General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich new/old/current doto hero genuinely put fear into your heart an...

Which new/old/current doto hero genuinely put fear into your heart and mind? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Old: Pre nerf huskar
    New: Something bout arc doge scares me
    Current: tbh, a good enemy ss mid


      tinker, i would just pick spectre or go dagger and shit on several heroes just to catch the bastard


        Gambler or whatever that guy was called. Didn't Play dota back then but just the idea of this hero is... something

        Arc Warden seems to be OP, I will try to learn him for sure. Also slark might get a buff or two.

        current: a not randomed meepo or earth Spirit. they're usually horibble but you never know.

        Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

          Storm and WR. Hate em.


            Storm, definetely. And techies.

            Miku Plays

              old: necro
              new: idk, maybe necro
              current: necro

              fck him and his heartstopper, fcker shows up in my lane all the time


                I miss some heroes like I really do.

                Mirana used to be decent, Crystal Maiden used to the bomb, NP was a scourge, Doom used to be feared, Invokers used to be the shit.

                Carries aren't cool anymore, split pushing AM's, map farming PL's, jungling bloodseekers, instapicked gyros. Exciting plays with Void, terror, Luna, weaver are just things of the past.

                I honestly miss the 95% of the hero pool in every patch. Patches for me mean looking at which supports counter the current 5% of picks that people will inevitably make.

                I pick Keeper of the Kappa, Winterwyvern, and would pick oracle if his ult wasn't garbo.

                New: Pitlord, I will be playing him exclusively cause i know what he can do to a enemy team.
                Old: ES, Troll
                Current: I fucking hate Lina, undodgable spells after Euls if she lands the spell. I don't mind lesh.


                  Old: Troll
                  New: PL
                  Current: Leshrac

                    Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                      [color=#239edd]Old: Split push Prophet and Tinker, Quas Wex Invoker
                      New: Arc Warden
                      Current: Bloodseeker[/color]


                        did everyone forget about the three stars?


                          Old: Tinker pickers in my team back when he was FOTM.
                          New: Arc Warden, both in my and in the enemies team.
                          Current: Tusk, in my team, because the fucker always manages to put me in the snowball and land in the middle of 4 angry heroes because he was too dumb to recognize a bait.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!