i just calculated that a cheeseburger gives you the most kcal for your money in switzerland
because someone one /fit/ said that a McDouble is the best food for money in mcdo
i have a line of any positive whole numbers, there's even number of them (like i can have line: 12-5-7-65; 4 numbers)
now theres a game where are two players, each player takes one from either side and throws it away
now which player has a winning strategy
or my question rather is: is there someone who dealt with this exact problem and knows the question precisely
because otherwise the player 1 always wins since before his last turn there are always two numbers left and he can just choose the bigger one regardless of previous steps
but this sounds rather easy and i think i understood the question wrong because i had usually problems when solving shit like this but i just tried a couple of combinations here and realised the solution in like 2 minutes
also a question: is it bad to find solutions and realise the rules by playing with it and trying out different stuff instead of just figuring it out by looking at it?
i just calculated that a cheeseburger gives you the most kcal for your money in switzerland
because someone one /fit/ said that a McDouble is the best food for money in mcdo
shit's expensive
what the fuck am i even doing. it's 3 am
i have a line of any positive whole numbers, there's even number of them (like i can have line: 12-5-7-65; 4 numbers)
now theres a game where are two players, each player takes one from either side and throws it away
now which player has a winning strategy
or my question rather is: is there someone who dealt with this exact problem and knows the question precisely
because otherwise the player 1 always wins since before his last turn there are always two numbers left and he can just choose the bigger one regardless of previous steps
but this sounds rather easy and i think i understood the question wrong because i had usually problems when solving shit like this but i just tried a couple of combinations here and realised the solution in like 2 minutes
also a question: is it bad to find solutions and realise the rules by playing with it and trying out different stuff instead of just figuring it out by looking at it?
Onions out 4 ayy lmao thread
the ayy lmao thread is but a vessel, a physical (digital) manifestation of our unholy desires
the true spirit of ayy lmao comes out when dank memers and shitposters come together
im a newfag tho thread is dying a little each day
gtg going to buy 3 cheesburgers
why does a cheeseburger cost as much as a hamburger and why do both cost 2,50CHF?
a hamburger here costs like 1,20€, cheeseburger ~1,70+
remember when both cost exactly 1€
dunno, maybe we have excess cheese?
i think extra cheese on a hamburger would cost 3.- so yeah
True Ogres are eating in Burger King
rtzW1 rtzW2 rtzW1 rtzW2 rtzW1 rtzW2 rtzW1 rtzW2 rtzW1 rtzW2 rtzW1 rtzW2
rtzW3 rtzW4 rtzW3 rtzW4 rtzW3 rtzW4 rtzW3 rtzW4 rtzW3 rtzW4 rtzW3 rtzW4
i said you too to the girl handing me the tray
cringe, better go back and apologize for saying what u did
Ogres have no feelings
it tasted like ass lmao
hatsune have u heard of the song addict love? im listening to it on repeat right now its insanely good
well obviously he eats ass for lunch, so yeah?
a contest where you're supposed to check the food your school sells for how healthy it is, and if you win this chick comes to ur school:
apparently she's a "youtube star". do you think if i win ill be able to ask her for her phone number/sex?
have you ever seen me? i am drowning in pu$$y
it's just rude not to go for the ass aswell while you're at it
u post furry pics and u say eating ass is gross
u cant do that
her black eyebrows are making me uncomfortable
i just sold battlefury and instalost a game as ant-image
ye i tihnk so as well, the eyebrows are 2dark
spunki be useful and give me the song