General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
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    Triple what was your last name again? I forgot. I'm filling out this paper for the police

    me, government hooker

      enemy party stack = 2x 6,1k solo
      stack in my team =

      in a 5,1k avg gmae

      no guys dont worry matchmaking is not broken



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          OMFG again Low Prio 4th time this patch,
          I'm guilty of a crime it's called picking Storm

          bum farto

            Why do I have such game ruining friends. Wish I could go back in time and never have met some of them.

            me, government hooker

              still won LKMAO this hero is aweomse

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                @Magnus ayy lmao


                  i just watched deadpool and it was super boring.
                  which of the new movies are worth watching?

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                    Star Wars was good and The Hateful Eight was ok but not Quentin Tarantino's best
                    E: The Revenant was also ok
                    E2: Batman vs Superman looks like super trash but can't tell didn't see this one

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                    D the Superior
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                        np it was a pleasure

                        This one is not new but I can recommend you this one
                        You probably need to watch the first one The Raid:Redemption to know the characters.


                          Should've not clicked the furry porn magnus.

                          But that's what you like so I don't understand the exorcist

                          D the Superior
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                            bum farto

                              Here magnus browse this


                                ROFL what the fuck...

                                D the Superior
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                                    i miss you boys


                                      aFeeect judge my deck!

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                                          The symbol in the chest is off and jarring to look at.

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                                                Need to post from phone, work pc not safe from bosses anymore FeelsBadMan

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                                                  Nice meka, almost as blue as my blue shoes

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                                                    me, government hooker

                                                      im blue too PogChamp

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        I liked Superman vs Batman actually. Though I am generally satisfied easily so.


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                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                MY HEAD HURTS JUST BY WATCHING THIS


                                                                  yeah i'd hate to be black as well

                                                                  afeect, what's your mmr?

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                                                                    scraps is black, be carful what you type bruh


                                                                      @salza idk if you are winning with it then keep it when u start losing change something.
                                                                      @arin 5k

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                                                                        this is how i imagine myself, studying computer science


                                                                          ^ WutFace

                                                                          bum farto

                                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                                ^^Nice socks


                                                                                  why do u wear shoes at home (exc. havoc who's not at home at this point of time, i guess)


                                                                                    wat da fak




                                                                                        i could at least start using miracles when i dumped 4 or so levels into faith just so i can use astora's sword
                                                                                        idk why did i do that tho, i think i've heard somewhere that it will help me deal with skeletons but i tried to kill them with normal weapons and it has same effect so.. what

                                                                                        bum farto

                                                                                          @Tripple when i am at home... they ain't shoes

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                          D the Superior
                                                                                            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                              how do i unmake this? i currently have ~20 fps in dota after i updated my amd drivers - i tried deleting the drivers and rolling back to the old drivers that i have, but now it lags nonetheless FeelsBadMan hulp me plis

                                                                                              today when i booted up my pc, my keyboard didnt work (it wasnt on) and i had to put it into another usb slot and put my mouse usb where my keyboard usb used to be, now i can use both

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                                                                                nice i have higher fps in bf4 on ultra than in dota

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                                                                                                  ye next time i'll come with socks only at work fucking 4Head