General Discussion

General DiscussionTell me it will be better ...

Tell me it will be better ... in General Discussion
Jesus Perez Ramirez

    Ive started abandoning games... Ppl are so fucking bad its beyond everything.

    I have ALWAYS best stats in team, best xpm best gpm, but cant fucking win a shit... my teammates seem to be at least 1k below me... WTF

    Lacking basic knowledge and/or skill. Ive took half year break bcoz of these complete utter garbage ppl. Still same shit after half a year.

    I would rather say that solo mmr is even WORSE. Ppl are complete noobs... Do i have to pay fucking dendi to have some quality games ?

    It seems like only solution, pub trash is terrible.

    dzizas las vegas

      not sure if you're not playing AP because of low prio or whatever, but non-ranked games are usually considered goofy and people don't care too much. also, you can get 3k players in non-ranked even though it's VHS.

      it wont until 5k. im currently around 3.7 and i feel at least 4.5 but i thought I was simply after watching too many pro games and streams so I asked my 4.7 buddy to give me his account for a test -- people are better, but surprisingly a lot of people are equally bad.

      the difference between 3.7 and 4.7 for me is that it's only so much easier to play a perfect game on 3.7, in the sense that they won't try to stop you doing what you're supposed to. the downside is that your team doesn't know how to take the advantage of you playing well.

      my advice: learn 5 heroes of one position and spam it. if you specialize in position 3 or 4 you will virtually never be contested. i did this with mid, and surprisingly, i play 90% of my matches mid. if not, then usually qop/wr offlane - something that performs well mid/lane game

      in my experience i dont think its a good idea to play hard carry to carry your team, but maybe im just a bad carry player.

      Jesus Perez Ramirez

        Why the fuck enemies are always so good and teammates are complete garbage ... wtf

        Jesus Perez Ramirez

          Check my last games ... fucking 80% winrate vs 20


            Just bad luck

            King of Low Prio

              you are playing unranked and wondering why you teammates is full of retarded people?

              Jesus Perez Ramirez

                i plaed 1 ranked to check if ppl are better... still dno


                  Go play 100 ranked in a row and then complain about teammates, if you go every game like 20-5.

                  Jesus Perez Ramirez

                    ehh QoP farming octarine vs 3 hard hitters no words Kappa

                      Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                        who wants to take this one? I'm really fed with this type

                        Jesus Perez Ramirez

                          Leaving brood to farm for 40 min... only me ganging her Kappa 2


                            benao pls just finish him off