You guys should oughta know me from my previous thread I made some while ago (*hehe blunt envy*). Well, I'm not saying that I belong to 3.5k or 4.2k, I'm just gonna say that at least, I can beat your run-of-the-mill HS scrub SF 1v1 solo mid (hahahahahahahahaha let's see). My point is, I've learned so much in the 1 year I've played DOTA2, that my rating number just can't catch up with my real capabilities. And I only play at least 10 games in 1 week, so every -/+25 is so important to me.

    Thoughts? No posterino flamerino, I a proud feederino nooberino with krezzy addiction to high skillerino capperino heroino, skillshoterino is love, skillshoterino is life.

    Giff me Wingman

      Do yourself a favor and don't end up like X6.

      Improve, grind mmr, be happy in a skilled bracket where you belong. Don't be like x6 and ruin games, being shit and flame evryone because of your own inkompetence.

      Also to answer your question:
      It depends greatly on the person, i use meepo and slark a lot, lightknight uses omni, waga uses TA, FyyQ uses invoker and Tinker etc. Just play the hero you feel most comfortable with and you will eventually gain mmr.


        My friend was also 1.9k and he wanted me to boost his account to 2.5k. I'd say to use Windranger because she's very good at all stages of the game and can do most things solo. You can capitalize on the enemy mids positioning mistakes with a simple shackle powershot combo. You can dive with windrun early. You can solo towers and roshan with your ult. Stomp your lane and proceed to win the other two lanes forcibly.


          I would play mostly hard carries who you are comfortable on. Don't worry about meta if you're playing in 1.9k. At least not until you start getting closer to 3k where it "might" matter more for you.

          Against 1.9k through low/mid 2k I would play PA, Spectre, Luna, WK, BB, and even sniper.

          If you're good at slark, or mid ss, lesh, sf, then those are good too. I just don't like those heroes so I wouldn't play them.


            i would go for something with high dmg, farm fast, can use deso/manta (for fast rat) and probably a mid hero. dont get hard carry, cause youre not 100% sure if you have space to farm, or if you can farm faster than your team feeds. as a mid you can help other lanes and make sure at least yours is won.

            bs jungle works too.
            slark is ez

            lm ao

              ^ Check my dotabuff, she's actually 1 of my best heroes w/ best KDA, HD and winrate :DDDDD but i spam her too much, i need to take her a rest.

              lm ao

                @Mid or -25 MMR



                  the most usual ones are SS, ember and TA. Next tier consists of Slark, Lc and Windranger.

                  lm ao

                    @Luxury Smurf
                    I always get EZ godlike with Templar Assasin. I dont know why I just fail to carry 4 dumplings to victory 30 minutes later. Item choices? Farming problems? In all my accounts (smurfs and even this 1 guy), I usually get at least 80 cs/10 minutes with TA. The new meta just punishes people with high net worth against opposing players.

                    lm ao


                      I have heard of Juice and his glorious road to 5k with those 3 heroes. I coincidentally used all those 3 and ram solo mid on my 1.9k noob teamates, but it was 2 years ago and times have changed.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        Or maybe you get cought and enemy gg, or you never push and give chance for enemy to comeback.

                        lm ao

                          ^Haha good point. One of my main problems is to actually persuade my teammates to do otherwise. I usually dont use chat at all.


                            The irony that sometimes carrying 4 normal skill players can present more of a challenge then you think.

                            Sure you can carry 4 of them hard, but that's if they're smart enough to let you carry. Most of the time you will get 2 randoms, possible a support and a last pick PA even if you have 2 carries already. The game usually winds up being a bit of a mess and sometimes you can lose just because everything is so god damn chaotic.

                            When I used to boost a couple accounts in the previous patch I used to just offlane sniper and would end up winning not just my lane, but also having enough power in my hero to dedicate to a push later if i needed. I did a few games for X6 as a favor back in the day


                            If you're boosting a low MMR account pick an offlane that can come online mid game as a carry and try and motivate your team enough to push with you. Put your icon on the carry spot and if they take it then go offlane.

                            Recently I just go sand king offlane and do caustic vs their melee carries which they will always pick.



                              Livin' Real Good

                                @ -25 MMR, you say that like you play regularly with Waga, or make it seem like you're on the same level as him, not talking shit, but cmon man, dunning kruger is real dude.

                                "it depends on the person" No shit, you play heroes that you're actually good with if you wanna rise in MMR fast.
                                Even if Shadow fiend was the best hero in the game, that doesn't mean shit if you can't play him well enough to climb.

                                But Slark, Riki, Wind ranger and Queen of pain are pretty high impact heroes, especially if you get AGS around 15 mins for Queen, those heroes should be easy 3K MMR.

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  OMFG THERE'S A HOTSAUCE WHY HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF HIM


                                    Bs and slark would be heros I'd play.


                                      I've boosted a 1.8k mmr acc to 2.3k for a (girl)friend in this version, hard carrys are not an option imho cause you cant expect a support, you can expect 5 carry teams with queling blade fighting for lhs, lack of couirer, etc..

                                      I resorted to mid TA. You dont need wards, even if they pick veno/viper you snowball so hard by not missing any lh, stacking ancients, ganking their core heroes over and over, etc...

                                      Items:3 branches -> bottle -> phase -> blink -> deso -> daedalus. They have no idea how to position themselves at 2k so blink-meld is great for punishing them over and over.


                                        ps: i tried slark 2 times before TA, it was my first choice and i see many recommended it here, but 1.9k mmr is another game completely, you will have to fight for lhs in safelane, and the other time i went mid, 23/03 still lost cause most people dont understand they gotta go together and push at that mmr, if they picked a carry (wich they always do, at least 4), even if you are winning, they afk farm in jungle to get their items, dont comunicate or respond to your suggestions of "come and push, we can end this now", and slark doesnt have enough tower damage or DPS in general to take down 4-5 heroes fast enough.


                                          I went up from 1.75k to 2.1k mmr in about 2 weeks by using heroes like warlock ursa, and my main AM (situational). These guys usually kill it in these ranks since they never know to focus me before I whip out my golem or to ward roshan. Also ursa got such a huge buff that I think he is great in this patch. I've done horrible in the early game, but somehow still carry the game after getting rosh and a kill here or there.

                                          Also, when you support as warlock, you will be a huge help in teamfights, making sure you secure kills and stunning everyone (people also choke up when they see the golems cause they don't know who to kill)
                                          And for ursa, just go in the jungle and get your own free farm. People, most likely, will get at least 4 carries, and no one wants to jungle. So usually when I jungle, im solid.

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            Hmm that's a legit issue.
                                            How about Terrorblade Xd you can still jungle from level 1


                                              meepo :) :) :) :) :)



                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                  well when I boosted an acc it was 3.7 to 4.4 with mainly TA and storm

                                                  TA 15-3 83.33%
                                                  Storm 10-4 71.43%
                                                  Ember 3-1 75%
                                                  Slark 3-0 100%
                                                  Axe 3-0 100%

                                                  and some other heroes

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    Even if you get 0cs in lane as slark you will destroy the opponents as soon as you 6 up to 3k. Just once ur 6 go afk and spam q in the jungle if you truly cannot get a single cs.

                                                    lm ao

                                                      Who is fking X6 guys.... I'm fairly new to the forums :/

                                                      lm ao

                                                        Okay guys... some thoughts about your recommendations:

                                                        Windranger: Pls no more redhead kappa, i'll get sick playing her for another game.

                                                        Templar Assasin: Well she is my very main hero, kudos to @Korrosiv for good advice. One thoght about your build, i usually get Treads over Phase (just recently) because tread switching is good if you want to get more cs and jungling is the sfest, if not, the only option, against popular heroes like Riki and Barathrum. I have very good KDA w/ TA from the last 10 games i had w. her, but she sport a 39% winrate in my account. Why? Because fuck SEA server, fuck normal skill.

                                                        Slark: He sounds like a rly good idea though I havent used him yet. To be able to catch up even with 0 cs safelane is awesome, and Silver Edge sounds promising againsts common heroes like Phantom Assasin, Faceless Void, even fking Spectre and Axe.

                                                        Meepo: I know how to use them, my most common build is jungling Meepo 2-*none*-4-2-3-2 like w33 does, but I dunno, I'm kinda reuctant to use them now in this meta.

                                                        Blunt: Ignore him.


                                                          he creates smurfs nonstop because he thinks he's the divine player or something, while in reality he barely holds himself in 4k.

                                                          lm ao


                                                            Dude where do you live? How can u both play at USW, SEA and EUW servers at the same place???????????????????

                                                            lm ao

                                                              I have create smurfs myself, I already got VHS games in one of them, but most are at HS... Ill try to make a jpeg about the evolution of HotSauce learning curve, maybe later, Ive got pigs to feed here ._.


                                                                by nonstop I mean nonstop. he probably has inflated the monthly players single handedly lmao
                                                                also he bought 5k accounts and played them until they were on his level again, but correct me if i'm wrong, I don't want to shittalk someone.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                lm ao

                                                                  ^ Hahaha his life seems to be happy overall

                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                    I want < 2k mmr account .. Pls gift me

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      You should pick heroes that can end games fast because it's really hard to get your team to push with you and if it goes really late you will lose against the mindless 5 carry teams.


                                                                        I boosted an acc from 3.5 to 3.8
                                                                        TA 4 0
                                                                        SF 4 0
                                                                        sS 4 0
                                                                        Lina 4 0

                                                                        And ive played on 4.8k on my friend acc who had a teammate who randomed and repicked into meepo first pick the enemy picked hard counters and they had no meepo player so did it as a favor , won the game

                                                                        And boosted a guy at low 1k using wisp and techies mid , extremly easy and kinda fun , 2 games only tho

                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          i boosted my friends acc from 3k to 4,2k mainly playing meepo ta and slark. tho im pretty sure i could play any hero as long as its mid or carry since those players are insanely bad. 1,9k u could also play cm mid and win i suppose


                                                                            spam bloodseeker.

                                                                            people in that bracket don't carry tp's

                                                                            GOD'S COMPLEX

                                                                              Do yourself a favor and don't end up like Blunt,

                                                                              Don't waste more hours on dota, some day you will have 5400 hours played and then u will notice u suck so u will have to lie about your mmr because u dedicated too much hours to still sucking so much.


                                                                                I would tell him to get good because me boosting him is retarded

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                                                    storm naga slark are the most reliable

                                                                                    i do ancient necrophos so i can boost while eating dinner etc tho

                                                                                    Mr. Nice Guy

                                                                                      i raised my mmr alone(this is my main account,and the only one) from 1,2k (where i started at lvl 13) to 2,7k atm. what to get 4k . from 1,5k to 2,2k most of the games with meepo . from 2,2 to 2,7 most of the games with sf. if u just want to spam one hero you ll get bored and i dont think anybody wants this. try sf or meepo (meepo either mid either carry if smd says he can support you) . just keep tp to you and fuck the others,dont waste your time by ganking if u re not 100% sure u get kills. 1kill =300 gold i think,that means 7-8 last hits,dont forget that when you re wasting your time with ganks.

                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        @GOD'S COMPLEX dude i play like less than 12 hours each week, bruh dont compare me with Blunt, if u rly hate him, pls dont count me in in your hate carousel.

                                                                                        lm ao

                                                                                          ^^^^^^^^^ Guys, you just can't win 1.9k with a goofy hero. I live in SEAsia region and people there, tho they have bad english, are totally better than people in other servers. I've run through guys that are quite good, I can't believe they are stuck in that MMR.

                                                                                            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              ^I never pick Ember if my teammates dont pick heroes that synergize w/ him well, maybe like a Skywrath Mage or any standard supp, which is rare in that bracket. Also, there's actually a difference between 800 and 1.9k. People belonging to the latter is much more noisier in chat.

                                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!