But just hypothetically imagine such a situation, I suddenly found you and stand with your face is directed in a rifle, what would you do? Of course, would pray for mercy and sadly have thought about how to write garbage on the forum that how it's all petty and insignificant, all the birthdays and other garbage when you are on the verge of death, and not the fact that I would spared you, I am very angry. And in general, that this is not just empty words, and suddenly, but in fact is going to happen?
allison ur score is giga bad
below 8k behavior score is shadowpool
agdq music PogChamp
But just hypothetically imagine such a situation, I suddenly found you and stand with your face is directed in a rifle, what would you do? Of course, would pray for mercy and sadly have thought about how to write garbage on the forum that how it's all petty and insignificant, all the birthdays and other garbage when you are on the verge of death, and not the fact that I would spared you, I am very angry. And in general, that this is not just empty words, and suddenly, but in fact is going to happen?
meka is overclocking his pc because it's the only thing keeping him warm in motherland
pudge spammers is my fetish
i thought it was a cp joke ;(
Ye nvm xD
- Do not go, damn, moron, bitch, fucking. You Th, hhhuёl I they said what? Climb, nahhuy, Naka back, damn! Blockhead, damn.
- It eats you, whоre. Fuck you used? ..
- Bllyads!
- Su-ka! Fucking ...
- AAA!
- (Krehtya) damn.
- Yes blyayayad, bitch!
- (Mad laughter until the end of the video)
- Ёbni her fuck.
- Yes, as she ёbnut? Damn, moron, bitch, you eblan.
- Ebash her eyes, in the eyes huyar!
- Stick, stick come on!
- A! Ah, damn!
- Stick come on, damn! Fucking moron with-a-bitch you are!
- You Th, ohuel?
- You're fucking, you're ...
- Bastard, damn.
- Bitch, fucking kosogolovy, damn! Tuporylye dickhead, damn.
- On...
LMFAO Teacher gave me a d+ in a fucking course that is practically a reading contest
yeah time to sue
but its not my fault tho
not only do i have to play lp every day but also against 6ks smh
my lp games have higher avg mmr than solo ranked
i wouldnt mind playing like against 1 or 2ks so i can get out in a few hours, no, im playing against pro players and 7k+ mmrs
or i get into 4k games and get heroes like naga cm and visage 4Head
diffekult mem
typical redditor
time to take arab name
^ Because arabic characters are written right to left, this probably fucks with the layout that trying to read the characters.
Also kek, your name is Matthew lulz.
nah its a picture from reddit
btw do u think i should go to a nearby quran school to learn arabic with risk that the german police might swat my home?
afaik ur mums name is matthew
i went to translate this on google فوضى and it wasnt even penis smH
expected شاذ جنسيا
My Arabic is rusty though I still speak Urdu & Punjabi pretty ok
man i FUCking hate these f.a.ggots who park like 5 cm away from me and i cant get out
yesterday i actually learnt how to read korean, its easy as fuck
and فوضى is a tv show that i really liked lul
It's 2017 who the fuck drives in this day and age?
pretty much everyone
well this is actually very good music Kreygasm
من یه پرندم
آرزو دارم
تو باغم باشی
من یه خونه ی
تنگ و تاریکم
کاشکی تو بیای
چراغم باشی