General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
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      mid seems pretty fun to play after you deny 100% xp and there isn't an extra creep

      too bad that dota is still ultrashit which drags it down

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        mid seems pretty fun to play after you deny 100% xp and there isn't an extra creep

        not when ure at the receiving end of the deny changes

        (also not when theres some FUCKER who camps u lv1 and then u have to ship a salve or go to base meanwhile ur opponent gets a 2nd null and u kiss ur cs goodbye)

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          my steam profile is getting a step closer to benao's his


            i love laning against sniper mid as morphling


              don't play morph then


                atakan will u come by 8 pm today?


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                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      haha 🅱️uicidal 🅱️e🅱️es xD

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                              check out mah soundcloud nibba, i got the clout


                                i wish people bought more meteor hammers

                                now it's going to get buffed and it's going to be absolutely obnoxious to play against

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                                  balkan boys LUL

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    gachiBASS Clap

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      i wish people bought more meteor hammers

                                      now it's going to get buffed and it's going to be absolutely obnoxious to play against

                                      id rather have the item deleted altogether, i feel like its an item that can either be really bad(like right now) or way too good

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        ye french music is GUD


                                          can i upload my code somewhere without it showing up on google? i guess i could github it but i dont want to github garbage

                                          i just want to ask whether its normal to write about 300 lines of code for 1 (weekly) assignment, with probably bigger tasks to come soon

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                                              Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                hello where is new rankking?

                                                me, government hooker

                                                  man i just found the BEST meme page on FUCKING FACEBOOK
                                                  it has the same memes alenari posts except theyre in romanian and that makes it 10 times better

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    10 times worse u mean

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      also i post lots of different shit it doesnt rly describe anything

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        what alenari posts:
                                                        4panelcringe, comedycemetery and bonehurtingjuice

                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            i also post ruski memes occasionally

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                              monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA monkaMEGA

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                Мы удивительный народ...
                                                                Давеча слышал историю от моего друга дальнобойщика, тот от своего друга дальнобойщика. Дальнобойщик едет по трассе, видит монахиня "голосует", он её решил подвезти. Душа русская потому что! Видит же, что монашка, денег не стрясти - всё равно подвозит! Щас наберите воздуха в грудь? Готовы? Водила говорит:

                                                                -Видите-ли, я вот всё в работе и в работе, жену уже на вид не помню, денег мне от вас не надо, но не поможете ли вы мне расслабится, как мужчине?

                                                                Ой, я вижу задние ряды засмеялись. Передние ряды, помогите им расслабиться как мужчинам.
                                                                Сейчас смекалка будет русская! Вот хрен бы кто из монашек тамошних, американских, так догадался сделать!

                                                                - Ну что вы конечно, только туда естественным путём мне нельзя, сами понимаете, если только в попку.
                                                                -"Ну конечно-же "сестра" я всё прекрасно понимаю".

                                                                Остановили на лужайке, он её раком поставил, вдул, сделал всё по-русски, отжарил хорошенько. Ну как вам не стыдно! После сотворённого садится в кабину, закурил. Рядом садится монашка. И говорит. Готовы? Приготовились? РЖАТЬ НЕ НАЧИНАЙТЕ! И говорит:

                                                                -Вот хорошо вам водилам! Кого хотите, того и ебёте. А вот нам пидарасам, то в монашку, то в пастушку переодеваться приходится.
                                                                У нас даже геи не пропадут! Пока соображалка работает - не пропадём мы, русские!


                                                                  i get a malicious site warning, begone with your russian viruses

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    This great evil 😈 . Where does it come from🗺️❓ How'd it steal 🏃🏿‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️ into the world 🌍? What seed 🌱, what root did it grow from 🤔? Who's doin' this 🤣😂? Who's killin' us 😭🔫💀? Robbing 🏃🏿‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️ us of life 💃 and light👼🏻. Mockin 🤭 us with the sight of what we might've known 🤓. Does our ruin 🤕 benefit the earth 🌎 ? Does it help the grass 🌱🌱 to grow, the sun ☀ to shine 🌤️? Is this darkness ☁️☁️ in you, too 🤔?



                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        for real though inability to get sr/phase/aquila/mom in lane is fucking INFURIATING


                                                                          yes no yes no yes no

                                                                          why would it be? the issue comes when everybody uses the courier


                                                                            the other day i played ta in high 4k and by the time i could get my desolator from the courier, i already had my blink as well :thumbsup:

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              the courier can be tossed around pretty often in early game, and even more so because now u need cour for sr phase aquila
                                                                              if ure left solo vs the enemy offlaner getting pahse almost autowins the lane with the deny changes and im not a fan of getting it 7 minutes into the game


                                                                                found a GEM on reddit titled "REKT BY FAITH"


                                                                                  id rather have the item deleted altogether, i feel like its an item that can either be really bad(like right now) or way too good

                                                                                  but it's very unlikely to get deleted so i didn't even count with that option


                                                                                    nice new video




                                                                                        ^whats this gay shit doing in here

                                                                                        me, government hooker

                                                                                          u dont come to ayylmao often do u


                                                                                            Donnerstag, 16. November 2017
                                                                                            20:03 - TripleSteal-: whats the ideal dick size in ur opinion
                                                                                            20:03 - faw-: my dick size
                                                                                            20:06 - TripleSteal- is now Offline.

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                                                                                                i'm going to save sayori

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  man most courses feel like
                                                                                                  what is being taught in class: 2a+3b=5
                                                                                                  what is being expected in the exam: (x^2)y''+4y'-y=f(x)

                                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                    at least in my experience