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General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
Pale Mannie

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    Pale Mannie


        Pale Mannie

          I pressed the windows button while playing System Shock 2

          Pale Mannie

            my windows blazed it


              It's 4:20 here PogChamp


                Dat centaur tower deny 4Head 2ez4rtz

                bum farto

                  Fucking RTZ what a player!


                    Rofl dat game 1 xD

                    plz do



                        Inb4 sven force staff is the new build nerf furion OSfrog sprout OSfrog OP

                        plz do

                          xD that last fight though was pure suicide

                          D the Superior
                            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                              SUPERHOT iz realz dealz

                              the realm's delight

                                LMAO misery

                                Pale Mannie

                                  i use the Laser Rapier to save ammo

                                  the realm's delight

                                    ee skadi+deso 4Head

                                    the realm's delight

                                      LMFAO BM CU.NT


                                        Study of Dunning-Kruger effect was awarded by Ig Nobel prize


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                                          the realm's delight

                                            weebs won Feelsbadman


                                              Gg rekt ez


                                                we wont play today cz these guys cant do it. they offered us a reshedule/defwin choice, i obviously went for reshedule.

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                the realm's delight

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    what now no more twitch chat memes no more drama no more gaben spam





                                                            guy who claimed that i lost him match added me yesterday
                                                            today i checked his match history and except one match he has 6 losses


                                                            D the Superior
                                                              Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                this cant be good...

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  what does this mean

                                                                  bum farto

                                                                    Means you're shit. Btw what is with the really awful games over the last couple weeks, good players watching majors?


                                                                      ^ye literally everyones getting bad games

                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        what THE FUCK IS THIS


                                                                          ^ping is very high, i will go and restart (steam/dota), give me 1 min, thank you.

                                                                          the realm's delight

                                                                            rofl whys he playing on eu


                                                                              maybe a china scholar etc
                                                                              or maybe misclick i guess since from his games he doesnt play from eu at all

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                btw alison, can u explain why so many ODs opt for shivas as their first major item instead of hex? feels like hex brings so much more threat esp if you are planning to get dagger


                                                                                  allison can u play faceit in 1 hr 45 mins?


                                                                                    top kek


                                                                                      ur friend or just added him for fun

                                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                                        i would generally only rush hex if theres a very mobile core i need to lock down fe ember. since with omni and void we only run as 5 i personally dont need the lockdown because void provides it and bane too and shivas an all around better item for teamfighting


                                                                                          guy who claimed that i lost him match added me yesterday
                                                                                          today i checked his match history and except one match he has 6 losses

                                                                                          i played with him yesterday when i instapicked mid, he blamed me for the loss when he tried to gank opponent mid while i was under my tower or with no mana


                                                                                            ALLISON CAN U PLAY FACEIT CUP IN 1 HOUR 40 MINUTES U FUCK

                                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                                              triple i dont think so i have some sort of practice exam for the hs leaving exam tomorrow idk what it is called like in english and i havent been studying anything the entire year, so maybe i will do it today 4head


                                                                                                no one wnats to paly with u triple thts why ure solo queuing FACE THE FACTS