if u ever get this "cant connect to blizzard servers" just quit and wait, usually game starts updating. It happened to me multiple times, I launched the game too quick.
In light of Marlan's recent complaint about the lack of transparency, here I go:
aFeect has been muted for a couple of days due to repeated posting of inappropriate images (I even kindly asked you guys not to post those tracer/widowmaker butts...)
so its your words against my words
butts against social slavery
incoming ban against my dick pic
life is full of choices, as one wise man who liked number 9s, once said
I realize what I'm about to say is not going to end well for me
But whenever you guys post something inappropriate, I have to delete it. You guys won't see deleted posts, but I still do. So when that one guy spammed gay porn a couple of weeks ago, I had to look at it for hours while browsing the forum cuz it never went away.
Whatever floats his boat
But I don#t exactly care who told who to do what.
As long as you didn't hold him at gunpoint, he still chose to post inappropriate pics
edit: meant to marlan
edit x2: if i recall correctly, the copyright of the theory stating strong correlation between level of аutism and 4.2k mmr belongs to you
isnt tha tobvious?
if u ever get this "cant connect to blizzard servers" just quit and wait, usually game starts updating. It happened to me multiple times, I launched the game too quick.
can u just tell and stop speaking with riddles u spoiled edgy kid
smfh 3 golds on route as attack with widow garbage teammates
LMAO found some screenshots xd
spray combinations LUL
chilling with the boys
no i wont, retard
ROFFL sombras broken af
or u know what
actually idgaf, yes i am, so what? u want to flame me now or what
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT guys go 1v1 FIGHT bet ur money now kids, fight's bout to happen GO - GO - GO - GO - GO!!
sombra is quite awful actually, except if they buffed her recently
Please guys stop posting overwatch memes it offends me post oversex/sexwatch pls
yea s.tfu theres no way this heros awful
her weapon does 0 dmg
excuse you i just 100-0d a hog before he even turned around
sure he couldve healed but its quick play they are retards
but that's pretty funny considering ur posts about 4 players taking ur lane and shit
4k players*
ye ok i guess they buffed her then, when i played her some time after they released her i kinda couldnt even kill a afk tracer with a full blast
yes because im not a 4k player but i play with 4 4k doghsits
I did better than symetrical both had same amount of kills and my 4 or 5 streak was so much better yet he gets play of the game RIGGED!!
my pudge in ow is fucking dendi like never missed a single hook
POGHCAMP prepare ur ears bois
I can seriously puke watching Envry operating with his map
In light of Marlan's recent complaint about the lack of transparency, here I go:
aFeect has been muted for a couple of days due to repeated posting of inappropriate images (I even kindly asked you guys not to post those tracer/widowmaker butts...)
but i asked him to post them
so its your words against my words
butts against social slavery
incoming ban against my dick pic
life is full of choices, as one wise man who liked number 9s, once said
who is this "marlan" character im remrin soon to change my nickname to NAGGERS
and by the way you don't need to make it public nobody cares.
just add it to the dashboard notice so the person who is banned will know why.....
i didnt know it was you
good to know i was still 100% right :/
I realize what I'm about to say is not going to end well for me
But whenever you guys post something inappropriate, I have to delete it. You guys won't see deleted posts, but I still do. So when that one guy spammed gay porn a couple of weeks ago, I had to look at it for hours while browsing the forum cuz it never went away.
So pls no dickpics
no, i mean, i promised afeect to send him a dick pic privately if he posts widowmaker here
but i can share it to you as well, if you feel like u desperately want it
BRB getting some new accounts and a VPN
Whatever floats his boat
But I don#t exactly care who told who to do what.
As long as you didn't hold him at gunpoint, he still chose to post inappropriate pics
yea and ur still 100% moron o well u can't fix that. :\
metaphorically i did LennyFace
are u 4.2k mmr?
dont u have a lot of accounts alrdy?
im still not convinced everyone in here isn't cookie
maybe i'm a cookie smurf (a badly calibrated one)
admit that u enjoyed it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lmfao
i lost track of all of my accounts, idk where i even store the passwods anymore XD
i only know nor me neither hanter are cookie cz once we three got matched in a 4k av solo queue game
LOL how did i know triple would resort to MMR as his only argument because he is too stupid to think of anything else.
and no. lol.
im actually sure that back when the gayporn was up it were ayy lmaos best moments
dud, u didnt understand shit, just shиt up
edit: meant to marlan
edit x2: if i recall correctly, the copyright of the theory stating strong correlation between level of аutism and 4.2k mmr belongs to you
if i got a dollar for every time i saw this pic i could pay a for full night with spunkis mom
Triple used to be more fun when he was younger, now he serioused and resort to old corny jokes while sending dick pics to kids.
Shame on you.
Also shame on you for laughing about my 1000gpm anti mage
then you obviously didnt see this pic quite often yet
XDD triple
sad man
idk, i think every dick pic i got from triple was a solid 10/10
that was a good page