General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
meteor hammer

    the furthest it usually goes is not stacking the hard camp as a support laning against axe, underlord, and the like because 2/3v1s are way more common than tri v tri

    batriders especially annoying because he can eat a stack at no cost, and you need 2 people to contest him because he can kill any 1 lone hero away from tower that isnt ls or jugg

    the other half of this is that if u can win a 3v3 u can pull and force them into a fight in the camp then spank them, so blocking the camps not always a good idea in that scenario


      yes i found you to be one of the least autistic people on this forum actually contrary to popular belief

      this is one of the kindest things that anyone has ever told me


        the furthest it usually goes is not stacking the hard camp as a support laning against axe, underlord, and the like because 2/3v1s are way more common than tri v tri
        batriders especially annoying because he can eat a stack at no cost, and you need 2 people to contest him because he can kill any 1 lone hero away from tower that isnt ls or jugg
        the other half of this is that if u can win a 3v3 u can pull and force them into a fight in the camp then spank them, so blocking the camps not always a good idea in that scenario

        makes sense i guess, thanks

        the problem regarding these sitoations is that ton of unexpected things happen and dual offlanes that shouldnt be able to get close to the creeps absolutely wreck the safelane or vice versa

        or my favourite thing is stacking the hard camp and two minutes later 5 enemy heroes casually show up

        Questo commento è stato modificato
        meteor hammer

          i quad stacked a large camp and enemy alch rolls up with both supports and eats it /wrists


            what's up with the arin faces?

            Yowai Mo

              I'm glad that the skinny vegeta never became a thing


                I'm glad that people from zurich are dumb

                bring back my yesterday




                    bring back my yesterday

                      dos catos el chapo huesos


                        What's with those red eyes in a profile picture and how do I add those red eyes in a profile picture?

                        bring back my yesterday

                          u must be in the dotabuff cult clan to achieve this next level editz


                            what does that even mean?

                            bring back my yesterday

                              if u mean ^^^^ i dont know i just typed el random

                              Yowai Mo

                                Zürcher sind viel gschider als ihr tuagaoer rednecks

                                Yowai Mo

                                  Nöde mal roti auge häsch


                                    hani scho aber nur irl #420 #vapenation

                                    Yowai Mo

                                      Brennessle am rauche smh


                                        du zahlsch in züri 50 für en rauch

                                        me, government hooker

                                          man idk what it is about these fucking videos but i lose my shit everytime


                                            tfw that one time where someone thought i'm triplesteal


                                              50 für en rauch LMAO


                                                Yowai Mo
                                                  Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                                    i woke up after 10 hour sleep
                                                    guess what
                                                    tired again

                                                    Yowai Mo

                                                      shower ice cold and you won't be


                                                        ^ pro tip

                                                        also you can say "its only small because i took a cold shower"


                                                          ne das hast nur du nötig bei deiner mini salami


                                                            nein du


                                                              ne du


                                                                du soiniggel


                                                                  next page pls



                                                                    hast du ein problem du gaggalaari

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      minderjährige stehen hinten an

                                                                      1v1 mid äääh basketballplatz

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        ne diyonuz amk insanca konuşun


                                                                          komm schulbibliothek da schaune wir wer schneller bücher lesen kann du

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            mmm nice 3 days before we need the room in perfect condition to get the paper signed the door lock breaks))))

                                                                            Yowai Mo

                                                                              Locking doors in 2017 LUL


                                                                                @ Arin

                                                                                LOL tossing out the shocker eh? Thats pretty bad ass. 10 hours sleep holy crap, Im lucky to get 7. Perhaps your over sleeping?
                                                                                PERHAPS YOUR TIREDNESS IS CAUSEING YOU TO BE CRANKY and then EZ tilt??

                                                                                Just a thought is all....

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  The number of hidden treasures to find in Zone 6 for 3 Stars has been changed from 7 to 6.

                                                                                  i think the temple is doable on 3 stars now

                                                                                  me, government hooker

                                                                                    anyone knows song at 7:04


                                                                                      AMK YARRAK SIK DIR LAN


                                                                                        i think the temple is doable on 3 stars now

                                                                                        it was just bugged terribly
                                                                                        funny that it always showed 6/6 chests

                                                                                        but even if we picked up the last one near those awful arrow traps, it never counted as 3 despite getting 7 chest w/o deaths and in time limit

                                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                          ogres are still bugged though


                                                                                            we never got to rush it without deaths so idk yet

                                                                                            it's hilarious how valve's most talented developers manage to break 4 more things after fixing one

                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              Actually, I learned the problem with the ogres. Turns out you have to save the captain last. So, near the final boss, we have to save the soldier first, then the leader. I'm not sure if we tried this, but I have Ogres on 3 stars so it worked fine once.

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                im not sure i hjave 3 star ogres lemme check