General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion

    I got a B, fml. Shit is gonna be hard now...sad part is that i really tried.


      i cant believe someone can be that clueless about the stuff i wrote.
      says cut the bullshit, writes a wall of bullshit


        i mean have you ever did anything competitively? if you did you should know the first thing on your mind is not the money you gonna win out of it. it just screams ignorance.

        saving private RTZ

          its not bashing but i was a bit dissapointed. If i would be to win 1000$ from doto i will be pretty happy few days after, but 6 million?

          And okay, Alliance beat Navi, but whats the point? CDEC got it to the final, just like Na'Vi so? its the same thing. + Alliance crushed Na'Vi in WB finals, while EG lost 2-0

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Page access.


              if i won i would be just like eg

              not giving a single fuck


                xan - you dont know s*** I came from the cotton fields in Bolivia and played my first competitive tournament in soccer, winners of the tournaments got 15$, a meal and a coca cola whereas the runners-up got 2 bottles of water. you have absolute no clue how happy i was when my team came out on top. i sat down on the damp grass for 30 minutes with my head resting in my palms of joy. So now be quiet with your judgmental s***. 15$ could supply my family with wheat for 3 weeks and a small water tank.

                No giggities?

                  Why the heck are you that much on the defensive? Sincerely, congrats on your achievements. Nobody denies that. But the fthat you can't have an objective point of view of their reactions because you are stuck extrapoling from your own experiences only clearly shows your limits.

                  I had different reactions throughout the years when i won competitions in hockey and Judo. I basically had the same reaction than the EG players during a few hockey tournaments especially the longer ones. I was at first pretty excited and much hyped about winning the tournament but the longer the tournament goes, the less emotional i became partly due to the exhaustion and the fact that cold rationnality overturned the initial hype. I was really excited to REACH the goal but when it was actually reached, most of my team and me were like ok boys we just did it. No incredible reactions of any sort.

                  Of course it wasn't 6 millions but as Xan said, these guys didn't think about the money first. As the days go, they will eventually start to realize the enormous amount they now have. I strongly believe they left everything on their way to victory and they didn't prepare at all for the win itself.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    again you are projecting your own 3rd world money issues onto bunch of privileged kids (except fear) who prolly never had to work in their lives.
                    thus they dont even have an idea how hard is to get a million, or to actually earn it. they cant possibly fathom the value they got except that its a lot of money.
                    and you cant seem to grasp that.

                    if anyone is judgmental here its you with your bullshit about your own money problems


                      I'm pretty sure they realize how hard it's to earn it thru all those years, don't you think?

                      agree with the other shit tho


                        Guy spilling bullshit aside, can anyone tell me (or post) the overall pickrate and winrate of Winter Wyvern during TI5? I want to see if nerfs will be coming.


                          Diet pepsi, thank you first of all. The reason why you werent so happy after all by winning was simply because the tournament didnt mean enough to you, the reason it didnt mean enough to you is because the reward of winning isnt that great, and the "reward" is meassured in many different ways. So thats about it. Nothing more to say actually. You can say the same when you win a game in Dota, naturally im "glad" when i win, but im not like super enthusiastic about it, the reason why im not super enthusiastic about it? Thats because the 'reward' of winning a game isnt that great, no spectators, no money involved, and im just doing it in my own basement not sharing the joy with teammates next to me if u know what im saying. If there was just 20$ at stake for example i would be MUCH more happy with winning. If i was sitting next to 4 players and committing a lot personally to the game i would be MUCH more happy with winning. If i had 30 people spectating my game i would be MUCH more happy with winning.

                          I remember when soccer was my bread and butter, when i woke up, the only thing i could do / was fun to do was to play soccer, it was my life. So when i won something, with teammates i loved, in the sport ive spent my whole life playing, the game ive committed so many hours to and it could bring food on the table it was great. And i just won a small local tournament, haha idk how i would react if i won the world cup i would probably be crying for the following 3 months. I remember missing a penalty i couldnt fall asleep at night the following week and i always cried myself to sleep coz i was so sad. But enough of that, its kinda irrelevant. All im saying is that it seems odd to me that they werent more excited for winning.


                            Xan - I dont care if Fear is a spoiled kid, if hes autistic, if he has aspergers, if he has down-syndrome, if he has social problems i dont care about what the reason is to his reaction, i wonder why he isnt more happy about it, or seem more happy about it at least.


                              @[LK].Zano - 16 picks at the main event, 56% winrate, picked or banned in 76% of the games. Gyrocopter and Leshrac was either picked or banned in 100% of the games - including the group stage.

                              NextStep ®

                                They looked pretty happy to me.
                                I don't understand why people complaining about their celebration.


                                  Fear doesnt give a fuck, he looks so tired / careless
                                  Universe looks confused
                                  Sumail is just chewing chewing gum wearing his neckpillow
                                  PPD looks like he just wants to get out of there
                                  AUI is the one that appears to be most happy about it, but he seems abit confused about it as well; "Is this Doto or is this Russia"

                                  NextStep ®

                                    As far as i'm concerned, they were smiling and looked happy. Even ppd was jumping at one point.

                                    Granted, the celebration was cry far from TI3.
                                    But it's kinda crazy that people judging them for their reaction after winning TI5. LOL


                                      I dont think so. Again, its not judging, its wondering that they arent more happy with it when they committed so much and won the biggest tournament in the game they love. Its really odd they dont appear more happy.

                                      Zero IX

                                        Clearly lack of crying and helicopter arms means the finals were rigged xO)