General Discussion

General DiscussionIs SF a ganking style mid?

Is SF a ganking style mid? in General Discussion

    I was working under the presumption that SF was more of a farm oriented mid, and unless there was a good rune/opportunity to gank, there would be no sense in doing so?

    Last game I got flamed the fuck out of by this ursa and windranger, who said they were both 4k players (doubt it), and they kept flaming me because I wasn't roaming from lane to lane and was instead farming.

    Now, they don't really matter, but I just wanted to check and understand whether I was playing the hero wrong or was it right of me to try to farm and potentially make a comeback possible?

    casual gamer

      sf is not a ganking style mid, unless you get a invis or haste and are already lvl 5+ AND are willing to sacrifice lane time to do the gank

      basically just assume that everything ur teammates ever say is complete bullshit


        Also the game I posted, I was trying to farm jungle and did try to split push lanes out. Should I have skipped attempting the SnY after the shadow blade for something more utility?


          He can gank if lane isn't pushed and if team needs it.

          However, not before level 7. it would be good that if you want to gank, equip yourself with at least pt/aquila/bottle before you do.

          Having haste/Invis/DD means you can pretty much gank even at level 5, if lane is pushed.

          Don't bother ganking as SF if they died. Most of the time, in that case, it's best to farm lane/woods/push mid tower, then with your core items try to even the match.

          Also, if you're rushing Shadow Blade, after you get it, you need to acclerate between farming/ganking/pickoffs/openings, etc.

          Don't just get waay too passive. Go splitpush, go farm, tp for fight, search for pickoffs, etc.

          It just comes with time, pretty much. SF ain't hero you can learn over night.


            Don't listen to them, they're idiots. WR built a mek when she clearly doesn't have the mana pool needed. SF isn't a ganking mid either, you're supposed to put priority on farm and towers. Only time you can gank is if you have a good rune or the enemy is diving under towers.



              Prioirity changes over time.

              If you're way too focused just on that two, be sure, you'll lose.


                im an SF picker myself since dota 1, and for my opinion SF can do all sorts of things really

                just depends on your farm and if your doing good in your lane, like.... if your owning mid and have time to gank other lanes to end the game faster or just prevent enemy team to farm then that's good.

                but you can also play the "arteezy way" of SF where he gets a certain item ( mek,euls,midas? XD ), then just goes around kill people.

                there's also a situation when your against a "timer" as they call it, where you have push line ups or just bad late game.

                thats when you fucking AFK farm for the early game, and show up when your needed.

                my best answer to your question is WIN MID and FUCK THEM UP!

                casual gamer

                  my personal advice to u is to go for something else instead of shadow blade first. It's 2.8k gold, and gives no survivability and minimal utility besides pickoffs (and pickoffs are often risky, especially if they group up or buy sentries). Other common first items like mek, bkb, or even euls -> blink usually provide you with a general gameplan and a more reliable way to avoid dying

                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                    euls blink is something I've often considered, but (A) I'm not too comfortable on the timings for ult combo (will do that with practice).

                    And more importantly, at normal skill, I have recently noticed, no one gives a fuck about sentries or dusts. 1 in 10 games will I even see 1 dust on anyone after I just SB ult kill a few people. The escape ability and the extra dmg from coming out is really helpful , and until I get to a tier where I see the counters to SB being picked up consistently, I kinda feel safe with SB.

                    Although sometimes if we need to fight really early, and its pure 5v5 from like 10 minute onwards I get my SnY before it


                      Problem is, there was a pudge going around, so your choices were either force him to go back to mid by agressively pushing, or just merely outfarm him and get a good first item and try to do pickoffs.

                      If there's no one agressively warding and scouting out, you can't have a shadow fiend, a doom and an ursa farming against a pudge and a tinker. Game was probably lost from the draft unless mirana kept scouting, and doesn't seem like he did.

                      tl;dr, no shadow fiend isn't a ganking mid, but you probably should have pressured and won your mid so he couldn't move out of his lane.

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                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        It was tinker in my lane, and I kept harassing him out so he would go back to base then tp to another lane, or take a rune, which I'd ping and inform and tell them to care, they'd still be closer to enemy tower than their own. That was an issue, tinker started getting big

                        Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

                          U can gank if u are on 1k mmr


                            After you pick up sb just start roaming around their jungle murdering anything with sb dmg + your rightclicks and farm the enemy jungle


                              sf is afk farm get 6 sloted before anyone else type

                              like am but ranged and with lamer mobility

                              casual gamer


                                this is how u dumpster normal skill players at sf

                                if u look closely u can see that i actually cannot play this hero for shit and i still raped them

                                the east wind

                                  there is no thing such as ganking style or farming style. you farm mid and jungle with every hero if the conditions met you can gank other lanes... like haste rune, smoke or enemy diving to towers.


                                    If ur teammates say "sf no gank gg" just abandon aint no way ur winning that game

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      In our bracket tons of retards expect mids to gank. There's only like 3 or 4 popular "ganking" mids, most mids are there to win lane and farm. Qop, storm, bs, wr and then maybe leshrac, but even then he needs to farm, slark but he's never played anymore. Drow, sf, dk, TA, even viper is a pretty shitty ganker cus he's so slow despite having uber slows himself. It's more important he dominates lane.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        you dont need to gank but you sure as hell need to have a TP scroll to counter gank

                                        Von Darkmoor

                                          Actually go solo mid make sure you're winning it or won it (ie tier1 down or 2-5 kills on him mostly it will be tower down) get youre core PT, Eul/Meka/SNY whatever poison you like anyways at this point go with team and deathball to the victory I would say this is the most common approach. If you want more tips i suggest you go watch Ferrari or someone else TI5 is on and free so just pick any SF game and get down to player perspective and then copy it as best you can.

                                          (Personly i detest the hero too simple, broken and extremly boring. I tend to like more advanced hero resulting in me not winning ^^ )


                                            you NEED a tp on you always! from like min 5? ready to countergank!


                                              I get a TP on any mid hero usually in the second courier trip. (First one is just the bottle)

                                              And no, SF doesn't need to gank unless you have ideal runes for it like Haste or Invi. Btw, its much harder to successfully play a ganking style than successfully playing a farm mid style.

                                              lm ao

                                                Dont play SF on SEA serverski. Ever. Problem solved.

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!